Monthly Archives: August 2023

Next Year Will Be Busy!

Our Family is going to have a busy year next year!  Because of things in the past I never really look any further forward than the next month but we are this year because of this:

Eldest and his Partner are expecting!

This is the twelve week scan and all is going well.  When they started the scan the baby was upside down and would not turn round so already taking after its Daddy!  He was a little monkey when he was little!!!  The due date keeps moving so at the moment end of February beginning of March!!! 

We are all very excited! 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

Books, Books, Books!

As things were hectic before we went away, I missed Book Lovers Day on August 9th which was while we were away!  I did partake by doing quite a bit of reading whilst away, in fact managed to read five books, above, and start my sixth.  Of course I now have to pick which book for Book Club Friday!!!

I had already started The Apollo Murders before we went away and it was a very different book writeen by Chris Hadfield, a former Astronaut and yes it is a murder mystery set in space but it is not Sci/fy! 

I then read Marauder by Clive Cussler which is an Oregon mystery about the tramp steamer ship with hidden qualities.  As usual a great yarn which kept me turning the pages as always.

I then read The Marlow Murder Club which was one of the books from my year of books from the bookshop.  It was okay but it was a bit slow! Not for me.

I then read The Death Instinct by Jed Rubenfield. Hmm not sure what to think about this one.  It was set in the early 1900’s in New York and linked the characters with real people including Marie Currie and Freud.  It was okay but again don’t think I will bother with another of his books.

Finally I read The Two Lost Mountains by Matthew Reilly.  This is a series of books by Mr Reilly about Jack West which started with Seven Ancient Wonders, then The Six Sacred Stones, The Five Greatest Warriors, The Four Legendary Kingdoms, The Three Secret Cities, the Two Lost Mountains and ends with The One Impossible Labyrinth.  The story continues through all the books and I cannot wait to read the final one.  Matthew Reilly is a great writer and like Clive Cussler his books just keep you turning the pages until the last one.  I am am about to start the final book now!!!

It was great to have time to read without too many interruptions!!! 

It was a busy three day weekend last weekend getting jobs done and DH, Eldest & Youngest spent the Monday at the Garage!  I spent the day doing all the holiday ironing!  This week has been busy with work and of course we are one day short, so all week I think it is the day before!  It will be Friday before I know it. 

I am hoping to sort out work and other jobs and get back to blogging every day again.  I hope you are having a wonderful week, I cannot believe that we are moving into Autumn!!!  

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

Home Again!

We had a very busy two weeks up in The Highlands.  So here is a photo drop of the two weeks!!!  Warning Picture Heavy Post!!!!

Loch Ruthven in the sunshine.

The Heather was coming out with the sunshine we had.

The flowers at the cottage below.

The view from the cottage.

The Hills around the Cottage.

The Robot mower was still doing his job, we named him Herbert.

These are the views on the way back to the Cottage.

A Seedling Christmas Tree has set itself in one of the posts!

Eldest & Girls in the Walzers at the Highland Games Ballatar.  The Pipe & Drums coming into the Games below.

Doesn’t matter how old you are, it is still fun to look for shells on the beach!

Eldest and DH!

Rainbow near the Cottage.

Brodie Castle.

The Car Show at Brodie Castle.

The Highland Cows near the Cottage.

Youngest and Girlfriend.

Loch Ness, no sign of Nessie though!

Herbet got stuck, so Youngest rescued him!

Youngest and the Highland cow!

Back to work now with a vengence!!!  It is like we have not been away at all!!!  Will post some more pictures later this week and also catch up on the books I managed to read over the two weeks.  Have a great week. 

Hugs & Love Susie & Coco xx

We Are Away!

DH and I are away to Scotland for two weeks and The Boys are house sitting alternate weeks and coming up to us as well.

Will try and upload some pictures whilst we are away. 

Happy Summer you Lovely Lot.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx