Going Head in Sand Mode!

Yes I am heartily sick of all the political news now, especially with our General Election for July 4th, which is in the middle of our Village Carnival Week!  They use our Village Hall all week for the various events but the Election team hold the voting in the Village Hall too so it is going to be a very busy day!  Our papers and news are full of the various policital points and not much else!  Well I suppose it goes along with our cold, rainy weather!!!!

I have not had chance to get in my sewing room for a while now but I am taking next week off work so will hopefully get some bits done then.  Also going to take the week to have a rest as it has been fraught for the last few months. 

Blaze’s new Bed, Play Tunnel, blanket and toys to keep him entertained.

Here is Blaze

Youngest’s Girlfriend is also moving in with us over the weekend and she has managed to transfer her job from where she is now to Derbyshire which is great news.  She is also bringing her C A T, but we are calling him the little black dog, so Coco does not go mad.  They have had a couple of days of introduction and they have both done really well.  Blaze, the little black dog (!), is used to dogs but Coco has not had any experience of C A T but I am sure they will get on really well after the first few weeks.  They are both young so that helps!  I will let you have some more pictures when they have moved in.

Off to get home jobs done now and then dinner.  Tomorrow is cake making day!  Have a wonderful Thursday.

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “Going Head in Sand Mode!

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut

    I hope that you and Blaze can be friends, Coco! I don’t have any experience with cats and who knows if I ever will. Molly never did.

  2. farmquilter

    I’ve had lots of cats and dogs in the same house with no problems. I don’t think we ever did anything special, just put them in the same house and it was sink or swim! Blaze can easily get away from Coco by going up. The hardest thing for me is the cat getting on the counters in the kitchen…big no-no for me and they can be taught to stay off, but it does take some training – a squirt bottle worked well and didn’t take too long. How nice to have a houseful again!!

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