Monthly Archives: May 2016

Getting There!

I am starting to feel better, although still coughing over everything and everyone!!!!!  But of course having a little time off means you then have to catch up!  I did this morning with my work and then this afternoon cleaned the house!  I also did the grocery shopping and just now need to get dinner and then I am done!!!! 

Eldest rang to see if I could get him a Doctor’s appointment as he had managed to hurt his back at work!  They think he may have pulled a muscle or perhaps trapped a nerve or just got a muscle spasm!!!  I think I could have diagnosed that!!!!!


I did manage to get some quilting done last night and I was hoping to get a little more done tonight.  Slowly but surely I am getting things done.  DH is out all day Saturday so I will have lots of time then to get some more things done.

A Throwback picture of nine years ago!  Eldest 11, Youngest 7, DH ?

I hope you are having a Thrilling Thursday

Hugs, Susie x

The Wednesday Wag!

I have been busy yesterday and today snuggling with Mom as she is not feeling well!  She has a cold and I have been sneezing too so I think she has passed it on to me!

Youngest had an exam this afternoon and Mom got her work done this morning so this afternoon has been quiet! The weather has not helped by being cold and wet again, after some lovely sunshine and warm temperatures at the weekend. 

Mom has been watching the TV coverage of the Chelsea Flower Show in London.  It is somewhere she would love to visit at least once.  It is all about flowers and designs and there have been some wonderful ones.

This is the St. John’s Hospice – A Modern Apothecary Garden  by Jekka McVicar and was awarded a Silver Guilt Medal

Mom loved these two the best.  She would really love something called a country cottage garden but try as she might all the plants which make up a cottage garden get eaten by the 100s of slugs and snails we seem to have in our garden!!!!!  Mom gave up trying as she said she was tired of spending money just to feed the slugs and snails.  I do my best as I bite the snails but Mom tells me off!!!!

I hope you are have a wonderful Woofy Wednesday.


I Am Sick!

How is it, in this huge cosmos that we live in, that I don’t get any colds during the winter when most everyone else does, but I do get them in Spring and Summer?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Youngest started with it and when the Boys were little, I always caught everything they had, but as they got older I had hoped that would not be the case!  Nope!  He started his cold last week and I started this week with it!  My throat is so sore I can barely swallow, my head feels like it has become detached from my body, everything I eat and drink tastes of nothing and towards the end of the day everything starts to get a little fuzzy!

I have got my work done this morning, taken Youngest to a revision session, got lunch and now I am going to go and collapse on the bed. 

Treacle will be here tomorrow and perhaps the rest of the week, depending upon how I feel!

Sniffly hugs, Susie x

Commission Quilt Finished & Delivered!

Here is my Commission Quilt finished and I got to deliver it on Friday to the Grandma-to-Be!  The fabric features The Moomins  which are characters created by Tove Jansson from Sweden.  Grandad-to-Be is Swedish and their daughters grew up reading the books and watching the programmes on TV.  Mary, Mom-to-Be, knows she is having a little girl so I used quite a bit of pink in the quilt.  Judy, G-t-B, loved it and it was such a relief.

Here is a closer view of the material.  I did not quilt over the pictures as they were the main part but instead put clasping stitches in to hold the three parts together for when it is washed.

I had some material left so made Mary a bag to go with the quilt.

I really enjoyed making the quilt but was so nervous as it was a commission but I am sure Mary will love it too when she sees it.  Judy is going to present her with it after the baby is born.  She is due next week but as you know babies have their own timescales.

Judy, her sister Elaine and I had lunch out on Friday as well and caught up on all the other news and it was a lovely afternoon.

Saturday the Boys Godparents came round for dinner and it was great to catch up with them too, although it was raining most of the day and I was hoping we could have eaten outside but no way!!!!!  Yesterday I got some more Spring cleaning done with DH’s help and next weekend we are going to get it finished, even if we are up until the early hours of the morning!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope your Monday is going well.  Today the weather has been lovely and I got my washing out on the line until 10 minutes ago when it began raining, hard!  Fortunately I managed to get the washing in, and it was dry, I am not, however!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hugs, Susie x

The Wednesday Wag!

Would you believe it is that time of year again when Pets on Quilts has been announced by Lily Pad Quilting (  It is a great show and there are some wonderful quilts featuring the Quilters’ fur babies and lots of other different pets.  Go over to Snoodles site at Lily Pad Quilting and have a look at the previous shows.

Mom and I entered two years ago but we missed last year.  Here is the picture we entered and it was Mom’s picnic quilt, although she had not got it finished!!!!!!

I am hoping that Mom will get one of her four quilts that she has on the go at the moment finished so we can get some pictures and enter this year!

If you don’t want to enter you can vote for your favourites and Snoodles will let you know when and how.

I am a bit confused as Youngest is at home but then goes to school for a couple of hours and then Mom brings him home again!  Humans who can understand them!!!!!!!#

It is raining and cold today so I am tucked up in my basket.  I hope you have a Woofy Wednesday.

Woof, Treacle

Spring Sunshine.

Treacle has been out enjoying the Spring sunshine today and it has been lovely and warm.

We got the outdoor furniture out and have managed to have one meal outside so far this year and they are forecasting a warm summer which would be lovely.  I had some coupons off at the garden centre so I have bought some summer bedding plants for my pots, although I have put them in my little plastic greenhouse to keep them safe until the frosts have passed.

Youngest has had his first exam today, Hmm!!!!!!!

Jo, my friend from the Painting Parlour has done my mugs, which I am going to use at my Quilt Stall at Carnival and here they are!  I love them.

I have also managed to get all my work done today, as well as going to the post office and ferrying Youngest around.  I love it when the day works well!  Just need to get dinner and then I am going to disappear into my sewing space!!!! 

I hope you are having a Terrific Tuesday!

Hugs, Susie x

Monday Again!

I had the weekend all planned out then DH’s daughter and baby Evalyn came to visit yesterday!  It was great to see them but ……….  !

Today has been busy with work and DH’s computer has thrown a fit so he has been “sharing” mine remotely so that has been fun!

Youngest’s first exam is tomorrow, the first of twenty, oh boy!

Treacle is taking it all in her stride!

Tomorrow I have planned to get my work finished early, run some errands, take Youngest to school for his exam and then get some quilting done!  But we all know about plans……!!!!

I hope you are having a happy Monday

Hugs, Susie x

What a Week!

I have had one of those weeks this week where the Cosmos has had it in for me!  Things going wrong in the house, things going wrong in the business and no quilting done either!  I think I need to go to bed, pull the covers over my head and hide!!!!!

This is sort of a throwback day as well.  The above picture was taken five year’s ago when Eldest was Year 11 and leaving school on Friday May 13th 2011 to then take his GCSEs’.

Here is Youngest who leaves school today, Friday May 13th 2016 in Year 11 to then take his GCSE’s! 

I cannot believe it has been five years since Eldest was 16 and now Youngest is 16 and taking his exams!  They begin next week and last for a month!!!!!!  Oh boy! 

I have not got my Spring Cleaning done yet either, as we had other things going off in March and April so it is later than normal but I am going to make a start this weekend with DH’s help!!  We also have the next couple of weekends free to to get it completed.  We also have another national holiday at the end of the month so we have an extra day.  The weather is going to be cold this weekend (British weather is crazy) but hopefully it will go back to being warm and nice soon.

The weather has been cool today and cloudy but Treacle has been outside and I caught her rolling in something and I am not sure what, so I am hoping it is nothing yucky!!!!!!

I am also hoping to get some quilting done as well, which will hopefully make me feel better, after the week from, well you know………

I hope you week has been better than mine and have a great weekend.

Hugs, Susie x

The Wednesday Wag!

The weather has been lovely so I have been spending lots of time outside in my garden!  I have been investigating all of it and have also been doing some digging (Dad doesn’t know yet!!!)  but all this fresh air makes me so tired!!!

Youngest was warm, having spent a lot of time in his room revising so got a choc ice from the freezer.  Can I have some please?

It smells so good!

I did get a little piece and it was yummy!

Mom has been very busy with work and quite stressed and I have been spending time in my basket next to her desk trying to help!  Although I didn’t help at dinner last night as I was sick!  Dad was away so Mom and Youngest sorted me out and then I was not allowed to sleep in Youngest’s room so Mom had to put up with me and I kept getting up and turning round and going to sleep again so Mom kept waking up!  I think I am in trouble!!!!!

Tomorrow the weather is going to be warm and sunny again, it rained yesterday and today for a while, so I will be out on patrol again.  The pesky squirrel has not been seen for a while, I wonder why?

Woof, Treacle

The Mean Reds!

I always loved Breakfast At Tiffany’s but it also made me sad.  Especially when Holly Golightly describes The Mean Reds!  Today I have The Mean Reds.  Unfortunately my nearest Tiffany’s is London, so I won’t be going there for breakfast!  Its also been raining all day today as well! 
