Monthly Archives: July 2021

Busy Weekend Again!

DH and I had to pop down to London again last weekend so we went on Friday evening and spent Saturday and Sunday there.  The heatwave had broken so it was nice and warm but not roasting.  Here are a few pictures.

After the appointment at 9.00am on the Saturday we went to Borough Market. It is somewhere I had always wanted to look round.  It is like Covent Garden used to be before it became trendy.  The above building is The Hop Exchange.

The entrance to the market under the railway.

Next door to the Market is The Shard.

As you can see here it is built in, around and under the railway.

Outside one of the many places to eat.

I just love the old signs under the railway arches.

I just love the ironwork which holds the roof and walls up.

I just love looking around at all the old buildings.  They don’t have any particular history just that they are old and I love the shapes etc.

It was still warm so DH and I got drinks from a stall which was watermelon and it was great.

Across from the drinks stall was this fish stall which looked very clean and fresh.  As you can see the crabs were definitely fresh!!

Saturday evening I had another of these wonderful cocktails!  We also walked down the road from the hotel to a lovely Chinese Restaurant and passed this on the way. 

The Boys’ favourite Author.

We had a lovely evening.  On Sunday we drove back and then went out for Sunday lunch with our good friends from the village.  It really was a very decadent weekend!!!!  Of course Monday came round quickly and back to work and all the washing and ironing and meetings!!!!!!  Hey ho. 

Today is Girlfriend’s 21st Birthday and we are out, again, tonight for dinner with her.  Tomorrow is home jobs day and Friday I am having another day off (!) and am off to the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham so will have more pictures to show you. 

Over the weekend DH is busy both days with a swimming competition.  Speaking of which our very own Olympian, Jacob Whittle, did really well in Tokyo coming 13th in the 100m Free which for 16 years of age is a great achievement and Molly Renshaw began her journey today with the heats of the 200m Breaststroke. 

I hope you lovely lot had a great weekend and a good week.  Can’t believe it is Friday soon. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Treacle xx

Treacle loves it now it is cooler again and was having a Woofy Day as you can see from the look on her face!!!!!

Susie’s Friday Book Club.

Well you go away for a few days and goodness me the paperwork and jobs do pile up!!!  I am now up to date.  We have also had some very, very (for us) hot weather over the last week.  In fact we had to buy two new fans, one for our room and one for our Den where I work all day.  Yesterday the temperature in the Den reached 32°C and it was unbearable even with the fan!!!  Treacle has been very wise and found the coolest spot in our home under the dining room window and on our tiles every day and spent the day there, smart doggie!

Anyway it is a little late but here is my Book for this month’s Book Club.

Last month’s book “Into The Dark” by Karen Rose was not as good as it started out and in fact I did not finish it!  Whenever that happens I always turn to an author I know and love, because I know the book will be good, so this month it is another one from Mr Cussler.

This one is a Kurt Austin thriller.  It begins with Kurt rescuing some Scottish fishermen whilst he and Joe are working there for NUMA, which is when the mystery starts when the passenger on the fishing boat was not rescued.  Thus begins a treasure hunt unlike any other where arms dealers, thieves and the British MI5 are involved.  Can Kurt and Joe sort things out and find the treasure before everyone else and not die trying!

I have only just started the book but I am loving it already!!!! 


It is a little cooler today than the previous days which is a relief and we are due for some rain over the weekend which the garden will love. 

Last Monday I went out with my good friend, Jayne, for lunch.  We normally go out in June for our Birthdays, which are a week apart, but couldn’t so went on Monday.  We had a lovely meal and it was great to catch up on all the news.  Jayne is, at the end of this month, going to become a lady of leisure as she will be “retiring” from her present job.  Which means that we will be able to go out a bit more afterwards!!!!!

DH and I are off to London again later today and coming back on Sunday morning and we are then out with some other friends for Sunday Lunch.  It is so nice to be able to be out and about and doing things again.  Let us hope that this will now continue and we will not have any more lockdowns!!!

I hope you lovely lot have a wonderful weekend and I will have some pictures to show you on Monday. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Treacle xx

Is it biscuit time yet?

More Sport.

Last Saturday we went to see Girlfriend compete in Cheshire at an International Competition.  The weather was not too bad although it did rain for a bit.  Here are some pictures of the day.

Girlfriend and Penny in full flight!


Well Done, time for something to eat!

Second Round Ready to jump.

They had a great week coming 7th and 5th and getting a clear round on Saturday and into the jump off but unfortunately Penny had a pole down but it was a good week for them. 

I have not been feeling too well over the last few days, heat, long days and well you know!  Jobs which should have got done over the last two days will have to get done over the weekend now but hey ho.  However I think I will get up early and get them done first thing as it is due to be hot over the weekend and we have had heat warnings.  Not as hot as the some parts of the US but hot for us!! 

Whatever you are up to this weekend I hope you all have a lovely time and I will see you here on Monday.  I will try and do Book Club Friday later as I missed last week due to being away!!!!! 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Crew xx

“London, Baby”!

Yes couldn’t resist the phrase from “Friends” when they were in London!!!!!  In fact it was “Joey” who kept saying “London, Baby!”.   Anyhoo here are a few (!) pictures of mini-break in London again. 

The Hotel Bar and below one of their signature summer cocktails and it was yumm!

A trip to Fortunum & Mason which is all decked out for summer.

DH & I went out for dinner on Thursday evening to Gilray’s Steak Bar.  This was my starter below Slow Cooked Sticky Honey & Chili Beef Rib Strips and again it was yummy.

We both had steak, chips and mushrooms after.

Below is the view from the restaurant and it was just starting to drop dark

One of the things for summer in London is they have lit all the bridges down the Thames.

Love The Houses of Parliament at night.

We actually went past the Ralph Lauren Sloane Square store on the way to the flower show and because it was Wimbledon and they provide the Wimbledon uniforms, the shop was dressed for Wimbledon.  Just love the displays.

On the way back from the flower show this bar had blue tennis balls on their roof for Wimbledon!

We had a lovely few days and our next visit will be November when we are going down for our Anniversary and also to do some Christmas shopping, hopefully, fingers crossed and all that, that it will happen and we will not have any more lockdowns or restrictions!

Next Monday is supposed to be our “Opening Up” day but because of the rising numbers, again, of cases it is going to be a cautious opening!  Which means that they want us still to wear masks in crowded places/supermarkets etc and to be still mindful of large gatherings at home and if you can to still meet people outside!  Hmm not sure that people will listen to the advice.  This, of course, means that we will still probably have to wear face masks at the Festival of Quilts at the NEC at the end of this month!  I was really hoping we would not have to but we shall see.  I just find when it is really warm and having a mask on I start to overheat!!!!  I have tried the fabric masks but can’t get on with them so use the paper ones as I seem to be able to cope with them more easily, although in one store in London I was so hot the mask was wet by the time I got out!!!!  Hey Ho!

I hope you are having a good week, it’s almost the weekend.  Treacle is quite happy today as it is sunny and warm and she is able to be outside all the time!!!!

Did someone say Biscuit?!!!!!!!!!

Have a great Wednesday.

Hugs & Love, Susie & Treacle xx

A Busy Week.

 As you know DH and I went to the RHS Hampton Court Flower Show last week which was one of the many cancelled and moved events from last year.  This was our first visit there after we went to the Chelsea Flower Show in 2019.  I think I was expecting the same sort of show but it was not.  A lot of the exhibitors sell plants at this show and so it was more like a local plant sale rather than a show, especially compared to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.  Here are a few pictures we took.

The first tent we went into was the Rose displays and the smell was amazing.  The above one is a small rambling rose.

Below is one of the Show Gardens which was a lovely lay out but as you can see not a lot of colour in it.

The above pictures; another show garden.

This show garden was showing us how our gardens will look in the future to avoid the extremes of global warming etc.

The three pictures below were from the Flower tent and the only bits of colour we saw.

It was a nice day out to be with DH but I don’t think we will go again, I think we will be going back to the Chelsea Flower Show!!!!

Tomorrow I will show you more pictures of our stay in London and then Girlfriend at her show with Penny. 

Yesterday was spent catching up on work from last week and I spent all day Sunday cleaning and doing the washing, so now have a big basket of ironing as well.  Our weather here at the moment is all over the place with humid temperatures but grey and overcast so I have had a headache most days, but it is supposed to be nice and sunny by Friday and for the weekend and of course the temperature will go up.  We have some gardening to do so I think we will be out early in the mornings before it gets too hot. 

Treacle had a wonderful week with The Boys, and this is where she spent her nights, despite having her own bed!!!  As you can see she is quite happy to push covers and cushions out of her way to make sure it is just right for her!!! 

I will be back tomorrow with more pictures. 

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

Sporting Weekend!


Many Congratulations to Novak Djokovic on winning his Sixth Wimbledon Championship!

Although we do not watch football we have to say Good Luck to the England Football Team for tonight’s match against Italy.

A very sporty Weekend.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

Monday Again?!

How does Monday come round so fast?  Anyhoo I did spend Saturday sort of quilting but before I did do any I had to tidy the area under my desk which was a mess and sort out all the quilting jobs I have to do.  When all that was done I actually managed to sit down at my sewing machined and do something!!!!!  I know wonders will never cease.

Here is my machine with the Christmas mats with their bindings finally sewn on, I have been trying to finish these for months!!!!

Close up of them, just now need to sew the bindings to the back!

I also tidied my batting up and got the other quilt out which needs binding making and sewing on!  I also have a quilt which needs sandwiching and quilting and three which need cutting out!!!  I have a list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Today is busy with work as DH and I are away all week part business, part fun as we are due to go to the RHS Hampton Court Flower Show on Wednesday.  However it is due to rain which is typical!!  I think I will be taking three outfits with them, just in case.  Here in Britain it is the only phrase we ever use in summer “just in case”!!!!!!! I will be taking lots of pictures and will try and spread them out when we get back.

I hope you lovely lot had a great weekend and a good week to come. 

Hugs & Love,

Susie, DH, Eldest, Youngest, Girlfriends & Treacle xxxxxxx


It’s Friday, It’s The Weekend!

Yes we have made it to Friday, it was touch and go there for a while!!!!!! Saying that the weather is supposed to be dreadful with rain most days and possible thunder storms tomorrow!  However tomorrow for me it will be :

Eldest is working and DH & Youngest are off out to a car museum so Treacle and I have our home to ourselves, so I am going to spread out over my desk, DH’s desk, the kitchen breakfast bar, the laundry and anywhere else with all my sewing things.  In fact I may even get it out tonight so I am all ready tomorrow!    I have so much to do; bindings to make and get sewn on to the quilts; quilts to cut out; quilts to plan and of course quilts to finish!!!  I will be making a list of course!!!!  I am sure Treacle will be busy helping especially as she will be unable to go out if the weather is bad.

I will have pictures on Monday!  Also want to do some reading, that has got missed this week due to all the chaos!! 

I hope you lovely lot have a wonderful weekend whatever you have planned and the weather is kind to you.  DH and I are out tonight for dinner with some friends who we haven’t seen for over a year and it will be great to catch up on all their news. 

Stay safe. 

Hugs & Love,

Susie & Treacle xx