Bank Holiday!

Here in the UK we have long weekends a few times a year called Bank Holidays.  This came about because of Banker & Politician John Lubbock, first Baron of Avebury, in 1871 put a Bill forward to make a set number of Mondays as Bank Holidays.  These were changed again in 1971 but they constitute the first Monday of May, the last Monday of May and the last Monday of August.  Also included in the holiday dates are Christmas Day and Boxing Day, January 1st, Good Friday and Easter Monday.  Today is what was originally called Whitsun Bank Holiday and is also half term for all school children, one week off.

It is also known that when we have these long weekends especially the May and August ones, that it always rains!  As we are in Derbyshire everyone always thinks how lucky we are to go out in Derbyshire on Bank Holidays but we never do, because everyone else comes to Derbyshire for their Bank Holiday day out.  Of course some people go away on holiday for the week and so the roads can be quite full!  We, as a family, usually stay in and use it to get jobs done!!!

As you know one of our jobs is to tidy the garden as we did not get much done in it last year, except mowing the grass! 

This was DH’s job on Saturday, to get the Laurel under control.  I love it but boy does it go mad!  Anyway DH decided that it was going down to the bottom and then of course had to get rid of all the clippings which he did today!   Coco helped by running around with branches!

Eldest was busy at their home getting their shed tidy and getting all the rubbish out of it.  Here it is all clean and tidy.  We need to do ours now!  The race is on!!!!!

We were going to get the painting done but that got sidelined due to the wall in the bathroom we think now needs re-plastering, so he will be coming this week to have a look.

Tomorrow we have a business meeting with our Accountant and Eldest and then another busy week with business and next weekend we are hoping to get more done in the garden.

I hope you lovely lot have a wonderful week and the weather is kind to you.  We are forecast to have more rain this week with some sunshine but next weekend at the moment is supposed to be nice and warm, fingers crossed. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

1 thought on “Bank Holiday!

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut

    The Laurel sure did get a SuperDuper trim job and it looks so much nicer! Happy Sunday – well, what’s left of it.

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