Good Grief Charlie Brown!!!!

Well after a bit of a wrangle and a lot of finger pointing WordPress did eventually sort out the issue with my Blog, which was of their doing not mine!!!!  I like how whenever you are dealing with Help Desks that the first thing they say is well it is your equipment/software/how you are using the thing!  It happens often here when you ring British Telecom the first thing they say is that it could be your telephone and if so then you have to pay!  Like not being able to make calls is anything to do with a handset I have in our home!!!!  Give me strength!

Anyhoo it looks like it is back to normal for the moment!

We managed to get some more jobs done in the garden and here are quite a few pictures from the weekend.  We look as if we are going to have one of those summers where we get a few nice days amid lots of rain again!  It helps the garden because as you will see the plants are loving it and are very green, not so good for us who want to sit outside and enjoy some sunshine.  We did sit out on Sunday for a while which was nice.  Eldest, Partner, The Girls and Little Man came for Sunday Lunch and then Youngest got back too.  It was lovely afternoon and Coco played ball with her two Boys which she loved and did not have a sleep at all during the day, so by Sunday evening she was absolutely wacked!!!  Here are the garden pictures.

My Lavender in its pot.

This is my Clematis which flowers during the Autumn/Winter.  I thought it had died last year but left it and it has gone mad this year and now looks very healthy!

My Tomato Plants

This is Coco’s Viewing Point!

My third Rhododendron in flower

This varigated tree, above and below,  started off as a little stick which I planted and it has now grown into this lovely tree.  It is not very big but provides a lovely dappled shade on our patio during the summer.

The Squirrel always tries his luck on the bird feeders but they are squirrel proof so he ends up sitting on top of the feeder hanger.  Treacle used to hate him so much and yet Coco does not bother about him in the garden, she just watches him running around!!!!

My fox glove.  Love the pink but I did have a lemon coloured one but it did not seed itself!

I love Hydrangeas but they do not like our soil, so we decided to put one in each pot and I am hoping they will do well in them.

This week our weather is a bit of sunshine but still lots of rain.  Saturday is the same and it is Eldest’s Partner’s Birthday so they are coming to us and we are having a Takeaway!  We were hoping to sit outside but that does not look like it is going to happen!  It is my Birthday next week so we are combining the two events and Sunday is Father’s Day, so celebrations all round.  My Mom thought it was great when my Birthday was June because she thought I would have all my Birthday parties outside.  Well over the years I had parties I think I made two or three outside the rest were inside because, you guessed it, it rained!!  They call it “Flaming June” but for us it is the annoying kind not the hot kind!!!!

Latest picture of Little Man, the one above I love.  He has started to roll.  The one below is when he rolled in his sleep!!  When I put him in his Moses Basket on Saturday he was starting to roll!!!  Won’t be long before he is up on his knees and crawling.  Eldest was walking properly well before his first Birthday and I think Little Man will be taking after him!

I have done really well with home and work jobs this week; got them all done and am keeping up to date with them too.  It always stresses me out when I get behind with things so at the moment everything is a-okay!!!

I will show you pictures of Saturday next week.  Still have some jobs left in the garden to do but of course it is an ongoing job!!  I hope you lovely lot had a good weekend and a good week to come. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “Good Grief Charlie Brown!!!!

  1. farmquilter

    Your garden is so lovely and verdant!!! Here we set a record today of 99F with humidity at 15%!. It’s 9:30 PM and finally cooler outside than inside, so with 85 inside and 82 outside, the windows are open and a few fans are going. Hoping to get through this summer with no air con. Have fun this weekend celebrating birthdays and Happy Father’s Day to DH on Sunday!!

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