Monthly Archives: August 2017



As if you haven’t all realised yet we are away on Vacation!!!!

DH, Youngest, Treacle & I are away and Eldest and Girlfriend are House sitting for us (they are going away when we get back to Portugal for a week!)

So there may be only a few posts, depending upon the wifi connection! 

See you all in Two Weeks Time.

Hugs, Susie xx



Festival of Quilts 2017

I managed, by the skin of my teeth (!), to get to go to the The Fesitval of Quilts at the NEC in Birmingham this year.  It is the largest quilt show in Europe and lots of people fly in to Birmingham Airport to visit the show, I heard lots of different languages today as well as the many visitors from the UK. However I didn’t see anyone I knew, which is quite unusal.  The last time I went with Jayne, I saw DH’s cousin!!!!!

Anyway enough chatter get ready for a heavy picture post as I took a lot of photographs but only of quilts I love.  I don’t know how many quilts were entered but there were a lot.

You know I am a huge fan of elephants so this was the first quilt I saw, I just love it and cannot believe it is quilted.

I just loved this because it was quirky!!

This was not in the competitions but an exhibit and I just had to take a picture because of swimming and the Boys!

Can you actually believe this is a quilt?  I also took this because of the Boys.

The picture does not do this justice but I just loved the horse shoes on it.

This was stunning.

This is entitled “York Minster”.

Love this quilt

My favourite block, log cabins.

So after seeing all these wondeful quilts and snapping away, I suddenly realised if I also took a picture of the quilt number I could tell you about them!!! Amazing!  But I had already moved through several sections, so I didn’t go back, sorry.

Tiny hexagons, really tiny!!!! This was in the two person quilts and by Kerrie McCormick and The Bramble Patch.  Kerrie loves paper piecing and she designed the quilt and it took her six months to complete.

This is by Sarah Joy Ford and is called “She Whom the Moon Ruled”.  Now when I first saw this it reminded me of Brienne from Game of Thrones but I am not sure now.

Here is a picture of Brienne from the show, what do you think?  Anyway I digress!

This quilt is by Kathleen Matthew-Saunders and is called “Memories of Scotland” which is quite appropriate as we are going away there tomorrow!!!  A lot of the pictures are very familiar to us and who does not like Highland cows?!

This is by Mara Brands and Anne Lillholm from The Netherlands and is called “Africa a la Mara”.  I love it.

These are the elephants from the top of the quilt.

This is a miniture quilt called Light at the End of the Tunnel by Jill Cooper

I just loved the colours in this quilt, especially the main colour of Blue.  It is by Simone Steuxner from Sweden and is called “My Heart is Swedish”.  The quilt tells of her life from being born in Austria but moving to Sweden in 2013. 

I loved the sewing machine (sorry it is blurred).

This is “Nellie” by Pam Morris in the Quilt Creations (!) category and she is raising funds to stop the elephants in India being used for Circus and tourism purposes.  I love her

And finally to the quilts which won (sorry but I don’t agree with all of them!!!)

This quilt is by Janneke de Vries-Bodzina from The Netherlands and is called African Village.  It won the Pictorial Quilts section.

This is by Anita O’Brien and is called “Peter and Amina’s Quilt” and won for the My First Quilt Category (!)

This is by Judith Lynch and is called “Sticks and Stones 1” and won for the Modern Quilts Category.

This is by Annelize Littlefair and is called “The Trouble with Magenta, Hot or Not” and won the Traditional Quilts Category.

This won the Miniture Quilt Category and is by Phillippa Naylor and is called “Measure for Measure”.  Not only that but it also won Best In Show.  Although it is lovely and the work and time that must have gone into it is amazing especially for a miniture quilt but personally I think the African Quilt should have won Best in Show!!! 

I did take a few more pictures which I will show you in a few days time and if the wifi is not working well, when we get back from vacation!!!! 

It was a good day although the one thing I did notice was that there were less trade stands this year than before and I wonder if this is because the show organisers have increased the costs of having a stand at the show!  DH and I do technical shows at the NEC and know how much they charge us for the stands so it may be because of that.  There were quite a few big traders who were not there.  However it did not stop me from buying some fabric!!!!  I will also take some pictures of that and post them, hopefully in a few days.

I have managed to keep on top of all my jobs, work wise and house wise and we just now need to pack and load up and then we are off tomorrow for two whole weeks and I cannot wait.  Of course the sewing machine and a few projects are coming with me!!!!! 

I hope you enjoyed this quick visit to the show and you all have a lovely Summer Weekend.

Hugs, Susie x

Pets On Quilts 2017!

The day has finally arrived for the start of this year’s Pets on Quilts show, organised by the lovely Snoodles at Lily Pad Quilting (  Follow the link to her site where the entries will be.

Of course Treacle had to get in on the act as we have, occasionally, missed the show but not this year.

Here is our entry into the “Dog on Quilt” Category for you to hopefully vote for us!

Here she is lying on Youngest’s Quilt which I have just finished!!! Talk about timing!!!  Of course one picture is never good enough so here are a couple of others.

Youngest was assisting with the pictures getting Treacle to look at the camera, but of course she was looking at him instead.

Of course it is all too much eventually and you just have to lie down.  I am sure all these super models are the same you know, three pictures then they have to lie down!!!!!!

Here is a full length picture of Youngest’s quilt.

The party is open for ten days and then Snoodles will do a post about how to vote.  We thank you in advance if you vote for Treacle, we do very much appreciate it.  Have a lovely time looking round at all the other entrants and thank you to Snoodles for arranging this great event each year and to all the sponsors who have donated prizes.

Hugs, Susie & Treacle xx

Thinking Tuesday!

DH & Treacle.  I can’t decide if they are plotting something or falling asleep!

This face says “You have washed my beds again and I just had them at the right smell!!”

When is the biscuit tin coming out?

As DH was away last night she snuggled on the bed.  Well I was on one small side and she had the rest of the bed and it’s a Kingsize!!!!!  She will be back in her basket tonight with her other clean bed!!  She can spend all night getting it to smell right!!!

So far I am keeping up to date, I am sure as we rush headlong to Friday it will all come crashing down but so far I am doing okay!!!!

I hope you are having a Thrilling Tuesday.

Hugs, Susie xx

Is It Monday?

It has been a very busy weekend again, we got to see the Boys Godparents on Saturday for dinner as we have not seen them for ages and it was great to catch up. 

So Youngest went off to a car show with his friends on Friday and was there all weekend camping out and they had a great time, until his car decided it was not going to play!!! So DH had to go and get the car trailer again and bring Youngest’s car home on it yesterday!  The garage has had a look at it and they think his clutch was slipping a little but it is fine to drive!!!!!  I hate mechanical things when they go wrong!!!!

Here is Treacle with her new Airecut!!!   Last night she had been out in the garden and we think she might have slipped on the wet grass because when she came in, DH and Youngest were stroking her and she was making the most awful racket!!!  We examined her and went through her fur and could not find a thing so we think she may have banged her shoulder!!!! Anyway I told them at the spa today, just in case and when I went to collect her they said she had been fine, as good as gold and not one murmer!!!  I think she may have just been feeling sorry for herself!!!!

Still have lots to do and am desperately trying to keep up with things so that we are all ready for Friday.  I am off to the Quilt show while DH and Youngest take Treacle to the Kennels and I am determined I will be packed before then so that we won’t have a rush on Friday night.  I have charged my camera battery ready for Friday to get lots of pictures of the quilts, which I will upload before we go away.  Eldest and Girlfriend are kindly housesitting for us whilst we are away.

I hope everyone is having a lovely summer.  Happy Monday.

Hugs, Susie xx

August, Really?

As you might have guessed this was for yesterday’s post but it didn’t get done as the whole day flew by in a whirl of work.  This always happens just before we go away on vacation and as much as I try to ensure it doesn’t, it still does!!!!

So can anyone tell me where seven months of the year have gone please?  I cannot believe we are into August and know that this month will also fly by especially as we are away for two weeks of it.  I am desperately trying to keep up to date with EVERYTHING so I don’t have a manic week next week, especially as we have visitors from Germany coming over for a business meeting at the start of the week. 

Treacle is going for a haircut on Monday next so she will be all nice and clean and tidy because at the moment she is imitating a wooly mammoth!  The weather has been quite cool with lots of showers so she is residing in her bed and not inclined to do her Wednesday Wag!

Youngest was out with his friends last night and was expected home.  I woke up at 2.30am to find him not home and unable to reach him on his mobile so I then had an anxious three hour wait until I heard that he was fine but just in a bad signal area!!!!  As you can imagine I am now exhausted and determined to go to bed early tonight before I fall asleep at my desk!!!!

Tomorrow is house job day and visit to the physio and then I am hoping to get some business work finished and I will hopefully be up to date for Thursday anyway!!!!!

I hope you are having a Lovely Summer.

Hugs, Susie x