Monthly Archives: September 2022


As the nights are starting to draw in and it is getting cooler this year we are looking forward to events that happen at this time of year and for the first time in two years, Nottingham’s Goose Fair will be back at the beginning of October.  So as it is #TBT I thought I would show you some pictures of previous vists.

Youngest and I on the Cyclone!

DH & The Boys onthe dodgems

So we will be going, hopefully if it is not raining as I am now a bit of a fair weather visitor!!!  It is a huge part of my childhood and marks the beginning of Autum and it has been missed since the Covid situation. 

Busy trying to get things organised at home today but it is going slow!!!!  Hope you are all having a great day. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

One Very Tiring Week!

It has been a quite tiring week with work and home as well as the Queen’s funeral on Monday.  I think her funeral was very much for her family but for our country to say goodbye and thank you for all that she did in her seventy year reign.   Now September is here things are ramping up with swimming events and various events DH commentates at, as well as plans for Christmas already!! 

I have booked a few things during December only because they were getting booked up already!  I think as this year has been so far Covid free people are planning already for Christmas even with rising prices!  I also think that people are planning early because of rising prices.  I must admit I have already done half of my Christmas shopping!!!

I did get some Christmas baking done although DH and the Boys have eaten a few already!!!!

We have friends coming for dinner on Friday evening.  which we are looking forward to and then Saturday we have some home jobs to get done and then DH is out on Sunday at a swimming event.  I have lots of jobs to get done in our home as well, so am writing lists to keep me on track!!

We did manage to get our garden furniture put away at the weekend whilst it was dry as the nights are pulling in now and it is getting colder first thing in the morning and the evenings.  In fact the Boys asked for their winter quilts out when I changed the beds last week.  We are currently playing the game of when do you switch the heating on, especially with rising prices!!  During the middle of the day it is still warm but gets very cool very quickly in the evening.

Coco is coping well with her enforced crate rest but I feel so mean her being in there.  The other evening she sat on DH’s knee for most of the evening but was not allowed to get down!  Only one more week to go and hopefully she will then be okay to be out and about again.  Just waiting to hear from the orthopaedic vet after her x-ray last week!  Although I suspect when she is let out she will be a little manic!!!!  I am also going to take her for a spa day when she is out to balance out her shaved leg!!!

Hopefully from today I will be back to posting every day.  Tomorrow is home jobs day and Friday I will be cooking but will also do my Friday Book Club as I missed that too! I hope you lovely lot are all well.

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xxxxx


As we in Great Britain are mourning the passing of Queen Elizabeth we also Remember all those who lost their lives twenty one years ago in New York. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with all the families who lost loved ones

Susie x

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 – 2022

It is with great sadness that Her Majesty has passed away at her favourite home of Balmoral, Scotland this afternoon with her family at her side. 

DH, Eldest, Youngest & Myself were all born in her reign and will forever be Elizabethans.

Our Country has truly lost someone very special.

Rest in Peace with your beloved Husband Your Majesty


Trying to Keep Up!!!

I honestly don’t know where the days and weeks go.  No sooner is it Monday morning and I turn round and we are at Thursday already!  Little Coco is doing well although quite frustrated at her manditory crate rest.  She had a bath last night and smells so much better much to her annoyance!

I Forgot to show you her Five Month old Portrait; BA (before accident)!

We are all concerned today to hear that Her Majesty The Queen is not well and The Royal Family are flying to Balmoral, Scotland to see her.  We hope that Her Majesty recovers quickly.

I am going to show you the Quilt show but for some unknown reason the photographs have decided to not download properly so I will sit down, hopefully tomorrow, to sort them out!!!

I have been car-less today as it has been in for its annual service and MOT and it has passed thank goodness.  With all the rising prices of food, clothing, fuel and heating costs I did not really want to pay for any repairs!!!  I will say that I am quite fed up with all the media reports on the current situation.  I am sure the media stir up far more trouble with all their reporting instead of just telling us the situation and then shutting up about it!

DH has a swimming event on this Saturday which he forgot to tell me about and I had arranged to go out for dinner with some friends so we have now had to re-arrang that.  He has also agreed to stay on for one final year as Chairman of the swimming club!  He was supposed to finish in November but then for various reasons I won’t bore you with he has been asked to stay for one more year.  However it will hopefully be a good year as the swimming club will be fifty years old next year so it will be nice for him to see the club through that!!!  I have suggested that he will need to cut down on some of the other stuff though otherwise I will never see him!!

Anyone else getting bombarded with Christmas things already?  If I have had one email, I have had twenty about buying now to save the rush before Christmas!!  I will admit I have bought a few Christmas presents already mainly because I have seen something and thought it would be a great gift for….!  DH and I are going down to London this year at the end of November and that will be when we get the rest of the Christmas gifts and to see the lights and the stores all dressed for Christmas.  We are also going to see “A Christmas Carol” at The Old Vic when we are there.

Good news is that Nottingham’s Goose Fair will be on this year, after being cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to Covid.  Hopefully the weather will be kind and it will not be raining.  DH and I are planning on going as this was where we had our first date thirty six years ago!!!!!!

I wanted to show you this picture that my very good friend, Susan, sent me.  Taken about two miles from her Farm in Washington State (USA) by a friend of hers.  I just think it is absolutely stunning and just shows you what you can see when you don’t have light polution.  We would never get this sort of photograph here in Derbyshire even though we now have less lights than before.  Thank you Susan for sending it do me.

Anyway I had better dash as I have dinner to get for hungry mouths coming in from work. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xxxxx


What a Month!

We have been back for two weeks and it has been very, very busy!  We had a lovely vacation for the first week, the weather was great, very sunny but cooler than at home as we are of course further north. 

The view from the cottage and the blue sky!

Coco did really well on the drive up.  We did not go on the motorway as there are only the Services to stop at.  The road we used we could just pull in to places to let her out but she was fine and in fact slept most of the way (above).

The cottage at night on one of DH’s trips round the garden with Coco!

We did not do a lot except take Coco out as we both just need to chill.  Although the garden is fenced it is not fenced enough for a five month old puppy so she went out on her lead every day.  I bought a long lead which DH used once as Coco and he managed to get it wrapped around things and when the wind blew it was all over the place!!!!!

Coco did have a good time running around though on her usual extender lead!

She loved every minute of it.  We did decide one day to take her to the beach.  This was the one that we used to take the Boys to when they were young and it was always quiet with just a few locals.  Well we got there to find that someone had put about 250 static caravans next to it and you could not see the beach for people so we decided it was not a good idea.  However to save driving the long way round via the road, there is a summer ferry between the two points called The Nigg Ferry so we went on this.  Now when I say ferry it has room for two cars or one truck and people. Coco thought it was very interesting being on the sea.

The ferry goes across the Cromarty Firth which then opens up to the deep port of Invergordon which is where they service the gas/oil platforms.

The day was very warm and sunny.

I got quite a lot of reading done which was great and managed to finish five books, as well as doing some quilting.

We had taken a lot of new toys for Coco to play with and keep her entertained, one of them was a toy giraffe with tennis ball feet and she loved it.  However she started to pull the covering off the feet so DH picked it up to take it in the kitchen to remove the feet and Coco was not happy about this.  Up to now she has not really jumped much but this particular evening, the Monday of the second week, she launched herself from the floor up to DH’s arm to try and grab the toy.  Unfortunately she did not land on her back feet but with her left rear leg under her and squeaked holding her leg up!  We felt her over and nothing was dislocated so we thought she had perhaps pulled a muscle.  By this time it was 10.30pm. 

The next day she was still hopping on three legs so we took her to the vets our friends use.  She had to stay in and have an x-ray and they found that she had an evulsion fracture on her “knee” and she would need an operation to pin it but this had to be done by an orthopedic vet.  DH and I thought we were going to have to drive home overnight and go to our vet and get a referral from them but fortunately there was an orthopedic vet in Inverness and he was able to do the operation the next day, Wednesday.  We took her in for 8.30am and she was there all day and now has a pin and wire in her knee.  The worst bit of all this is she is on crate rest for six weeks as she is not to jump, run or stretch the knee in case it pulls out again.  Trying to keep a five month old puppy still is like asking water not to run!!!!!!!! 

First day of crate rest, you can see her shaved leg.  Don’t worry only six more weeks to go!

The other problem is that of course Coco thinks she is fine!  She had her stitches out this week and then she will need an x-ray at four weeks and eight weeks after the op and we have to make sure that as she is growing her back legs are growing at the same rate, if not then she may have to have the pin and wire removed which will be by the vet who put them in, in Inverness!  Needless to say the final two days of the vacation we stayed in at the cottage!

She is being very good although we have to really keep an eye on her to make sure she does not do anything she shouldn’t and she is taken out on her lead on the patio several times a day.  We have also bought her quite a few interactive toys to keep her busy and to add insult to injury we have had to cut her food down because of course she is not doing anything!   I don’t know who is going to be more mad by the end of six weeks her or I!

I did say to DH whether it is a good idea for us to go on vacation!!!  Here are a few more pictures.

One of the day we woke to find mist over the mountains which cleared when the sun broke through.

The heather was coming out which we think was because it had been so dry.

We had lots of fluffy white clouds

On the road from the cottage to the main road there is an area which reminds me very much of The Game of Thrones sets that were used especially The North!  Below are some pictures I took.

The Highland cows were in the field, last year’s baby!

One of this year’s babies!

A tiny Christmas tree.  Needs to grow a bit before it can be dressed!

I went to The Festival of Quilts on the Sunday after we got back on the Saturday and I will show you those pictures tomorrow.  Sorry this has been a picture heavy post but hope you have enjoyed our vacation to The Highlands! 

Have a great Friday.  Hugs & Love, Susie, DH & Coco xxx