Monthly Archives: February 2019


As you know we have ordered a new bed frame.  We were working out how long we have had our current bed frame and we bought it when Eldest was four and I was expecting Youngest and he is twenty this year!!!!!  To be fair it is because we have never found one we liked before this, when you start looking around you realise how few different styles there are and I think they are made all by the same manufacturer!!!!  Anyway we found this company about twenty miles from where we live who make the beds on site from actual wood!

Anyway when the new bed arrives which will be the Tuesday after Easter Sunday we are going to have to change our room round a bit and take away a couple of things.  I am also planning on Spring Cleaning our room from top to bottom when we have taken our old bed frame away so it will be ready for when the new bed arrives. 

Before we moved to our current home I used to go through lots of home magazines and clip out pictures of various rooms that I loved and have incorporated some of the ideas into our new home.  Now, of course, there is Pinterest and I can spend hours looking at different things on there!!!!!


We will, eventually, change my dressing table which is even older than the old bed!  We had this set when we moved into our previous home which is twenty-eight years ago!!!!!!  However I have already changed things on my dressing table with my makeup.  I have gone through all of it and got rid of things I didn’t use and tidied the rest and it is now in the top drawer of my table.  On top I now have my perfume, brushes and lipsticks.


I bought two new glass jars for my cotton wool pads and Q-tips


My brushes sit in an old glass candle pot from Crabtree & Evelyn and my lipsticks in a cut glass bowl which was just sitting in my glass cabinet so I thought I would put it to use.  I love re-purposing things like this.

As you can see I use Chanel.  Having tried different products from different companies (I used Dior when younger) I have found that the Chanel products suit my skin the best. 

We are also going to replace DH’s dresser as well, hopefully by the end of the year, and it will all then match.  I will show you pictures of our room as we progress.  Here are a few pictures of what it looked like when we first moved in and decorated it.

Different #TBT today!

Our weather has now reverted to more like February temperatures today and it is raining!  Of course it is March 1st tomorrow, the start of the Spring months although it is already Spring like with the daffodils coming out already.  DH and I are out on Saturday evening at another swimming competition but the rest of the weekend is free so we can get some jobs done. 

Happy Thursday Everyone!

Hugs, Susie xx

The Wednesday Wag.


It has been a glorious few days and I have been able to be outside with the door open although it does get cool in the evening.  Mom is trying to get me an appointment at my Spa but they have been off for the school holiday and are all booked up, she is hoping for one next week as you can see I am getting quite woolly!


Of course being outside and all the fresh air makes me very sleepy!


Did the biscuit tin rattle then?  I am awake and very aware of what is happening!!!!

The weather is going to get cooler again at the end of the week so I hope I can keep my woolly coat for that!!!

Woof, Treacle.

Another Glorious Winter’s Day.


Well it has been 17°C today because of a “hot plume” coming up from Morocco!!!  It has been really nice and sunny today but over the next few days the temps are going down and more like February/beginning of March should be!!!

Treacle has been enjoying the weather and been outside and of course didn’t want to come in when I called her!  Getting her food dish out did the trick!!!

Xander Parr 6

This Eldest baby of mine has now finished all his exams and course work and is now a fully qualified Technician and has been accepted onto the Elite Group at college to do his Masters (another year) and is being put forward as a candidate for a National Award!  We are so proud of him. 

Yesterday and today had been busy with work but I have managed to keep up with it all and in fact actually get ahead!!!!  Tomorrow I have to run Youngest around as his car is in for a service and he has Thursday off.  Before we know it, it will be the weekend.  We have another swimming event just Saturday night which I am helping with but other than that the days are free so we can catch up on some jobs.

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(Picture Credit: Kathleen Tracy)

I did get some quilting done over the weekend and began a Mystery Quilt from Kathleen Tracy at “A Sentimental Quilter” here.

This is the first time I have tried doing a small quilt so it will be interesting to see how it turns out.  I have downloaded the February block and the whole thing runs to July when Kathleen will tell us how to put it together to make a quilt.

I hope you are having a Terrific Tuesday.

Hugs, Susie xx

February 22nd, a Wonderful Spring Day!


I think Punxsutawney Phil should do the weather forecast every day, not just once a year, because here in Derbyshire we are having a wonderful Spring Day.  In fact parts of the UK are supposed to be warmer than Egypt today!!!!  I know everyone will say it is global warming but I am really appreciating it today.  Even Treacle has been enjoying having the door open to our garden and running in and out. 

I took the opportunity to take my camera out into the garden and here are some pictures.


This was a planter that a very good friend gave me last year after my hip operation and as you can see the mini daffodils have come out.


The Primulas have come out over the last two days of sunshine.


Last Autumn I planted a lot of snowdrops as they seem to like the soil but only a few have appeared and I think the wretched squirrel has been digging them up and eating them!!!!


I made a quick trip to the garden centre last week and bought a new double-flowered Primula and a couple of other plants which were on sale.


The Crocus are out and more Primulas.


The vegetables are still doing well.


The view over our garden wall towards the big trees and farm fields.


The garden still looks very tidy after its Winter snooze.


We left the wooden Reindeer out from Christmas and Treacle has made friends with it!!!


She managed to find one of her tennis balls to play with.


“Isn’t it a great day, I can be outside Mom?”


The sun beginning to sink early but it is only February 22nd!

I got my errands all done and a few other ones too and tomorrow I am going over to Nottingham to do some shopping and get a few bits.  I haven’t been over since Christmas so it will be nice to have a look round and the weather is supposed to be like today so it will be great.

I hope whatever you are up to this weekend you have a lovely time.

Hugs, Susie xx

Well Quilt Fail!


She doesn’t like it!  Yep nice new quilt, slightly thicker than her old one BUT every time she lies down here now she pushes it away!!!!  I mean the old saying of “Dogs remember faces and cats remember places” doesn’t apply to my finickity Airedale!!!!

DH has suggested that I put her old quilt, which is now washed but several blocks are now broken on it, on the top of the new one and see if Treacle will lie down on it with her old quilt on top.  We shall see!


Unfortunately the cleaning has to be done anyway, which I managed to get done this morning beginning at 5.00am!!!  However last night was the first night I have not woken up at 3.00am, which I have been doing for several weeks now!  I don’t know why!  Anyway DH had to be up and out as he has a long trip to Cumbria today so I got up with him and after breakfast started my cleaning and I was all done by 9.00am!!!  I love it when I get a big job done before work work starts! 


We had some sad news yesterday regarding an ex-member of the swimming club, whose family are still involved.  She sadly died in a paddle board accident in New Zealand where she now lives.  We all saw her at Christmas when she came home to spend time with her family and meet her new nephew and I think we can be thankful for that.  When you receive this sort of news it always makes me thank God for my blessings and ask Him to keep them safe wherever they are and whatever they are doing.


As it is Thursday I am doing #TBT with this one, which I have probably shown you before but I just love it.  Fourteen years ago and February Half Term (which is this week here in Derbyshire) we had taken the Boys to London for the week.  This is Trafalgar Square and we had taken the Boys to the National Portrait Gallery which they just love, having been with school before and wanted to spend longer there. Then we were going to the theatre in the afternoon to see “We Will Rock You”, the Queen Musical, which was brilliant we all had a great time.  Eldest was nine and Youngest was five.

I have some work to do the rest of today and I may go out and run some errands today or tomorrow.  Saturday when DH is busy again (and Youngest will be out) I am going over to Nottingham to do some shopping and Sunday I will be quilting again.

Happy Thursday you lovely lot.

Hugs, Susie xx


Busy Day.

Had a busy day with work and doing odd jobs for DH as he couldn’t do them and did a small amount of grocery shopping as well.

I watched a film the other day which I missed at the cinema and has probably been out for a while now but it is funny.


These four sixty somethings meet once a month for their Book Club and Jane Fonda’s character’s choice for that month is “Fifty Shades of Grey”!  The film continues with hilarious results of how reading this book affects the women’s lives and decisions!  If you get a chance to watch it do, it is funny.  I have never read the Shades of Grey books but several of my friends have and told me ALL about them so I know what they are about!!!!!!!!


I have been busy sorting things out in various notebooks I have for things including plants for the garden and ideas for our home.  We have also got the bookcases tidy and donated a few books to the charity shop.  I need to do the same with our DVDs’ as well and I am still sorting out my clothes. 


Treacle is in fluff ball mode at the moment and definitely needs a visit to the Spa but as it is half term this week they are not in so I will have to ring next week and probably won’t get an appointment until the following week, so she will be definitely very wooly by then!!!!!  She is not bothered but when she is like this it is very hard to brush her!!!!!!!

I hope your Tuesday is going well.

Hugs, Susie xx

Weekend Quilting.

DH was out all weekend and so was Youngest which was great as I got to play in my sewing room all weekend.  I managed to get Treacle’s new quilt finished.


Sorry the pictures are a little blurry but it was last night when I was taking them and it was dark outside.  I got the material from my trip to the Festival of Quilts show last August.


This is the back and the picture below is the closest of the dogs which look like Treacle except for the white flash!


Below is the quilt in situ.  This is where Treacle lies which she chose when she was a puppy as she can see all the rooms in our downstairs when she lies here.


Here she is, half on her new quilt.


As you can see, being an Airedale, it is never perfect!!!!


However she loves being covered in it.


“Thanks Mom for my new quilt!”


Next weekend it is the same thing a second weekend of swimming so I will have time to play with more fabric.  I have the fabric, again from the Festival of Quilts, to make Eldest and Fiance a wedding quilt and also my scrap box to cut into different sizes and colourse, so I may do a bit of both!!!

I hope you lovely lot have a wonderful week.

Hugs, Susie xx

A Spring Day.


Well I think Phil has got it right this year and it will be an early Spring.  Today has been amazing here.  After a very frosty start the sun came out and by midday there was even some heat in the sun.   My snowdrops have really liked it too and have come out.personalerrands2

I managed to get all my house jobs done this morning and some business work and then ran my errands this afternoon and fitted in a quick hair trim!  I suppose getting up really early does have its benefits!!!!! 

DH and Youngest are busy setting up the sound system for the swimming competition over the weekend tonight and then they have to be back at the swimming pool by 6.00am tomorrow.  I have already made their lunches so I just need to make flasks in the morning and get theirs and Treacle’s breakfasts.  So it will be an early start again but then I can go and get on with my quilting, hopefully getting a lot done.

Perhaps we are going to have a lovely Spring day again tomorrow.  Treacle spent a couple of hours outside today as it was so nice but was not too happy when she had to come in!!!

I hope whatever you lovely lot are up to this weekend, you have a great time.

Hugs, Susie xx


To My Valentine!


Happy Valentine’s Day DH!


To My Boys & Treacle too!

Also to all those out there who don’t have a significant other, Happy Valentines Day Too.

Sorry I haven’t posted all week but it has been very busy.  Eldest’s car has still been off the road so I have been taking him to work at 6.30am and collecting him at 5.00pm.  The morning travel is great no cars or people but the evening travel can be a nightmare with traffic!!!  Anyway his car is all now sorted but I actually miss collecting him!

It has been busy with work too this week and the weather has been yucky so Treacle has been hibernating in her basket and I have been hibernating in our den working!

Tuesday evening I took a good friend of ours to our Tangent meeting at the local golf club and hotel. The food was okay and but the speaker was not so good!  Always the same when you take a guest!!!  It was a late night too so I didn’t get home until 11.30pm and then had to get Eldest at 6.30am!!!!  I am feeling a little tired by the end of the week!  I have worked all day today and then tomorrow have house jobs and errands to run. 

This weekend DH is out all weekend with the swimming club at the Derbyshire County Championships and the same again next weekend.  However that is okay as I can spend the days quilting.  Unfortunately I didn’t get Treacle’s quilt finished last week but will this.

I hope everyone has a lovely day.

Hugs, Susie xx