Summer’s Here!

Yes June 1st arrived and we are officially into the Summer Months and it is great.  Although being in Britain it can be really cold too, so we have to hope that we get some lovely warm sunshine!  Especially some long lazy sunny days where I can spend the day reading outside.  What can be better than that?

It is also Friday and a Summer Friday at that, what could be better?

As things have got better a lot of events which have been cancelled over the last two years are happening now and it is great to see, with people coming out and supporting them.   Our Carnival begins in three weeks time,  I am off to my Birthday present from 2020 next weekend to see the Band Queen & Adam Lambert in Concert in Birmingham which I am really looking forward to.  The four of us are also going out for Sunday lunch for my Birthday, as the actual day is a Monday (dreadful day to have your Birthday on!).  I also have a trip to the Spa arranged which should have been towards the end of June but I had to re-arrange it due to Coco’s arrival but looking forward to that.  Tom & the Boys are out at a car show the following weekend so it will just be Coco and I at home, so probably a takeaway and film night in store for me.  Then that will be June over with!!!

My very good friend Jayne and I, our Birthdays are a week apart so we usually try and go out for lunch between the two dates and are hoping this year to go over to Nottingham to have a look at some of the stores and have a nice lunch then.  I bet you it will be raining though!!!

In July we have our second swimming Open for the younger swimmers and we also have a family Christening which has been moved three times!  DH has a couple of commentating events on then we have a couple of weekends left to do some jobs at home and in the garden before we go away for two weeks to Scotland again in August and can’t wait!  Then it will be Eldest’s Birthday and before we know it September and Autumn will arrive.  Boy how the year flies, especially when you are having fun! Again not complaining after what we have all gone through in the last two years.

Whatever you lovely lot are up to this Summer I hope it is a really good one for you.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Summer’s Here!

  1. farmquilter

    Happy Birthday, Susie!!! I hope your birthday weekend is wonderful and the concert surpasses your expectations!! You will have a busy summer that I hope is filled with enough sunshine to balance the rain!! Perhaps I need to visit England again…it only rained once, for a short time, for the three weeks I was there last time!! Guess that when all the boys are at the car show, you may have time to introduce Coco to quilting!!

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