Finished, well almost!

Finally it is all done, well a few things left that I need DH to help with, mainly the light fittings.  Being 5’4″ tall I cannot reach them but DH at 6’2″ who also has long arms can get them down without a step ladder!!!  Also the pictures we have on the wall up our staircase even DH needs a ladder for that, they still need cleaning but everything else is done.  It has been polished, dusted and washed to an inch of its life, here are a few pictures of our home and although you can’t really tell it is very clean!!!!!

Our Dressing Room, the bag on the stool is waiting for the winter dressing gowns to go in to store for the summer.  The weather over the last few days has been nice and warm so time to swap over.

My hanging rail which looks so much tidier now.  The pink hangers are new and fit the rail so much better.

Our Room and the tail of Miss Floof!

Youngest’s Room with Miss Floof’s bed.

Eldest’s Room, now my sewing space which I have had a tidy up of but still need to do quite a bit.

This is what Coco does, when I am cleaning she follows me round from room to room!

This is the airing cupboard which, like the room, needs painting which we will hopefully get done this year. 

Our Den, which is our office, and in particular my desk with Miss Floof’s basket next to it. 

DH’s desk which is not as big as mine, but he does not spend all day here like I do.

I spent quite a while in here decluttering things and tidying things up especially these shelves.  I did do the filing cabinet but need to get all the papers from the business year out to store so will have a second go at tidying those then.

It is a nice day today so Miss Floof had her lunchtime biscuit outside.

Our Dining Room.  Everything has been polished and all the glasses and pots in the dresser have been washed.

Our Sitting Room, again everything polished, dusted and washed.  As it is nice I have the windows open to let in some fresh air, something we have not done for a long while due to it being cold and very rainy.

DH and I went through the books and donated quite a few to the Charity Shop and the above shelf is my TBR!!!  I know, I need to get reading!

This is looking into our Laundry and those are my quilts which I have on display which are going to be washed and the winter dressing gowns. 

Our Breakfast bar and one side of the kitchen.

The cooking side of the kitchen and the door into the garden is open so Miss Floof can run in and out!

This is my spice rack and where I cut vegetables and things.  I bought the new spice jars which fit better on the shelves and they can hold one jar of herbs and spices.  I saw them on Instagram and liked them but the while labels they did not have all the names, so I used Eldest’s label maker.  DH is going to take the white labels off and I will replace them with the black labels so they are all the same.

You will notice that the kitchen, laundry, den and downstairs bathroom are very white! This is the painting we did over Easter and it now looks very bright and clean! 

We did do quite a lot of decluttering and must have taken over fifteen bags to the charity shop and still have quite a bit to do espcially the attic things.  Our Garage is the next big project and we do have a few weekends to get that, the garden shed and of course our garden done and sorted.  All four of us went through clothes that we had stored in the attic in the vacuum bags and got rid of quite a lot and now only have things that we are definitely going to wear in there.  Still there is quite a bit still to do.  During our Village Carnival week when DH is out every evening, I will be sorting boxes and things out.  My plan is to move our sofas back in the sitting room, one to the window and one to the bookshelves and create a large area to have the boxes stacked and plan to go through them all then. 

I also have other things to sort out like old pictures from both sides of our families.  They are currently stored in a clip box to keep them safe but I am thinking about getting some albums or scrap books to put them into, but that will be a job for winter I think.  As the weather is getting better the garden will be our priority.

I still have curtains and cushion covers to wash but want to dry them outside and am waiting for a nice warm, sunny day so they can go out on the line to dry. Also waiting for a lovely sunny, warm day will be all the baskets and bins and Coco’s baskets which I wash outside and again let them dry in the sun. 

I need to clean and tidy my car and give it a wash too and our driveway and front garden need a little bit of attention but again I am hoping that the weather getting better I will be able to get a lot done.  I hate doing the Spring Cleaning but love it when it is done!!! 

Last week passed in a flurry of work and hopsital/doctor appointments. You get there early because of parking issues, then early for your appointment but then they are over an hour late!  So it takes up almost half a day! Today is a Bank Holiday here in the UK and DH is still at the swimming event (!) and I am just doing little bits and pieces at home.  DH also has a few weekends coming up for other swimming events so they are being set aside to do some more quilting.  I have a spa and hair appointment this week as well as work here and at Eldests and the usual home jobs and grocery shopping to do.  DH is at home all next weekend so I am keeping everything crossed that the weather is going to be good and we can start the garden. 

Have a wonderful week you lovely lot. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xxx

2 thoughts on “Finished, well almost!

  1. farmquilter

    What a great job you have done with your spring cleaning!! Everything looks amazing…fresh and clean!! So much energy!!! Love how Coco follows you around…Tara used to, but now she’ll check on my occasionally, then retreat to a warm, comfy spot to sleep!!

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