Monthly Archives: August 2014

My Two-penneth Worth!

On September 18th the good people of Scotland go to vote in the Referendum on whether Scotland should stay part of the United Kingdom or become, after 307 years together, a separate country.

This post is not about politics but about my view.  My Paternal Grandmother and family were Scottish and lived in Edinburgh before moving and settling in Nottingham, where I was born.  I have a great affinity with my Scottish roots, I also have Welsh roots too as my Maternal Grandmother was from Wales, so really you could say I am made up of bits from all over the UK (I haven’t found any Irish roots yet!)

DH, The Boys and I have spent seventeen years going to The Highlands of Scotland for our holidays and I really feel when I get there that I am home and in my opinion Scotland and England will be worse off by being separate.

It was not an easy process to get the two countries together with much controversy about spying and bribery to achieve the end goal but in the end The Treaty of the Union was ratified in Parliament on 16th January 1707 by a majority of 110 Votes to 69.  However despite the initial resistance to the Treaty, by the time Samuel Johnson (an English writer) and James Boswell (a Scottish Lawyer & Diarist)  made their tour in 1773, recorded in “A Journey To The Western Islands of Scotland”  Johnson noted that Scotland was: “a nation of which the commerce is hourly extending, and the wealth increasing,” and Glasgow in particular had become one of the greatest cities of Britain.

So if Scotland cedes from England, in sixty six years time two journalists traveling through may write “A nation which was once rich in culture, land and commerce has declined so much to become almost feudal again.  Glasgow and Edinburgh no longer great but brief stops on the way South for many heading for the Border”

I really hope that the good people of Scotland vote to stay with us.  I, for one, don’t want to have to take my passport North with me when I go on holiday to Scotland!

Have a lovely weekend!  I am hoping to get some more quilting done.

Hugs, Susie x

A Tuesday In Late Summer!


The garden in all its summer bloom!

Yesterday was a national, or Bank, holiday as we call them over here in the UK and normally that means that it rains all day and yes it did!  DH and Eldest decided on Saturday to repair the garden gate and managed to get most of it done except for the last little bit which they were going to do on Monday and then it rained and rained and rained!!!!!!!

Eldest first thing on his Birthday!!!  Don’t think he was quite awake!!!!

He had woken up enough for Breakfast at Starbucks!

His present was a three hour trailer driving taster lesson, ie learning to drive a car with the trailer on!  He had a great time and said after he finished it, it was on his Birthday, that he hadn’t concentrated as much since his driving test!  He had a great time.  We all went out in the evening for dinner with them and Girlfriend’s family.

It has been a busy few days I have got my three projects completed over the weekend but I can’t show them to you yet as it is for the Blog Hop beginning on September 3rd. Please stop by then to see what I have been up to.

You can see how excited Treacle is?

Treacle and I are super excited as we won one of the other prizes on Pets On Quilts Show 2014.  Snoodles let us know this morning and we can’t wait to see our prize.  As soon as it arrives we will let you know.  A Big Thank You to Snoodles at Lily Pad Quilting who puts together this wonderful show and to all the sponsors for their generous prizes.

Finally this is Treacle eating the ice off the patio that was poured there after Youngest then Eldest did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!!!! I fortunately had to do the filming but still ended up getting wet!!!!!  We then donated on-line.  Any research into these terrible diseases which affect lots of people round the World, is worth sponsoring.

I hope you are all having a terrific Tuesday.

Hugs, Susie x

The Wednesday Wag!

I Just don’t know what they would do without me in this business they are running.  Each day I have to fetch the post for them and deliver it to Mom’s desk! 

I also think I need a pay rise, one Bonio Biscuit a day is not going to cut it in these hard financial times.  I was reading in the Financial Times the other day that we should at least be getting six and a third, which I believe is the Minimum Wage now.

I think I am going have to get onto my union, UWAG, Union of Working Animals Guilds!  They will definitely be on the case!!!!!! 

Must be off now I have to patrol the perimeter now until dinner time!

Woof, woof, woof, woof



I got quite a bit of quilting done over the weekend.  I finished my picnic quilt and just now need to finish the binding and I started on the pink quilt which is for Girlfriend’s sister for her Birthday in December.  I can’t show you too much as these are projects I am finishing are for the “See You In September Blog Hop”.  I am hoping to get all the projects finished so it will be a good show!

This is the state of my desk/sewing area!!!!! I need to do some tidying up.  The purple pieces are for the mystery quilt I still need to finish!!!!!!!

 Treacle wanted to get in on the act but was caught by Eldest!  She is not bothered she is having a cuddle!!!!!

I won’t be able to do any quilting tonight as I have a basket of ironing which needs attending to 🙁

Have a Marvelous Monday

Susie x

House Job Day!

Trying to clean when the Boys are home, is like trying to shovel snow while it is still snowing!

As soon as I finished a room they were both there messing it up again!!!!  Anyway it is clean even if it is not tidy!  Eldest has been helping shred a hug box full of papers which I have been meaning to do and Youngest has been helping with the bins.  It has been really hot and muggy today and they have forecast storms so at least I have the jobs finished before that arrives and our power goes out!

Grocery shopping has been done too and I just have to get the fresh things from the local farm shop tomorrow.  Then I will be doing some quilting!  I don’t care what else is happening, I will be doing some quilting.

Tomorrow evening we are off to one of our friends house for a party for his wife who is 50 this year! We are hoping that the weather holds and we can be in the garden.  Especially as we are giving her a plant for the garden.  They have just moved into this house so I think it will be great for her garden to have a new plant to add to it. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and hopefully by the end of it I will have some quilting things to show you.

Hugs, Susie x

Throwback Thursday!

Throwback Thursday!

Scotland, August 2004

Eldest on the left who was 9, Youngest on the right who was 5!

I see these pictures and they make me cry!  Where has the time gone?  I love them to bits.

Susie x