Monthly Archives: March 2011

Mug Rugs

I have seen these on several sites in blogland and thought they looked so cute.  So with the fabric I got for Christmas from the Boys I thought I would make a couple to see how they turned out.  What do you think?
I now plan to make more as they seem like great gifts with a Christmas mug and some homemade cookies.  I thought I had better start now rather than wait until nearer Christmas as it usually gets very busy and my good intentions of homemade gifts goes out the window.
I also have an idea for Eldest son for a mug rug but will show that when it is done.

Susie x

Sewing Weekend

I had a great weekend sewing.  The Boys were out swimming and skiing (not snow dry slopes) but that meant I had the house to myself.  Well Treacle and I had the house to ourselves.  She spent the two days  in her basket asleep, whilst I was busy sewing.  The weather was not good!
Anyway I finished my bag and started a new project, a sewing machine cover.  I use my desk, which is really for work, for sewing and my machine gets dusty so I thought it was a good idea.
What always amazes me is how long it takes to cut out the material.  Especially when you need lots of little strips and squares and oblongs.
I will show you the finished product when I have done, hopefully by the end of the week.
Susie x

Even Treacle is Spring Cleaned!

Never let it be said that I don’t spring clean everything, including our Airedale Terrier Treacle!  Yes she went for an haircut.  Now what you have to realise is that every time I do this the weather goes from being really nice and quite warm for spring, to cold!  Of course that means shes cold!  But doesn’t she look cute. 
I also spring cleaned her beds and she was most annoyed with me so when her bed quilt was washed and dried I had to give it her back until the cover was dry!
She’s still cute though!

Susie x

Spring has sprung!

This is the view from my den window yesterday morning and isn’t it wonderful.  I have all the windows open to let the fresh air in and the temperature is going up and at lunch it was really warm.  I took a cup of tea out and sat on our bench and it was lovely.
DH also saw some new born lambs whilst out and about on business  as well.  I will try and get some pictures when I am out as they start to appear.

Susie x

Finished, Done!!!

I have done it, finished yeah!! The Spring Cleaning is done, what a relief.  I still have to do the garden, garage, shed, den, kennel and patio, but at least the weather is getting better.  I love it when it is finished, hate it when I am in the middle of it!
Susie x

Spring Cleaning

I have been busy spring cleaning and have now completed six rooms with five left to go so over half way! Yeah

The weather hasn’t been too good, we had a glorious day on Monday and because of that it has been foggy yesterday and grey today!  We don’t seem to get any nice days in a row!
Treacle has been moping about the house and yesterday looked decidedly under the weather but then perked up again in the afternoon.  I think she is tired!  Her basket keeps being moved so we can clean I think she is thinking she will be moved permanently.  She will be back in her favourite space soon. 
Our new mattress is arriving today for our bed and can’t wait.  Oh for a good nights sleep.  I have spring cleaned our room and got fresh summer bedding out and it is all waiting for the new mattress.  Just wait they will no doubt ring and say they can’t deliver it today!  Husband and I will then no doubt be sleeping on the sofas! LOL
Susie x


Pancake Day

Yes, Pancake Day yesterday. Nothing ever simple in our house though as we had to be at Youngest Son’s school for an hour from 6.00 until 7.00pm about the SATs coming up. We have already gone through this with our Eldest but things change so Husband and I were there. It has changed a little but still quite daunting for the children.
Of course the Teachers could not resist giving us one of the mental maths test sheets to do! I got them right but it was awful. Took me back all those years to when we were doing tests! I am glad I don’t have to do it anymore!
Anyway got back at 7.30pm to make pancakes. Made the mixture and started the treadmill. 12 pancakes later I had finished and managed to sit down and eat mine with orange juice and a small amount of sugar. I did manage, however, to burn my finger on the extremely hot pan, ouch! It is now blistered so I don’t think I will be doing any sewing today. In fact it even hurts to type.
Treacle enjoyed her pancake (she always gets the test one!).
Happy sewing.
Susie x