Monthly Archives: September 2014

Unexpected Monday!

Monday comes round far too fast!  Youngest had a swim competition on Saturday and he did really well with a second and two third places and bettering his times, which is more important for him!  He came home with three more trophies for me to dust!

DH and I managed to get some jobs done in the house and garden although Treacle has been very busy with one part of the garden as something has moved in!  Trouble is we don’t know what!!!!  DH got up at 5.00am this morning and it was still dark outside but we could hear something scuttling around under the bushes at the front of the patio!!!!!  Also the owl was still hunting and calling very near to the garden.  I don’t mind so long as it isn’t a rat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DSC04020Here is Treacle on the Hunt!

 DSC04021DSC04019These two pictures show Treacle looking for whatever has moved in.  We think it is nesting underneath the steps!

DSC04022I did manage to get nine of these blocks done for the new baby quilt I am making.  I now need to get them joined together and then the rows done and then decide what to back it with.  I think I have a lovely soft green material for the back, but will have to dig it out from my stash.

DSC04023Still have this small quilt to put together and finish and a little something that I am making for Baby Evalyn for her first Birthday, now where has that year gone!!!!

Must dash as I have dinner to make and another basket of ironing to do (those baskets of ironing seem to come round too fast!)

Hope you are all having a merry Monday!

Hugs, Susie x

A Great Lady

Sadly on September 24th, Deborah, Dowager Duchess of Devonshire peacefully passed away at the grand age of 94.

Formerly Deborah Mitford, the youngest of the six Mitford girls, she was probably the most normal of all the girls and lived the longest of them all.  She had the most fascinating of lives and wrote quite a few books regarding her time as caretaker, with her Husband the 11th Duke, of Chatsworth House.

DH and I got to meet her at an event held at Chatsworth in the late 1980’s and she was very normal and down to earth. 

In one of her books she only complained once about the size of Chatsworth House and that “It is a terrible place to house train a puppy.  Letting a dog out in the night is quite a performance, including the complicated unlocking of monster doors”!

A great quote and probably something none of us ever thought about when visiting Chatsworth, that not only is it a beautiful National Treasure it is also a family home.


Deborah, Dowager Duchess of Devonshire

31 March 1920 – 24 September 2014

Hugs, Susie x

Thursday Quilty Things!


Treacle and I never win anything, she came second and third in the Carnival Dog Show this year!  However in the See You In September Blog Hop I won one of the Giveaways from Pat at Life in the Scrapatch (!  Last week I received the above parcel and inside was the wonderful pattern for Pat’s Maple Leaf Mug Rugs and two mug rugs.DSC04014

Thank you Pat for choosing me as a winner.

Treacle and I also won a prize on the Pets on Quilts Show at Lily Pad Quilting ( and this is what we won!  I love the colours and want to thank Michelle at Hoffman Fabrics ( for being one of the lovely sponsors.


Now you would think that I would be rushing off to use the new fabric or make some Maple Leaf Mug Rugs but no this is my next project with this lovely fabric.   DSC04016 DSC04017

I have had it for a while and I now have a another baby quilt to make for a couple who don’t know what they are having, so I thought this would be great for a boy or a girl.   DSC04018

I especially think that this little tyke looks exactly like Treacle, although he is sitting up straight unlike Treacle!

I am hoping to get this cut out on Saturday and start making the blocks.  DH and Youngest are at a swimming gala on Saturday so Treacle and I will have the house to ourselves and no phones ringing! 

Today should have been house day but I caught up with work so I am going to try and get everything done as soon as I have taken Youngest to school tomorrow morning.  At lunch I am going to a Coffee Morning being held in the village in aid of MacMillian Nurses, then grocery shopping so that should take up the whole day before I fetch Youngest from school!

Hope you are all having a thrilling Thursday.

Hugs, Susie x

It’s Wednesday and I have Nothing Done!

It has been a very hectic week since the end of the See You In September Blog Hop and I have been desperately trying to catch up.

The Swimming Club have had to implement the new swimming times and days to accommodate the closure of the other pool for three months for repairs to the tiles on the floor of the main pool!  As you can imagine we have had swimmers who didn’t know where they were supposed to be and what day, despite notices being out for a while!  We have finally gotten them sorted out!

 I also had to attend every swimming session, instead of just the ones the Boys go to, to hand out 127 party invitations to our Small Pool Swimmers for their party in November!  That took a week.

 On Saturday we went to friend’s 40th Wedding Anniversary celebrations and had a lovely evening but were late home.  We have also been extremely busy with our business as well, but had a day off yesterday to visit DH’s Aunt in his home village and then visit his Uncle (they are not related) who was 93 yesterday!  We had a lovely day catching up on all the family news and actually got to see DH’s cousins as well, who we haven’t seen since Eldest’s 18th Birthday last year. 

Then I had some news from a very dear friend who had got some bad news from the Doctors which threw us all sideways!  They are hoping to keep things under control with drugs but is still waiting for some results to come back.

 By the end of the week I was exhausted so have not been able to get anything posted and have not even done my draw, which I will be doing today.

I also wanted to thank everyone who left lovely comments on my Day of the Blog, I loved reading them all and have responded to everyone so thank you for taking the time and also those who became Followers,  Welcome, I love meeting new people.

I have also finally got the binding sewn on to all three quilts!!

I have used Mr Random Number Generator, but cannot now copy it onto the post (!!! :()) Anyway he has chosen No. 47  which is :

  “Mitch and Molly

We love all of your quilts, Miss Susie! No way can we choose a favorite. They are all stunning! Night night, Treacle!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly”

So Congratulations to Mitch and Molly and I will arrange to get their prize of the Autumn material to them.


The weather here has become very Autumnal, with evenings and early mornings being cold but during the day it has still been warm and very dry.  However the leaves are falling from the trees very quickly.


This is the garden with the late afternoon sun on it.  You can see Treacle with her football (well it was a football!) and the leaves!!!  At the weekend we will be out picking them up.


After having a run round outside Treacle settled into her basket for a snooze.  She is definitely getting into Autumn and sleeping a lot more!!!!  Doesn’t she look cozy?  She has also postponed her Wednesday Wag for today!

Tomorrow I have some lovely things to show you so stop by and have a look and also have a look at my next project.

I hope you are having a lovely Wednesday.

Hugs, Susie x 

My Day On “See You In September Blog Hop”

Today is my day on the Blog Hop and welcome!    Firstly a huge Thank You to Madame Samm  at who comes up with all these wonderful ideas for the Hops and to Shari, our lovely Cheerleader at  who has done a great job in organising all of us.

I cannot believe that we are already in September but when I look back on what we have done and seen in the year so far, we have been really busy.  No sooner had Youngest finished school for the summer when it was last Monday and he was back at school!  Despite having those six weeks in which to get my three projects completely finished and the Riley Blake Gingham project done, I am afraid to say I only got two and a half completed!!!!!!!  However I can show you pictures!!!!!


This project is finished and is the Picnic Quilt that Amy at Sew Incredibly Crazy blog asked me to test her pattern for her.  I have quilted it and even managed to get the binding sewn on.  This is the one I entered for the local Produce Show last Saturday,  but I didn’t win anything 🙁  I did the free motion quilting on my new (well a year old now) Janome machine which DH bought me for my Birthday/Christmas presents last year.  I love it!  I am still learning to do the free motion quilting but it is getting better and I love the feel of the quilt when it is done.



This is Lily’s Quilt.  Lily is the younger sister of Girlfriend and it is for her Birthday in December when she will be eleven.  I have almost finished the binding on this (!) but just ran out of time this weekend.  Again I had great fun with my free motion quilting.



This material I saw on a recent trip to the Quilt Shop and I just loved it.  I decided to make this little table top quilt for me and hang it near my desk, which I also use for sewing! 

I am sorry that the pictures are not good but again I ran out of time to take them outside to take the pictures. (I am actually writing this post at 10.50pm BST so really last minute and now dark outside!!!!)

When it came to a project in Riley Blake Gingham I have always used the small gingham and unfortunately this is one of the ranges that is being cancelled 🙁 but at least Madame Samm’s campaign has saved one of the range. 

Having got the schedule from Shari I realised that my day for the Hop was September 11th which is a date I will never forget.  We have a book at home and it is called “We Interrupt This Programme….” and it is about points in history when momentous things happened and when people will always remember where they were, when they heard the news.  Well I was working at home with Youngest who was 1 1/2 years old and Eldest was at school.  We had just finished lunch and Youngest was watching one of his cartoons (he was allowed to watch two cartoons after lunch) and the news broke in over the channel and I immediately turned to BBC 1.  I sat there with Youngest on my knee in total shock of what I was seeing and then to see the second plane it was horrific.  Something I will never ever forget.

So because of today and in remembrance of this here is my project.


I had the lovely red Riley Blake Gingham and the blue stars fabric is left over from my American Quilt I made three years ago.  “The Look What I Made” holders are where I displayed the Boys pictures and things they had made at school.  Then as they got older I used them to keep letters from school, Scouts and swimming, and things I needed to do or remember.  These sit at the side of my desk where I sit all day and I can see my representation of Old Glory.  

I did look up the rules about displaying the American Flag and found them to be very strict and it does say that it must not be embroidered on anything, but if you look around blog land there are a lot of quilted flags.  I do hope I have not offended anyone by doing this, but felt this is what I needed to do for today.

I have really enjoyed seeing everyone’s projects and have added quite a few of them to my “To Do” list!  Here are the other ladies who are hosting today with me:

Thursday, September 11
Susie’s World
  (You Are Here)
Needled Mom
Cate’s Linens
How ART you?
I Like To QuiltBlog

Thank you for getting this far in this long post and reading about what I have been up to this summer.


This is open to everyone, everywhere, just leave me a comment and Random Number Generator will pick one lucky person on Tuesday September 17th.  You don’t have to do anything else.  If you would like to follow me that would be great, as I love meeting new people even if it is through a computer.  You can win this bundle of fabric; a small Riley Blake Gingham in orange, a very bright orange fabric left over from the picnic quilt and two pieces from the Fabulous Fall range from Moda.


Thanks for stopping by and to DH for being a human quilt hanger while I took the pictures!

Hugs, Susie x


As you can see Treacle tried to stay awake to help but it just got too late for her!

Tuesday Turmoil!

Today’s Ladies hosting in the above Hop are :

Tuesday, September 9
Just Let Me Quilt

Marjorie’s Busy Corner
The Quilting Queen Online Blog
Marla’s Crafts
K and S Sweets and Stitching

I have now managed to catch up and just need to hop along to the above ladies to see what they have been up to.

We had a committee meeting at the swimming club last night and it was very long and we didn’t get home until 11.00pm!  One of the main pools we train at closed yesterday for three months for repairs to the pool floor so we have had to move all our swimmers to our other pool and fit them in there, so it has been a really busy time.  We have also had to move our two in-house Galas which take place in October and November.  Anyway the new pool called to say that they are having a problem with their filtration system and one of the dates we have chosen for the first gala, the pool is going to be closed!!!!!!!!!!!!  So I have had to scramble and find another date!  I think I am going to hide in a darkened room and not come out until Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you remember me telling you that Eldest had been cast as an Extra in the film “Testament of Youth”?  Well they have now released a trailer on You Tube, which you can find here :  At 0.36 there is a scene of the parade ground and Eldest is on it.  Below is a capture of the still and he is on the third row back from the front, third one in from the left!  We are so excited. 

testament of youth picture

We are so proud of him.

Need to get on with dinner now as I have Minutes of the meeting to type later 🙁

Hugs, Susie x

Monday – Bittersweet Day


Despite promising to not get behind, I am!!!!!!!!!!!  Friday got away from me and then the weekend, so I didn’t post which ladies were hosting on the See You In September Blog Hop on Friday, sorry!  Anyway here they are and also today’s ladies.  I will be hopping around to see all the fabulous projects later.  I did get some quilting done so……

Friday, September 5
 Stitchin’ By The Lake
Coeur d’Alene
Words & Stitches
Pig Tales and Quilts
All Thingz Sewn

Monday, September 8
Quilting Quietly

Creatin’ in the Sticks
Procrastination Queen
Lovelli Quilts
Cherry Blossoms


We woke this morning to find it foggy across the valley.  The Weather man promised that it would clear up and be warm during the day and it has, but it was really cool this morning, it definitely had an Autumn feel. 

Today was the first day of school and Youngest went back and Treacle and I were so sad.  On the first day of the new year I have always taken a picture of them in their uniforms and sure enough we did this morning. 


Here he is in his nice new uniform for this year (he had grown out of last years!!!!) 


He decided before I got downstairs he was going to do his own selfie, No not quite right for the album!!!!!!

It has been a busy old day and tomorrow I have lots of work to do but hopefully will get to finish my last project before my day on the Blog Hop on Thursday!!!!!!

Hope you are all having a great Monday

Hugs, Susie x

Day Two See You In September!

Today is Day Two of this great Blog Hop and these ladies are hosting today :

Thursday, September 4
Jane’s Quilting
Life in the Scrapatch
Sew Many Yarns

Gracie Oliver Arts
Everyone Deserves a Quilt

Do you ever find that although you are trying to finish projects and still have another three projects to finish that you start planning more?  Well that’s me!!!  I have just started to plan out Youngest’s Quilt which I have all the material for and then I want to plan some other projects that I may sell.  I want to set up an Etsy shop but feel that I need things before that but I am having great fun planning.  Just need to make sure that I do the doing too!!!!!!

Especially as I can while away a couple of hours reading my favourite blogs and looking on Pinterest too!!!!!

I am doing the swimming run again tonight so am going to finish sewing the binding on another quilt I have finished, at least I get time to do that.  Now if I could find a way of taking my machine too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anyway DH has got home early (this is amazing – hang out the flags!!) must get on with dinner before he goes out to a meeting and I get Youngest off to swimming.  Have a thrilling Thursday.  Tomorrow is house job day and I have to run some errands as well, but I am going to get back early to finish some quilting.

Hugs, Susie x

The Wednesday Wag


It has been one of those days here on Wednesday Wag, Mom has been rushing around all morning, Eldest came in helped Mom and then went again and is coming back again and Youngest has been busy sorting things out because he is going back to school next week!

I decided I needed a day in bed (!) and have been surfing the web.  Here is some things I have found today

Hello there! This adorable photo shows a polar bear cub waving at the camera as it emerges from its snowy den in Wapusk National Park in Manitoba, Canada

This is a young polar bear who has just emerged from his den in Manitoba, Canada and he is busy waving at wildlife photographer Greg Harvey!  Mom says he is really cute, I think he and I could do some damage rough housing!!!!!!

Dr. Chris Brown, the Bondi Vet

The new series of Bondi Vet started this week on TV and Mom and I have been watching it.  I just love that Dr Chris and wish he was my doctor.

Image for Rogz Dogz Tagz Roglite (Online Only) from Pets At Home

At the Pet Store they now have in the new Rogz Dogz Tagz Roglite which Mom says she needs to get for my collar (which is also by Rogz), as it is starting to get dark earlier and she can’t find me in the garden last thing at night when I go out before I go to bed!  These clip to the collar and flash on and off.  I think the pink one is just about right for me, don’t you? 

Anyway I must dash now the grocery shopping has just arrived and I need to supervise the unloading and putting away.  Especially before my Boys get their hands on all the goodies!

Woof, Treacle

See You In September Blog Hop


I hope you are all ready for the See You In September Blog Hop which begins tomorrow and I can’t wait to see what all the ladies have been up to over the summer.  I am still finishing off my three projects (!) but they will be done for my day on the Hop which is Thursday September 11th.


Below are the Ladies who are hosting tomorrow so Hop, Hop, Hop along and see what they have been up to.

 Wednesday, September 3

Sew Incredibly Crazy
Bumbleberry Cottage
Thimblemouse and Spouse
Mad Quilter’s Disease
In The Boon Docks

I am determined to visit each lady on the day they are hopping and not leave it, otherwise I get dreadfully behind.  I also promise to answer all the people who leave me messages on the day as well, otherwise that will be a BIG problem!!!!!!  I am going to be very busy over the weekend getting everything sorted and photographed.

Have a Thrilling Tuesday, I am off to swimming with Youngest in a while.  Only five more days left of the holidays, I am so sad 🙁

Hugs, Susie x