Monthly Archives: March 2012

Oh To Live Like This!

This is a picture I took when we were in Orlando in 2010, at the living museum Fort Christmas, this is where they had rescued homesteads and moved them to a wonderful site near Christmas, Orlando.  
The homesteads were from very small and primitive to large and spacious homes.  This picture was from a home half way round and you could quite happily live there today!
Sometimes I wonder if we all went back to a simpler life things would be easier.  Without technology, cell phones, computers!  I know we are able to connect to people all round the World in an instant, which is great, but I do sometimes long for not being so contactable.  
This picture is my background on my computer at the moment.  I can just imagine all the ladies from neighbouring houses coming in an afternoon to help hand quilt the quilt sitting on the frame, especially in their bonnets and long dresses!  Oh well
Happy Quilting Friday and have a lovely weekend.
Susie x

My Garden

Over the last few days it has been so warm, like May really, that the garden has started to bloom.  My only worry is that if it turns cold again, which they are forecasting, then all the plants that have come out are going to be ruined.
Some of the plants have been very sensible and not got going yet so will hopefully be okay.
Here are a few pictures of what is out at the moment.  Also the Blue-tits are extremely busy in the bird box in the cherry tree we have at the top of the garden. 
No quilting in the last few days as I have had lots of work to do and trying to get the house tidy before we take our vacation over the Easter break.  
It may be a little hit and miss with posts as we are not in an area which is good for Internet connection.  But I will be quilting.  We are off on Saturday and cannot wait.
Happy Friday and quilting.
Susie x
These are my Christmas Roses but they always flower now!

This is the Ribes flowering.  It is such a bright pink.

This is the Forsythia bush which has come out this week.

My winter pansies which are going strong with the warm weather.

My Red Mason Bees home they will soon be hatching and in fact a few already have with the warm weather.

This is my small container where we grow a few vegetables but I put winter pansies in just for colour.


Yes I have finished my Spring Cleaning, yeah!!!!!!!!
Two weekends of intense cleaning, polishing, sweeping and general tidying and it is done.  I am actually just about on my knees, but it is done.  DH, Eldest & Youngest helped too so I can now relax.  Just need to get the garden sorted now!!!
It never ends.
However there is quilting to do too. Now what will it be garden or quilting?????
The weather here is amazing for March the last weekend has been really warm in the day and really cold at night, I cannot believe it is March more like May and I think the plants, flowers and birds are confused.
Hope you all had a great weekend.
Susie x

When Things Just Don’t Go Right!

The front done with the binding on, which now has to come off!

The back. You can’t see the quilting very well as I have used the same thread as to sew it. 
I had one of those evenings yesterday.  Now my machine is back I wanted to get my table topper finished and I managed to get all the quilting done (its not big).  It was getting on for 9.30pm and I thought I will just do the binding so that today I can sew it on the back and finish it.
I should have had another thought and stopped there!  I have sewn the binding onto the front and it has gone wrong!  This is because I was tired and should have realised and stopped but didn’t.  So now I have to take the binding off and re-do it!
It is so frustrating when this happens.  I won’t have time to do that today so it will have to be a weekend job.  Tonight Youngest has Scouts which is usually on a Monday but they are having the meeting tonight as they are doing archery!!!  I also have a load of ironing to do and the weekend will be spent finishing the Spring cleaning!

Anyway for everyone else out there quilting have a great weekend and for all those taking part in Friday Night Sew-Ins have a lovely evening.

Susie x


Sick Child

Today was going to be a day of getting jobs done and finishing off some work but now Youngest is not very well!  So the day will be spent looking after him and keeping him entertained. 
This always happens towards the end of term when they are tired and we still have a week to go before they break for the Easter holidays!
Now what can I get done when he has fallen asleep?
Happy Quilting Thursday
Susie x

The Quilters Day Swap

I saw today on Carol’s Craft Creations (a blog I read everyday) about the above swap and have signed up for.  
I have been blogging for a while and quilting now for almost two years and thought it was time I would participate.  
It is especially good as you can make anything you like.  You will find all the details here  Thanks to Heidi for organising this.  
Happy Quilting
Susie x

Happy Face :)

My sewing machine is back – Yeah
It needed a little tightening here and there and some greasing! In the words of the sewing machine repair man!  I think I could do with some of that too!!!!!
Anyway it is now back where it belongs and I will be able to finish my table topper and then get on with Eldest’s quilt.
I am such a happy quilter today.
Susie x

Mother’s Day

This was my gift from Eldest – I think it is a hint he would like me to cook something for him!

My gift from Youngest.  He said to me he doesn’t know how I do it all as well!

This is my new bench outside the kitchen door; some money from my birthday the rest from DH for Mother’s Day
 Last Sunday here in the UK it was Mother’s Day and my Boys bought me a couple of lovely presents.   We decided not to go out for lunch, as you can imagine everywhere is very busy and you always feel as if you are being rushed, so we will go out another day.  My Eldest washed and waxed my car for me and it looks great. 
So from one very grateful Mom, I love you both very much.
Susie x

Sad Face :(


I don’t know what I am going to do; my sewing machine is poorly!  

It has been rushed to the sewing machine hospital and may take a week to come back, eek!!!!

I am going to have quilting withdrawal symptoms!  I was busy quilting my table topper and it started to make a grinding noise and when I took it in, the repair guy doesn’t know what it can be!!!!!  He is going to service it anyway and hope he finds something whilst he is doing that.  I just hope it comes back all repaired soon.  

This always happens just as I was getting on well.  The next quilt I need to do is our quilt which has been sandwiched since last August and I just haven’t got around to doing it.  Then I need to start on Eldest’s quilt so that by the time he goes to University in September 2013 he can take it with him!  I was going to get it cut out this weekend but I think I will have to put that on hold.

For all you other Quilters out there have a great quilting weekend, think about lonely old me not quilting when you are!

Susie x


Having said my quilting was going slowly, it suddenly came together!  I must have been tired when I was cutting and sewing the other blocks.  One I had to re-do as I put the wrong piece together with the other!
Anyway here is the finished front, I just now have to get it quilted.  I like the way the colours look, I think I got them right!  This is a Kathleen Tracy pattern which I used from her website.
Happy Quilting weekend.
Susie x
A side view of this mat
Long view of this mat