Monthly Archives: January 2013

Wednesday Wanderings


I think I must have a thing for otters, another cute picture!!!!

Today has been one of those days, you know you get them!  Yesterday we went to a funeral of a friend and then spent some time with our Boys Godparents which was a good end to a difficult day.  Today I had planned on getting lots of work done and things conspired so I didn’t get everything done!  Tomorrow is house jobs so I will have to try and race through that and get the rest of my work finished!  Oh well.

Treacle has had a sleepy day today and spent most of it on my bed!!!!  So she hasn’t managed to do her Wednesday Wag post!  Although since last week she hasn’t done a lot!!!!

No quilting last night as I had a pile of laundry to iron!!!!  Hopefully tonight.

Susie x

I’m Thinking, I’m Thinking????????????!!!!

You know how when you are sewing your mind goes off on a wander, thinking about everything and nothing?  Well I have been busy thinking about my next quilting projects.

At Quilt Club for our competition in October this year we have to make a sewing apron!  Now I know what aprons are, and in fact have several, but what is a sewing apron?  I cannot find anything on the web anywhere about a sewing apron, plenty about sewing aprons but not a sewing apron.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Susie x

Look What I DId!

Saw this picture on Pinterest and just love the room.  Oh to have a sewing room like this!

Anyway I managed to get some quilting done this weekend on Eldest’s quilt and am so pleased.  I got up at 6.30am yesterday and left Youngest, Treacle and DH in bed asleep and crept downstairs and started sewing.  It helped that the Men’s Final of the Australian Open was on at 8.00am and I got to watch that at the same time!

So three blocks made so far just another twenty odd to go!!!!

We had more snow again on Friday night as you may have seen from my post and Saturday was fun getting around but by Sunday morning it had been raining all night and the snow had almost gone!  Treacle was not pleased!

Back to school and work this morning.  Pilates is at 9.30am and at least we all made it today as the roads were clear and our Pilates teacher, Carmela, bought me a little gift to say thank you, after all the hassle we had gone through last week with the snow.  This is what she bought me

Aren’t they cute?  The mug is lovely and I can use the tin for some of my sewing notions. It is so appropriate for me “Good Morning, Let The Stress Begin”!!!!  In our house it is like that every morning including the weekends, or so it seems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I will have to make Carmela a mug rug for her home and I will try and get some appropriate fabric, oh a trip to the quilt shop, now what a good idea, he he!!!!!!!!

Must get on with some work now, but more quilting tonight, another block is ready to sew together!!!!

Have a Merry Monday.

Susie xx

Happy Weekend and Look At What We Have Got!

Taken at 1.30 this morning!

We went out last night to see our friends, whose Sixtieth Birthdays it was last weekend.  We unfortunately didn’t get to the party due to the weather and the extremely long day at our Swimming event, so we went round last night to see them and take them a small gift and their cards.  

It was great to see them both and when we arrived at our first friend’s house it had begun to snow again, which had been forecast.  However it was not settling as the ground was damp from the thaw which had started during the day.  After an hour and a drink we left and it had begun to settle.  We went to see our second friends and had a drink and a lovely piece of birthday cake with them and caught up on all their news and ours. 

By the time we left their house a couple of inches of snow had settled and DH’s truck was covered!  We made it home, picked up Eldest from Girlfriends house and got back.  We then did the car shuffle!!!!!  Eldest’s goes in the garage, having cleared all the snow off his, then mine goes in front of the garage with DH next to it! 

The snow was quite thick, Treacle thought it was great!

This morning was entertaining getting to swimming as it had also frozen as well.  I was okay with only a couple of skids but at least there was no other traffic around.  DH had to go to a meeting in Chesterfield, further north than us, but the main roads were fine.  After swimming and dropping Eldest off at Girlfriends I managed to get home and get the car back on the drive, parked perfectly I might add, to the applause of our neighbours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is starting to thaw now and rain is forecast for later which might get rid of some more snow.  Why can’t it snow at Christmas? 

Tomorrow is quilting day, yeah.  Hopefully I will have some pictures for you of the progress I have made.

Susie x

Isn’t He Cute!

These pictures featured in The Daily Mail today, of this week old elephant calf who was born at Melbourne Zoo.  At the moment Australia is experiencing high daytime temperatures and so when the keepers thought the calf was safely on his feet they filled the pool and his Mom, Num-Oi, took him in to cool down.

Aren’t the pictures wonderful?  I love elephants.  I was lucky to go to Kenya in 1985 and saw elephants in the wild and it was wonderful. 

Susie x

Thursday Already?!


The last two days have been dreadful.  I thought it was painful when I had the sinus infection and abscess but that was nothing compared to the pain after the root canal!  I was in the chair for three quarters of an hour, had to have two x-rays, one with all the stuff still on the tooth, and then the Dentist says “this is what a root looks like” holding it up!  Needless to say I didn’t look!!!!!  He did say that it would be sore for a few days afterwards because of all the pulling around etc but oh boy!!!!

Today is house jobs and I can honestly say I don’t have any enthusiasm for them at all, but I have to get them done as I am out tomorrow.  Also there is a huge pile of laundry to get through as well.  Oh well, sooner I start, sooner I have finished!!!!!

I hope to get some more quilting done at the weekend especially as the things we were doing have been postponed due to the weather.  It is still really cold here and still snowing although not very much, but they are forecasting it to be warmer at the weekend.  Problem with that is that anyone who lives in a flood area will be worried about all the melting snow!

I am off now to get on with jobs.  Have a  Thrilling Thursday.

Susie x

I forgot to show you these pictures from Christmas.  It was made by our  friend Christine who does marvelous things with cakes and icing.  Her website is here :

Aren’t they cute!

The Boys were arguing over which colour to eat!!!!!!

The Wednesday Wag!

Good Morning!

Well it has been a busy week here at Quilt Creations, Mom’s new Blog.

She has been busy quilting some blocks for Eldest’s quilt, but yesterday she went to the dentist and had her tooth a root canal, which sounds dreadful.  From the look on her face when she got home and the fact she went straight to bed, I think it hurt.  I, of course, spent the rest of the day on the bed helping her get over it!

Don’t worry Mom it will be all better soon!

I didn’t like it when I went to my Doctors and they did my teeth!  I spent the rest of the day when I got home licking my teeth as they had put something on them to help with the cleaning!

It has been snowing all day today again, but the weather man had said it would be fine!  Go figure.  But I don’t mind as it is great fun to play in the snow, although I do get ice balls in between my toes which I don’t like!

Tomorrow we are doing house jobs and Mom has to go to Nottingham on Friday and then get some work done.  What was planned for the weekend has been cancelled due to the weather, so I have all of them at home for the entire weekend, yeah!!!!!!

Have a Wonderful Woofy Wednesday.


Monday Madness!

This is what our garden looks like!

Lots and lots of snow!

Today has been Monday Madness.  The Schools are open and the main roads are not too bad but the side roads are dreadful!  The Boys were not happy when they heard that school would be open and I set off three quarters of an hour earlier and got them there in plenty of time but the journey home took half an hour longer!  I now have to do the reverse trip an hour earlier than normal, as they are closing earlier because the journeys home will be longer!

Of course there have been the usual bumps and prangs where people have been going too fast for the conditions and what I couldn’t believe this morning, when it was still quite dark, people didn’t have their car headlights on!

It is still snowing at the moment, although it is very fine, it is settling well and it is forecast to do this all night, so tomorrow should be interesting too!  DH has had to go South today to visit a customer and again the motorways are fine just the side roads.  All events tonight have been cancelled, so Scouts for Youngest and Quilt Club for me but I am not too worried in this weather.  If you don’t have to go out then why go out?

When I was driving around earlier they were talking about the 1963 Big Freeze on the radio.  It was so bad that year that the sea froze for up to one mile from shore in Kent, there were 18 inches of snow in Staffordshire and temperatures dipped to -19.4°C in Sunderland! The River Thames did not freeze, like in the past with the Frost Fairs, as a bridge had been removed to aid the flow of the water and the two power stations now fully operating kept the water warm.

The Frost Fair of 1814.

So I am now back at home getting some work done and then I will be off to brave the Arctic conditions once again!!!!!!

Even Treacle is cold having spent a long time playing in the snow!

Having a Marvelous Monday

Susie x

Snow Day ?

Yes it is a snow day but not for The Boys!!!  The school has opened!  We had a call yesterday from School to say that the exam would be on regardless what the rest of the school was doing so Eldest was going anyway, but the snow which was forecast to be really bad, was not so bad! Youngest is not pleased, especially as his first lesson is PE and he is doing cross country running!  I have made him take a towel for when he gets back soaked!!!!

We have a business meeting this morning, the Bank! Then I am off to do the grocery shopping so I have everything for the weekend before tomorrow.  They are still forecasting snow all day today, tomorrow, Monday and now Tuesday so it could be up to the windows by then!!!!

I hope you have a fantastic Friday wherever you are and I will be quilting this weekend, I will, I will!!!!!!

Susie x

It Never Rains But It Pours!

You know on New Years Eve when you are celebrating the start of a New Year and you think it can’t be worse than the one just gone?

Well it Can!!!!

Not only do I have a sinus infection I also have an abscess on a tooth on the same side as the sinus problems!!  SO I am currently taking antibiotics for the infection and penicillin for the tooth and then, joy of joys, I have to go in on Tuesday to have a root canal done on the tooth!!

As you can imagine I am not a happy otter at the moment!!! 

Tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday and Monday it is due to snow here and on Saturday our Swimming Club is hosting our 40th Anniversary Gala, where there are hundreds of people coming from all over the country!  Well hopefully they will be if the snow doesn’t stop them.  We are also at Matlock’s swimming pool, The Arc, which is heading into The Peak District where the snow is usually worse!  So please keep your fingers and toes crossed for us.

Today is house jobs day and I need to catch up on some work too, which I have missed over the last two days because of my trials and tribulations!  Eldest has an important exam tomorrow too so it is all happening. 

Saturday evening DH and I are going to two friends Birthday celebrations as they are both sixty this year!  Hopefully my face will be feeling like smiling by then, this is after spending twelve hours at the swimming pool!

Sunday I am hoping to do some quilting on Eldest’s quilt!!!!!!!!!!  I have also signed up for Madame Samm’s Blog Hop in February, more details to follow.

Treacle is happy, the Australian Open has been on all week and she is watching the tennis balls, not the tennis, just the balls!!!!!

Have a Thrilling Thursday

Susie  & Treacle xx