There is Always Something!

I woke up with my left hand really hurting so I think I had lain on it or bent it backwards!  It hurt down the guiders and then down my thumb.  If I take pain killers and anti-inflamatories the pain goes but I spoke to the Pharmacist as it does not hurt to type but feels week when I try and hold anything!  She thinks it is a strain and the muscles are healing but the tendons are still inflamed as it is quite swollen!  She suggested I wear this support until it gets better!!!  As I say there is always something!

This will be tonights job.  Don’t you find that washing seems to breed?  No sooner has the basket been cleared and it is full again!!!

This lockdown I am feeling like the above picture!!!!!!  We got a lot done during the last lockdown but it was Spring and the weather was wonderful and we were able to get out in the garden and it was light nights.  However this time I find my motivation has motivated off! I feel like Treacle and just want to hibernate!!  I will be writing a few lists as this seems to motivate me as I feel good when I tick the jobs off my list.  I hadn’t been out since the lockdown started but I did go to the supermarket yesterday morning which was a good day to go as it was really quiet.  I got those things I needed for the last of the presents and a few other bits.  It was quite nice to be out.

I am really hoping that this weekend will be dry so we can get those little jobs finished in the garden and a few jobs around our home.  It is not long until we will be getting the Christmas decorations out, although I cannot believe it is almost Christmas.  It really has been an upside down World this year!

As you can see Treacle is taking this Lockdown in her stride!!!

Hugs & Tuesday Love, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “There is Always Something!

  1. Molly the Airedale

    I’ve had wrist pain lots of times and I have those supports for both wrists. They do work and keep that body part warm at the same time. Treacle – you make us laugh 🙂

  2. farmquilter

    I’m so sorry you are having pain in your hand! That is miserable!! Lockdowns are a major pain! Even though I don’t go out unless I must (personal preference right now), being told I cannot go out is a completely different story and reaction!! I still haven’t gotten home yet and may be here for longer than expected. The world reminds of the way Treacle lays in her basket…upside down for sure!!

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