Happy Thursday Everyone! I thought I would do a fun #Throwback Thursday today.

Above our Darling Treacle aged One Year!

Above our Darling Coco aged One Year!

Coco has got such a different personality to Treacle which has made it easier in some ways getting over Treacle’s passing.  She is such a little character and so, so different to all our other Airedales too.  They have all had their own personalities of course but Coco really is in a league of her own!!!!

Also found out it is National Puppy Day today!  Always a bit late with these things.  Anyway here is Madam when she was little and of course Darling Treacle.


I have been working all day today and so will be doing home jobs tomorrow.  I have plans for the weekend, some spring cleaning, some sewing hopefully, some baking, who knows.  I will take each day as I find it!!  Tomorrow is Book Club Friday and I can say I am really enjoying my current read.

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “#TBT

  1. farmquilter

    I am so glad Coco is helping you all heal from the loss of Treacle. Just typing her name makes me cry. Coco’s golden fur looks to be a bit lighter than Treacle’s, or is that just the lighting?? I’ve seen a neighbor walking their Airedale but I’ve not gotten to meet one in person yet…looking forward to that!! Looking forward to hearing about what you are reading and seeing what you will get up to this weekend! I just finished watching a series on Sandringham, Balmoral and Windsor and how the Queen loved and nurtured them…completely fascinating. Sandringham was on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHNffC9nJx8 and there were links to the other two in the description, because YouTube wouldn’t allow them to be posted. Balmoral showed and mentioned Glamis!! It was so cool!!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    Such beautiful pictures of both of you as puppies and also at one year old. We miss you, Treacle and we are so happy that you have Coco to mend your hurting hearts.

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