Monthly Archives: June 2013

Pets On Quilts 2013

After my mini-meltdown yesterday!!!! DH got home and helped sort some of the things out, so today is a little calmer here at Susie’s World!!!  Plus we are picking Eldest up from the airport later this evening too.

Anyway just wanted to let you know about Pets On Quilts 2013 happening over at Lily Pad Quilting (  Treacle and I missed it last year, but are all ready for this years!

Last year Snoodles put together a fantastic show with 150 entries and lots and lots of sponsors.  Although we didn’t get to enter we did enjoy the show and voting for our favourite.

So don’t forget to enter, which you can do by  just pressing the button on my sidebar and it will take you straight to Lily Pad Quilting.  Snoodles will let you know when and how to enter during August. 

Treacle – it is in the diary so we don’t forget this year.

Hope you have a fantastic Friday and a quilty weekend.  I am off to a quilt show tomorrow and I am hoping to get some quilting done.  MUST GET ELDEST’S QUILT FINISHED!!!!!!

Susie x

Worlds Collide!

Do you ever have periods in your life when it just feels that your World is colliding with everything else and no matter what you do you can’t stop it?

Well that seems to be happening to me at the moment! 

As I said earlier in the week it is Carnival week next week, I help on the swimming committee and have just had a load of paperwork through which needs to be done by November and there is a lot to do.  Eldest, as you know, is waiting for his results  if he gets in there will be a lot of work to do to get him ready to go.  DH is really busy with work and we have just had to start using a new accounts software package and that is not going well.  There are loads of jobs round the house which need doing and we haven’t got the time to do them.

DH has been away for the last two days with work again and whenever he is away I never sleep very well.  Yesterday was warm again and also last night and I had the windows wide open.  At 2.00am I woke with a start to find something buzzing in my ear!  I freaked and shot up out of bed, beating the side of my head!  Now when I was little I was always told “never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear” well let me just say, not last night!  I then spent the rest of the night waking up every hour.  In the shower this morning there was more water going in my ear than down the drain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am a great one for lists, but the list I have written to try and get all this done, makes it seem worse!!!!!

Our neighbours are having some work done and it is very noisy from 8.00am until 4.00pm so I am finding it hard to concentrate on work too!

Treacle is doing her best to help, this means she is asleep on the bed!  She raised an eye when I walked in to clean the room and that was it, at least she is off the floor when I vacuum!

DH will be back tonight but not until late  and Eldest and Girlfriend get home tomorrow night before the chaos of the weekend.  Oh if only I had a magic wand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I hope your Thursday is better.  It is Thursday isn’t it?  I even lost track of the days this week!!!

Susie x

Frustrated Woman Cartoon


The Wednesday Wag!

You know there is never enough time in the day to savour those last few crumbs in your bowl from breakfast and dinner, before Mom picks my bowl up and washes it!

I thought I had got my humans trained well enough now that they know they should leave my bowl down long enough for me to get the pattern off the dish!  But last night and this morning Mom picked my bowl up as soon as I finished!  Well I had a go at keeping it but she whipped it out from under my nose!

Youngest then appeared for dinner last night and I tried to convince him that I had not had my dinner

It didn’t work, Mom ratted me out!  

I need to get spruced up because I am in the Dog Show on Monday evening with Youngest and the categories he has entered me for are very full, so I will have to look my best.  Do you think I can convince them to bath me over the weekend?  If I can find something really horrible to roll in I think that will do the trick!!!! (don’t even think about doing that, we don’t have time to bath you – Mom!)

Darn! Caught out again.

Have a Woofy Wednesday


Madness I say, Madness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On to more interesting things now!!!!

Yes it is that time of year when we get into the Madness and craziness of busy, busy, busy!  On Sunday our week long Carnival in the village begins with the crowning of the Carnival Queen and picnic on the park. 

Of course our family never does just one thing, oh know.  Friday day I have to get the baking done for the Dog Show refreshments for Monday evening.  Friday night DH and Youngest are helping to clear the field for the duck race and I have to go and pick up Eldest from the airport after his week away with Girlfriend (by the way don’t tell anyone but so far in the week away he has managed to jump in the sea with his mobile phone in his pocket, not now working and get stung by a jelly fish, four times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 

On Saturday one of the things I am doing is going to this :

Derbyshire, Pentrich DE5 3RE
29 – 30 June
‘All Stitched Up’ an exhibition of quilts and stitchery by Pentrich Patchers at Pentrich Village Hall, Main Road, Pentrich. Open 10 – 4.
Sales and fabric trader. Tombola in aid of Breast Cancer Care. Admission £1

Saturday evening is a swimming gala.  Sunday is Crowing Sunday then :

Monday 1st : Dog Show and Junior Football

Tuesday 2nd : Treasure Hunt and Senior Football

Wednesday 3rd : Duck Race

Thursday 4th : Wild, Wet & Wacky Competition

Friday 5th : Set Up Day

Saturday 6th : Carnival Day

If that isn’t enough fun, on Sunday 7th July it is our Swimming Club’s Open so we will be at the swimming pool from about 7.00am until 5.00pm!!!!  I think by Monday the 8th I will be curled up in a small ball in a very dark room!!!!

It is fun and The Boys have a great time but sometimes DH and I feel a little overwhelmed with how fast the days go by and everything which needs to be done!

By the time Carnival is over it will only be two weeks before Youngest has finished school for the summer which will be great.  We are going away for the first two weeks of the summer holidays this year as we have to get back for the exam results (insert nervous laugh here, bordering on hysteria!!!!)

But I am in seventh heaven at the moment as yesterday Wimbledon began, with the biggest shock being Rafael Nadal being knocked out in the first round!  

Anyway I have rushed through my work this morning, ministered to poorly/sick Youngest who is off school with a cold and temperature, so I can sit down with lunch and the start of Wimbledon today!!!!  It is sunny and warm here today as well, do you know I think summer is here for a little while!!!!

Have a thrilling Tuesday.

Susie x

Treacle loves Wimbledon but just for the Tennis Balls!!!!!


<a href=””>Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


I have been reading around Blogland about Google Reader going and I don’t understand how computers work, I do know when they don’t!!!! DH is away again this week for three days with business and I know that the reader feature goes on July 1st.  

Karen at Sew Many Ways did a great post about Bloglovin and some people love it and others don’t but I thought I would give it a go, so I don’t loose the blogs I read. 

I also thought I would do mine so here I am claiming my blog.  I think I have done it right!!!!!!!! So another way to follow me is by clicking the Bloglovin button on my sidebar.

Susie x

Quilty Bags x 2!

Eldest and Girlfriend jetted off yesterday for a week in Menorca, having both now finished their exams.  As the schools are not off yet it has been quite a cheap holiday and the hotel they are staying at is across the road from the beach.  

I made the above bag for Girlfriend as a well done on finishing your exams and for her holiday for the beach.  She loved it. 

I love making these bags as they can be cut, sewed, quilted and finished in a day and are so easy.

I have work to do today as it is our Year End for the business and I have all the financial stuff to do!  I hate doing it, it is a real trial and although we do it every year I still can’t remember some of the procedures so it will no doubt take the whole day.  This morning we went for eye tests and I have to have new lenses, but it is only the third set of lenses I have had since eighteen so not so bad I suppose!

Tomorrow is swimming day so DH and Youngest are involved in that and I am determined to have a quilting day and try and get more blocks finished for Eldest’s quilt.  Wish me luck!!!!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Susie x


Now what do you think Nicole Kidman and I have in common?  Certainly not husbands as DH is tall!!!!  Certainly not children as she has two more than me!  Give Up?  It’s our Birthdays today!!!!!!  People do say we look alike (ha ha) even could be twins (yeah right!)  Anyway if Nicole would ever stumble across a quilting blog (well sometimes a quilting blog!) Happy Birthday!!!

Yesterday was spent in a whirlwind of activity to get the cleaning, washing, ironing and my work completed, so I could have today off!  Treacle didn’t know what had hit her and missed her Wednesday Wag altogether.  The weather was really warm and oppressive and Treacle spent the whole day outside, in fact she didn’t come in for a biscuit.  She planted two feet on the kitchen mat and then took her biscuit outside!

DH flew out to Spain for a business meeting yesterday as well and stayed overnight so he won’t be home until late this evening!  So far this year that’s a two for, having missed Valentines Day as he was at an Exhibition in London and now missing my birthday!  He is going to have to do some catching up.

The Boys were really good and got up at 6.30am and I have some lovely gifts from them

Youngest gave me a picture of my Jeep beefed up (if only it had wheels like that!) and Eldest gave me some wooly ear phones for winter and Series one and two of Game of Thrones on DVD.

I also had visits from the Boys’ Godmother who gave me a book token and a Yankee Candle which I love, Jayne gave me a book token and Girlfriend and Family gave me a book token (they all must know I like books!) and made me a cake.  Can’t wait to get to the bookshop to spend them.  Another friend gave me some lovely bath oils.

Eldest took Youngest to school for me and I had a lovely long bath, reading my book!  I had planned on doing some sewing today but really didn’t feel in the mood.  Eldest then went to get lunch and brought back McDonalds!!!! and some ice cream which Treacle tucked into too!

Thank you Mummy for sharing your Birthday ice cream!

DH should be home hopefully not too late from the airport and we can share a takeaway (what are birthdays for but for eating cake and junk food!!!!!!).

Tomorrow is another busy day but at least it is Friday.  I will show you the piece of quilting I did finish.

Susie x

PS The weather is again hot and humid and reports of possible electrical storms so that should be fun.  Oh and we lost water yesterday evening at about 7.00pm and it didn’t come back on until late in the night, but at least we could have showers and baths this morning!!!!!!

Things Get In The Way!!!

I should have gone to Quilt Club last night to catch up with the ladies and see what they have been up to.  Also there was going to be a demonstration of different types of Applique.  Now I have only just started doing this and am not very proficient, so thought this would be ideal for me.

However Youngest had other ideas!  He has had a problem with his big toes and they have both managed to get infected (insert yuck here!!!!!)  I decided yesterday morning that he needed a trip to the Doctors and the only appointment I could get him was at ten minutes to six in the evening!  Now to get to quilt club I need to leave by 6.30pm.  We arrived at the surgery ten minutes early on the basis that we might get seen on time!  Yeah right!  No 6.15pm we are still sat waiting!!!!!!  Needless to say I didn’t get out in time.  Youngest has now got antibiotics for a week and we have to bathe his feet every evening, I do get some lovely jobs.

I am in the process of making another quilty bag which I am hoping to finish tonight and will be able to show you tomorrow.  Then back to building the blocks for Eldest’s quilt.  I can’t wait to get it finished. 

I must get on now as I have proper work to do.

Susie x

Treacle is on guard this morning – the squirrel has paid a visit and annoyed her!

Father’s Day!

So what do Boys and Dad do on Father’s Day mess around with the cars!!!!!  Eldest with his car is slowly “pimping” it up, ie new light bulbs, different number plates and new pedals with help from Dad of course!  But it keeps him happy.  He has been watching too many Counting Cars and Danny at Counts Kustoms!!!  If only.  Youngest washed my car for me!

DH had a few presents but he did get three lots of chocolates, his favourites.

Treacle took on guard duty for the chocolates in case anybody dared to take one!  However I think she was trying to work out how to get them herself!!!!

Me, eat chocolate, never!

DH had a great day.

Susie x

Quilty Bags!

I have been busy building blocks for Eldest’s Quilt so that has been taking my time but I did get chance to make this cute tote bag for my friend Jayne, whose Birthday is on June 12th.  I couldn’t show you before, because she reads my blog!

I have made a couple of these now and they are so easy to make and look great.  I have tried various bag patterns and I find that they can be so confusing.  This is a tutorial on You Tube by Jenny Doan at The Missouri Quilt Company, you can find it here and is titled “Make Three Totes/Purses With One Charm Pack”.

Jenny uses charm squares left over from other projects, but I just used materials from my stash, 5 x 5″ squares and added material  for the lining, handles and base.  You can make the bags any size you want but I wanted Jayne to have a larger bag to use for the beach when she goes on holiday in the summer.

I love the summer colours which are great for Jayne’s summer birthday.  We try and go out for lunch together as her birthday is eight days before mine.  We originally met when Eldest and her son were in Reception Class at Primary School on the first day.  They and we have been great friends since.  

The two of them on Eldest’s 12th Birthday!  They have changed a lot since this picture!!!!!

So Happy Birthday Jayne and see you for lunch soon.

Susie x