AI – Telling You Off.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) – a lot of things being written about it and how it could impact us and the World and even take over in the future à la “Terminator”.  However I am sure that they are taking over already.  Especially the machines in our home which nag me!  I bought a new washing machine and tumble dryer which have an app for your mobile.  SO when they have finished washing or drying you get a notification and if you don’t deal with it, it carries on messaging you!  The same goes for the dishwasher!  I mean I know you have finished the job you are doing, you don’t have to keep nagging me!

We do not have an Alexia or any other type of version of it but we know friends who do and they say that she nags them and one set of friends ask her to do things and always say please and thank you to it, just in case!

The same with updates on the computers, lord help you if you don’t do the update straight away as again it reminds you every time you sit down to do any work. 

So I don’t think that AI will be taking over and doing our jobs, no they will be sitting there telling us all what to do and nag us when we don’t!!!!!!!!


Coco is having a lazy day today!  I have swapped days to go to Eldest’s garage and this is her in her basket just before I left, she did not want to move today!  She is going to be Spring Cleaned, well her beds and baskets are, this weekend, so no doubt she will be on our bed as hers are in the wash!  Just need to get her in for a spa day as well!


We put our Clocks forward one hour over the Easter weekend and I absolutely hate this for about two weeks until we get used to it!!  In fact I never feel right until we put the hour back in October!!!  I love the light nights especially in the summer when it is nice and warm (hopefully) but it is still hard.  I have also been going through a waking up at stupid O’Clock every night. Sometimes it is 2.00am, mostly it is 3.00am and occasionally it is 4.00am!  We get up at 5.00am anyway but it does not matter how busy in the day I am or what time I go to bed It is always the same and when I do wake up say at 3.00am I am wide awake!!!!!  So I am writing this now at 3.30am whilst everyone else is asleep snoring!


Decluttering is going well.  I saw people doing this on various Instagram reels and as we had to clear out my Grandmother’s home when she passed away, which also had my Great Grandmother’s things in as well, I am determined not to leave our Boys with a mess.  It took DH and I over a month to sort out my Grandmother’s home and we found all sorts of things but a lot of it we had to go through and get rid of.  My Grandmother had a habit of putting a letter or bill back into the envelope it came in and then keeping it, so we had hundreds and hundreds of envelopes to go through to check what was in them.  This was obviously long before recycling and so we took about three trailer loads of just paper to the local tip! 

No matter how much you try, you still seem to collect clutter.  “I will just keep this as I may need it…”  I think we are all guilty of that saying!!!  So I have gone through my pile of things and gotten rid of a lot of it!  Where I can it goes to the charity shop and if it really cannot be repurposed it then goes to the recycling centre and if it really is bad finally the bin.  When we did the attic I sorted out the spare bedding and towels and now have one set of guest bedding and towels and spare quilt and the other set went to the charity shop.  Old quilts and towels DH uses in the garage for packing when making a delivery and old towels are used for the same and Coco has also got a “new” towel for her.  I will try and show you some pictures of the sorting process. 

One big job I am going to do, which is a job I actually love doing, is editing my books.  As you know I re-read all of my books so keep all of them but I do have some which I know I do not want to re-read again so they will definitely be going in the donation pile for the charity shop.  This, of course, means that I will have a little bit of space on my shelves, which means I will be able to get some more books!!!  A win, win in my book!!!!!!!!

I have also edited my wardrobe and gotten rid of some things I don’t like or will not wear again and had a good tidy up.  Our dressing room is looking a lot tidier and I now need to move on to my toiletries and make up.  I have bought some plastic drawer liners to sort them out into categories to make it easier to see and use things.  Again I will get some pictures for you. 

I have noticed, watching some of these cleaning reels on Instagram, how people do not have a lot of things and I don’t think I could go that far as to have a completely minimalist home, as I love my things but I do know there are a lot of things that I can get rid of!  I think you just have to strike a balance which is right for you.  Well it’s a plan anyway, I will let you know how I get on!

Have a wonderful weekend you lovely lot!  DH and I and finishing the painting of the kitchen, laundry, den and downstairs bathroom and again I will show you pictures.  The colour is nothing exciting as it is brilliant white but it looks so clean and fresh.  

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xxxx

2 thoughts on “AI – Telling You Off.

  1. Molly the Airedale

    I don’t have Alexa at my house but my daughter does and she seems to love her. Technology can really be over the top in this day and age. I’m not a fan of DST ever but that’s just me.

  2. farmquilter

    I have a Google thing…use it mostly to translate C/F, find out the current outside temp and ask random questions when I am reading something online!! Occasionally when I am trying to spell a word that I can’t even get close enough for the dictionary on the computer to correct I’ll ask for it to spell it for me!! Coco has the right idea…bed is perfect! I’ve been having those weird wake up times too…3-5…thankfully, I can get a cup of tea, do a few things on the computer and then take a nap!! Five hours a night is about the max and when I need to sleep before 10, I know I’ll be lucky to get to 3…of course, there are those nights when sleep doesn’t come until 6 AM. Benefit of being retired is that naps are always in fashion!

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