Monthly Archives: February 2015

Spring Is Coming!

spring-wallpaper-14As tomorrow is 1st of March I thought My Blog needed a little Spring Cleaning,  so we have changed everything over in the hope that Spring will soon be here!  Although the weather forecast says we may have more snow next week!!!!!!

Have a great weekend

Hugs, Susie x

Beam Me Up Scotty!

RIP Leonard Nimoy

1931 – 2015

I am a huge fan of a lot of sci-fi programmes, but especially Start Trek the original series, which I used to watch with my Daddy! 

Rest in Peace Leonard Nimoy, you and the rest of the cast of Star Trek brought space travel to millions of children and I, for one, am very grateful as it also led me to read a lot of books about science fiction.

Live Long & Prosper

Susie x

Thank Goodness It’s Friday!

Thank goodness it’s Friday it has been a really busy week!!!!!! With DH being away, work has been busy, and then I have done all the swimming runs with Youngest.  I wasn’t going to be at swimming last night but ended up having to go in to see someone and then got caught by several people with different issues!!!!  So I was still there three hours later!  Ho hum!!!!!!

Looking forward to the weekend though.  Saturday evening the Boys Godparents are coming round for dinner. 

Sunday Youngest is swimming all day again in the last event of the County Championships!  It has been a long three weeks but there have been some great swims and it has also highlighted some things which need to be sorted out as well.

So whilst they are swimming I will be quilting!!!!!  I really need to get on with things, I am so far behind you wouldn’t believe!!!!!!

I hope everyone is having a fantastic Friday and will have a wonderful Weekend.

Quilty Hugs, Susie x

The Wednesday Wag!

The Wednesday Wag Yoga Day!

Mom says that with all the bad weather I need to keep up my exercise, so today on The Wednesday Wag is AiredaleYoga!

  This picture shows you how to stretch your neck and back.

This is the Curl Down from the previous position, are you keeping up?

Need to do a little weight lifting to keep those neck muscles strong, five repetitions at least.

Don’t forget to raise your legs and have a tennis ball handy to help out.

You must take a break between exercises, leaning on a wall is a good idea.

Don’t forget to stretch the body in all areas.

A selection of things to help with the workout

Of course getting friends to help you is always a good choice!

After all that AiredaleYoga you can settle down for a nice snooze.

Hope this has helped you with some tips to keep fit in all this cold weather.

Woofy AiredaleYoga Woofs, Treacle


Pictures I love!

I have a real love of History and seeing old photographs of areas which no longer exist or have been taken over by modern living.  I found this in the paper today and I just love this picture of 1946 New York.

A photograph by the late Todd Webb which has been re-released, it was taken in 1946.  This shows the intersection of Madison Street and Pike Street, south towards the Manhattan Bridge.

Of course I love animals and always read articles about them (so much better than the depressing news from around the World!).  This was in yesterday’s paper

Red Pandas at Cincinnati zoo and Botanical Gardens enjoying the cold and snow! Doesn’t he/she look so cute?

I saw this at the weekend. As you know I drive a Jeep and just loved how the ice had stayed after the owner had left.  I am amazed that it didn’t break when they drove away!

This was taken at The Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuary, China.  They were getting the pandas in for the night and this one did not to go in, so his carer had to get him down out of the tree and the panda did not want to wake up, so he got carried in!

And for all those still under piles of snow and cold weather, here is a Spring picture.

Hugs, Susie & Treacle x

Monday Again?

This was Treacle today!!!!  It has been sunny but a really, really cold wind so although it was 6°C if felt like -6°C!!!!!  I opened the door at lunch for Treacle to venture into the garden and she stuck her head out of the door and wouldn’t go any further.  A little encouragement from me (You are going out!!!!!!) and she finally went but was soon back!  I think Punxsutawney Phil was correct with six more weeks of winter!

This is where DH flew to this morning!  Cern in Switzerland.  He got up at 3.00am and left at 4.00am to get to the airport for the flight out.  Needless to say I was awake, but did not get up!

So as I was awake I switched on to The Oscars which was about half way through!  I loved the stage, I thought it was a great display.  So I saw the top awards presented.  Then, of course, dozed off again!!!! But did get up in time to get  breakfasts and lunch made and Youngest to school!!!!!!  Getting tired though now!

After school I had to take him to the Orthodontist to have his braces checked, they are okay, and now we are home and we don’t have to go out again this evening, yeah!!!!!!!!!

I got a lot of work done today but still have some to sort out and a basket of ironing calling as well!  Tomorrow I am helping at my friends office again (I have almost got her organised!!!!) and then it will be swimming.

I did get some more done on Youngest’s quilt over the weekend and I am hoping to get it done this week, fingers crossed!!!!!!

Hope everyone is having a marvelous Monday.

Hugs, Susie x

That Was The Week That Was!

After Monday of this week, the rest of the week seemed to descend into chaos!  Monday evening we had a swimming committee meeting which was endless (!!!!!), Tuesday I was helping our friend with her work, so by Wednesday I was behind with mine! 

I had loads of emails to deal with, which all seemed to need more than just a quick reply, and our Accountant needed some information immediately!  Treacle was not inclined to do her Wednesday Wag either, she is hibernating!!!!!

Thursday was another catch up day and then DH and I had to go visit our solicitors as we have found out that the middle of our garden is not registered land!!!! A mistake which was made when we bought our property thirteen years ago!!!!!

Today has been house jobs and grocery shopping for the weekend!  But Thank Goodness It’s Friday!!! This picture reminds me that I am still trying to finish Youngest’s quilt!  Which I really want to get done this weekend because I am getting behind with my quilting projects now!!!!!!

Tomorrow Youngest is swimming in the Derbyshire Championships in the evening and DH is commentating at one of the local celebrations of Chinese New Year.

Youngest is then back at the pool on Sunday morning swimming again in the fourth day of the Championships!  Hopefully this will give me some time to get my quilting done. 


This picture, which is off a design website, reminds me of Spring!  Anyhoo Eldest and Girlfriend are coming for family dinner tonight and I can’t wait to see them all and have a great evening.  I am making Lasagna and salad with fries!  For desert I am making pancakes as we missed out on Shrove Tuesday, because we were all out!

I hope everyone’s week has been a little less chaotic than mine, I am hoping that peace will descend over the weekend!!!!  I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Hugs, Susie x

I Am Back At My Desk But….!

Well three days in bed managed to get rid of the dreaded lurgy but now I am behind with work!!!! 

Last week here was half term so Youngest was off for the week and he spent the three days I wasn’t well looking after me (he is wonderful) as his Daddy was away all week at a business exhibition on the south coast!  I managed to get up and take Youngest to the train station on the Wednesday evening for him to go, alone, on the train to London, where DH met him at the station at the other end for them to attend the last day of the exhibition on the Thursday! 

Thursday saw me helping my friend still organise her office since she moved from home to her new “proper” office.  It was a good day although long and we did get a lot done.

Friday again was a bit of a non-day and we didn’t get much done, still recovering from colds and Youngest from a long day and a late night on Thursday.  At the weekend I managed to catch up on all the washing and ironing I hadn’t done and house jobs, so at least that is organised.

Today was the start of the next term and I have almost caught up on my work.  Tomorrow I am helping our friend again and then Wednesday I should be back to normal!!!!!!

Treacle looks like a real scruffy mutt at the moment as she missed her brush at the weekend and I am putting off having her clipped as it is still cold and today was very wet!

Needless to say I did not get any quilting done 🙁

I hope everyone is keeping well and having a marvelous Monday!

Hugs, Susie x


Yep I made it to Friday! Two days of sickness with Youngest (but from what I have heard that was good as everyone else has seemed to take weeks to get over it) although there were only three of them in their Form yesterday, the rest were off sick (although it may have been excuse as a lot of them go skiing at this school break!!!!!!)

We have had one scared Airedale (!)

One Lovely Lunch!

Three Days of Work!

One Day of House Jobs!

One weekend of lots of things on, to come!

But at least it is Friday today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hugs, Susie x