Monthly Archives: July 2020


Happy Thursday all!  Bit of a mixture here today for #TBT.  As the children broke up from school last week I thought I would show you the Boys last days at Primary School before starting Senior School.


Eldest above, so everyone else will have a picture of all of them looking at the camera but Eldest was looking at me!!!!! From 2006.

Youngest when he got back from school with his shirt all signed, a great tradition here in the UK.  They did the same when they left Senior School too! From 2011.

The funny story from these pictures is that they both used Sharpies to sign the names and when they got back there were multi-coloured dots all over their chests and arms!!!!  I had to spend about an hour getting them off with nail polish remover!  They were not amused!!!!!!

The above picture is our holidays to Scotland and particularly Moy Fair.  This was the shoot at the targets, which our good friend Gordon was part of.  Here is Eldest shooting the flintlock they had.  It really made a huge bang!!!!

The Boys and DH used to go cycling at this forest trail which actually lead down to the Beach as well. 

Youngest at the Loch where the cottage is.  I think this is an antler he found!!!

The holiday pictures are all from 2010 when Eldest was 14 and Youngest was 10.

I am busy trying to get things sorted during this week and next before we go away on vacation a week on Saturday.  I am desperately trying not to end up running around like the proverbial headless chicken trying to get everything sorted before we go.  I swear every year I won’t do it and then by a week on Friday I will still have a million things to do and running out of hours and then declare “I don’t know why we are bothering to go away …….”  I am sure if you are a Mom you will definitely know what I am talking about!!!!

We have another swimming meeting tonight (!) as we are running out of days to get that sorted as well!!! 

I hope you are having a good Thursday, Friday tomorrow!!!

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

The Wednesday Wag.

You will be pleased to know that I am feeling a lot better today, after a second visit to my Doctors!!!  Daddy took me last night and there is a new arrangement at the moment for seeing my Doctor whereby Daddy has to ring to say we have arrived, the Vet talks to him on the phone, we then walk to the door and I go in by myself, my Doctor does what is necessary and then he rings Daddy again, who is in the car park.  Afterwards I am brought back to the door and collected by Daddy with a bag of medicine and Daddy pays for me over the phone!!!! 

Daddy told my Doctor that I am always better once I walk in their door and he said that is always the case!!!!! 

I had three lots of tablets to take, some special medicine to go into my food and special food to eat as I would not eat the chicken and rice that Mom had cooked especially for me, or the scrambled eggs or the eggs and chicken and rice together or my dry food.  However I would eat my Bonio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did hear Mom say to Daddy I was a proper little madam – I don’t know what she means!!!!!!

However Mom, Daddy and the Boys have now decided that I need to move from my dry dog food to the wet dog food they make and some mixer as they think I may have gone off my biscuits.  They have ordered some and are going to give it a try!!!

Anyway I am now back to normal and have been chasing the baby blackbirds today!!!!

I hope you are having a very Woofy Wednesday.

Love, Treacle xx

Birthday & Anniversary

It is Girlfriend’s Birthday today, 20! No Longer a Teenager!!!!! Happy Birthday!


Eldest & Fiancé will have been together for 9 years tomorrow! Happy Anniversary!

We will all be getting together for dinner next week before DH and I go on vacation and we can celebrate all then!!!


I have been busy with work again today and it has been a bit better weather with no rain and some sunshine which makes a change and it is still supposed to be nice Friday and the weekend.

Treacle is back at the Vets tonight as she is still not feeling well and so is to have some blood tests and to get some special food from them.  I will let you know how she gets on!!!!

Must dash now as I have to try and get dinner sorted as I have yet another Zoom meeting at 6.00pm about swimming!!!!  Hopefully it won’t be three hours long this time!!!

I hope you are having a Thrilling Tuesday.

Hugs & Love Susie xx


I really think we should have three days of work and five days of weekend!!!  The weekend flew by too fast!!!!

Probably because we were so busy!!!  Friday we had dinner with Eldest and Fiancé which was lovely, although I had been rushing around all day beforehand.  Saturday was the same with getting things done and then our friends came for dinner in the evening although it was cut a little short as our friend was not well, nothing dangerous but they had to go home earlier than planned.

Sunday was busy with some gardening and getting other jobs done at home. 

Treacle is still feeling sorry for herself so I put off her Airecut today until next week to give her chance to recover. 

This week we will be busy with work as we only have the next two weeks to get things sorted before we are off on vacation.  Eldest is staying home to look after Treacle for us.  I also have to get lots done before hopefully the pools will be opening for our swimmers!!!!

Our weather is being typically British, lots of rain with some sunshine in between although Friday is supposed to be very sunny and warm!!!! 

I am writing lots of lists at the moment just so I can keep up with everything, thank goodness for lists, I don’t know what I would do without them.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and will have a great week whatever you are all up to.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx


Finally made it to Friday, it has seemed a very long week, this week!  We had a swimming meeting last night to discuss with the Leisure Centres how we are going to work once we can go back!! We then had to go and see one of the committee members about something else and we did not leave their home until 11.00pm, and we had not had dinner!  It was a very long day!!!

Today started off  I had all my jobs planned and what I needed to get done before Eldest and Fiancé are here for dinner tonight and then Treacle decides she needs a visit to her Doctors!!!  We think she has eaten something she shouldn’t have so she and I were off to the Vets first thing!!!!  He agreed with us so she has had an injection and some tablets and is now on invalid food!!!!!

We got back and I had some business work to do, then some swimming work to do and then after lunch did my home jobs, but did not get my basket of ironing done, hey ho!!!!

One thing I have noticed being out and about on the roads again is that other people’s driving has got worse since Lockdown, it can really be like Wacky Races out there!!!!! 

Youngest and Girlfriend are away for a long weekend from today and tomorrow our good friends from the village are coming for dinner, now that two unrelated households can meet in doors. It does all get rather confusing as to who can do what and when!!!!  You would have thought, of course, as it is summer that we would be able to eat outside, no chance it is due to rain all day tomorrow!!! However Sunday is supposed to be okay!  Ah the Great British Weather!!!!

Anyway whatever you are up to this weekend I hope you have a nice time and see you all on Monday.

Hugs & Love Susie xx

Nottingham Beach from last year, sadly not on this year of course!


#TBT As it is the start of the summer holidays for the children, here are a few of the pictures from previous summer holidays!

Start of the summer holidays 2005!

Sports Day at school always in the last week.  Youngest who came first in his race!

Eldest helping out on sports day on work experience from Senior School at the Primary School.

On Vacation in Scotland, the Boys always loved the climbing walls.  Youngest being strapped in.

Eldest off to the top, and Youngest just starting up.

Summer holidays are always the best!

Happy Thursday You Lovely Lot.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

The Wednesday Wag.

I am in trouble today.  Youngest came yesterday for a little while and I was playing with him and a stick and Mom thinks I have hurt my mouth with it (!) as I was not keen on eating my breakfast this morning until Dad put some water on my biscuits!!!!  It’s not my fault!

I have also been terrorising the baby Magpies which are now in our garden!!!  They come down off the fence to find worms and things and I stalk them and run at them and they fly back onto the fence, but don’t leave!!!!!

It is drizzly rain today so I won’t be spending too much time outside!!!  Rain and I don’t go together. 

Mom says I need an Airecut soon as I am getting fluffy again and she had better get me done just in case another Lockdown happens, whatever one of those is!!!!

I am waiting for the Boys and Dad to get home so we can play!!!

I hope you are having a very happy woofy Wednesday.

Treacle xx


Today, in a normal year, would have been the start of the school summer holidays!  Six weeks of no timetables, no having to be up early and no homework!!!  I used to love the first day of summer holidays with the Boys and usually the first day off would be a PJ day for the boys!  Of course the weather was usually a bit iffy and true to form it is rainy today!!!

This year, of course, has not been the same at all and a lot of the children have been off since March so they have had extra long break, although they were supposed to be home schooling.  I am sure if the Boys were still at school we would have been doing school work first thing in the morning and then they could have the afternoon to themselves, it is certainly what we did with homework if they had any over the holidays!!! 

Anyway I hope they all have a good summer.

Happy Wednesday.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

People Can’t See You Smile!

The one thing I have noticed wrong with wearing face masks is that people can’t see you smile!  You really don’t know how people are feeling/looking when they have face masks on and I do pick up a lot of cues from looking at people’s faces!!!!

It has been like the above picture over the last few days with work and swimming!  Work is busy which is a good thing and I am not complaining at all.  Getting the swimmers back into the pool is another matter.  I think that everyone is very concerned about the atmosphere in the pool environment rather than the actual water itself!!!   We are getting through all the paperwork which is needed but everything else is moving at a snail’s pace!!!

We went to our friends’ house on Saturday, which was meant to be a BBQ but it rained most of the day and into the evening!  However we got takeaway pizza from a local restaurant which was really good!  It was our first social event out and we still socially distanced whilst there but despite all of that we had a great evening, catching up.  In fact we did not leave until 11.00pm!!!  We all decided it was a good idea to not go out to any restaurants just yet until they are all sorted with how they are going to work now they can open.  Hopefully after a few weeks they will be all organised and then we can go. 

Over the weekend and the last few days the weather has been nice and a little warm but cool in the morning and evenings!  Not very summery really.  Treacle doesn’t mind what it is doing, so long as it isn’t rain, and spends most of her day outside which then means she is very tired at night, all the fresh air!!!

The garden has benefited from all the rain we have had and a bit of the sunshine.  Behind the fence you may just be able to see some very tall pink flowers, they are Himalayan Balsam.  We had a few plants start growing in our garden and had no idea what they were until the flowers opened.  We then asked my good friend Jayne, her son James is a horticulturist if he could help identify it and he did.  Any ho it is not a very nice plant in that it invades the garden and takes over all the space and crowds out the other plants.  If you let the flowers go to seed, each pod produces 800 seeds and there are lots of flowers!!!!  Anyway DH pulled them up out of our garden and put them in the brown bin!

Treacle outside!

This bed during the Winter looks dreadful as everything dies back to the soil but each year it comes up really well and the flowers are just coming out.  The bees and butterflies do love the flowers in here.

I have a few home jobs to sort out this week and am still trying to get some nice things done but the weeks fly by and so do the weekends.  Although we are not busy doing things for others we still manage to fill the weekends with jobs!!!!

I hope you are all having a good week and the weather is being kind to you .

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

Tuesday Thoughts!

Yesterday was really busy with wok, start of the week and all that, and I was also doing accounts!!!  Any ho our Government has now decided that we all need to wear face masks in shops!  They are still arguing between themselves as to whether this is a good idea or not and whether it is any help whatsoever!  I think they should just say we need to wear masks if we are outside and have done with it!!!  I had to wear one to go into the hospital for my check up and I have an appointment at the Spa I go to on Friday and have to wear a mask in there, so just make it all the time!!!!

This was the sky from the front of our home yesterday morning. It soon went down hill with rain!

This is the view from our Cottage in The Highlands!  We are really hoping that we get to go in August!

This was last August, the Edinburgh Book Festival.  Of course it is not on this year but they are doing the Festival on line.  It is on from 15th to 31st August and there will be lots of free things to look at.  Here is a link 

Treacle’s enjoying the summer as it is at the moment and getting out in the garden when it is sunny!!  It has gone cool again this week so we are hoping it will pick up again later in the week.

Saturday DH and I are venturing out to see friends.  We are off to their home and hopefully having BBQ outside.  We have not seen them since before Christmas so it will be nice to get out and socialise, hopefully we won’t have forgotten how to!!!!!!

We are trying to get all the paperwork done for the swimmers to get back into the pools, which is now looking like after July 25th but of course that could change!!!  It just seems that we keep getting more and more paperwork to do!!!!  The above picture is of the Boys when we were in Florida!!! 

I hope you lovely lot had a great weekend and will have a good week. 

Hugs & Love, Susie xx