Susie’s Book Club Friday.

Susie’s March Book Club Friday

I started one of the books that I got from my Year of Books and got twenty pages in and could not go any further!!! So I then picked this one up as I love Stephen King and it was one of my Christmas presents.

Charlie Reade is seventeen and coming up to his last years in High School.  He has had quite a few things happen to him in those seventeen years including the accidental death of his Mom which spun his Dad into a haze of alcohol.  He became his Dad’s carer until a work friend managed to get him to AA.  Charlie made a deal with God that if he helped his Dad get and stay sober he would do anything to pay it back. 

He did odd jobs for people in the neighbourhood and one day walking home he heard a dog barking continuously and went to investigate.  He found the dog’s owner lying on the ground having fallen from a ladder.  Mr Bowditch recovers and comes home with Charlie helping him in his house, which as children they found to be creepy.  Of course it is not creepy just old. 

However Mr Bowditch does have secrets, especially about the small shed at the back of the house which leads to another world where good and evil are fighting and it could quite easily spread into our world!  Charlie has to help but it is far bigger than his original oath to God!

Can Charlie succeed and save the other world and ours before he goes off to college?

At the moment it is not horrible and dark just a twisting tale, as I know some of you do not like scary novels but I am only a quarter of the way through and it may get dark!!!!  I will have to let you know.  However I do think that Mr King is back to his earlier books.  His last few books I have read and enjoyed but not as much as his earlier works.

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “Susie’s Book Club Friday.

  1. farmquilter

    Stephen King novels are so terrifying to me because I find them to be just a few degrees off from my perceived reality!! Most of them could be true if my focus shifted just a couple of degrees to one side! Can’t wait to find out where this one takes you!

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