Monthly Archives: December 2012

I hate Anything New!!!!!

Well, a big thank you for DH for all his hard work getting this set up.

I hate anything new and this really is taxing my brain.  I am sure I will get it sorted soon, but obviously it is not the same as Blogspot and as easy as that was to use, at the end of November I had used up my allowance for pictures!  I was not going to try and buy any more space, having already had an issue with them (Google never got back to me after I complained!!!!!) so I was left with the alternative of moving my Blog to here.  

I just hope that all my followers will still follow on here as I have so enjoyed connecting with everyone and I just had to move! 🙁  I have emailed everyone with the new site so fingers crossed.

I have loads of things to show you, what we have been up to since November and will post things over the next few days.  As always it has been manic here and quilting was put to one side again, in favour of making Christmas cakes, puddings and cookies.  Pictures soon when I have loaded them!!!! 

Anyway It is now 10.53 here in England and we are getting read to welcome the New Year.  2012 as not been the best in some ways so here’s hoping 2013 is better! 

I hope everyone, wherever you are in the World, has a very Happy & Peaceful New Year.

Susie, DH, Eldest, Youngest & Treacle !!!!







Here we are, now hosted on WordPress for for space and other stuff.

Please bear with me whilst I get the hang of it, but click on Follow if you would like to see how things go…

Happy New Year!
