Monthly Archives: August 2015

The Wednesday Wag!

Mom’s busy today getting things ready for our vacation and everything of mine is being washed, including Teddy!  I am hiding at the moment in case Mom decides to wash me!!!!! (No Treacle I don’t have time to wash you, but you could do with it!!!)

Mom has also been watching the Swimming World Championships in Kazan, Russia whilst she has been working and tomorrow morning in the heats is one of our Swimming Club Members, Molly Renshaw, and she will be swimming in the 200m Breaststroke.

I personally don’t like getting wet, unless it is on my Spa day, but then I have two ladies doing my spa treatments and a nice warm cabinet in which to dry, now that I don’t mind!!!!

DSC04809It’s been raining again today but it is still mild but no sunshine.  Mom let me have the door open for a while but then said it was getting cold!!!!  Can’t win, I love the sunshine best.

DSC03298This is also what Mom’s been up to, washing everything in sight that they will need on vacation!!!  I am helping of course by keeping track of the washing!!!!!

I hope you are having a happy Woofy Wednesday


Getting Ready!

I have been busy getting things ready before we go away, including the house and garden!  If only I could ban the Boys, DH and Treacle from the house having done the jobs!!!!!  I know its not possible but if only…….!

I was going through my camera card, deleting pictures I had transferred to my main storage and came across some old pictures

IMG_0232This was ten years ago (!) on holiday.  Youngest was five and Eldest was nine!!!!

Loch Mohr 3This was five years ago (!) on holiday.  Eldest was fifteen and Youngest was eleven!!!!!

When they were six and ten we changed their rooms round and Youngest went from the smallest to the biggest and vice versa.  At the moment they are arguing that they should go back and Youngest have the smallest again and Eldest have the larger one!!!!!!  I cannot believe they are arguing over the smallest bedroom!  Anyway here are pictures of what they looked like after we had swapped them.

IMG_0465 IMG_0466We told them they could request one thing and Youngest asked for a bed off the floor and as he was train mad at the time DH and I built him a carriage bed, like a Pullman train carriage.  He loved it.

View 3 View 2Eldest requested  a “grown up” bedroom and so we created for him a teenage “pad” and he loved it, still does as it looks the same today and this is the room they both want.

We have decided to leave things as they are for the next few months until Eldest has decided what he is going to do and then when that decision is made then we may swap the rooms round again.  Of course we will have to paint both of them before we do and now they are older they both can help!!!!!!!

Busy sorting out clothes tonight for packing and sorting my stash out with things I want to take away.  Thursday my good friend, Jayne, and I are going to the big quilt show at the NEC in Birmingham, can’t wait.

Hope you are having a Thrilling Tuesday.

Hugs, Susie x