Monthly Archives: June 2012

July 1st – Red White & Blue Blog Hop

Welcome to the Red, White and Blue Blog Hop!

July 1st 2012

If you hop over to Jane’s Fabrics and Quilts Blog you will see the Schedule for everyone hosting and all the days of the Hop (Link is on the left)

My Turn is on July 14th along with :

Diann C  (hosted by Jane’s Fabrics and Quilts)

So please pop back on July 14th to see what I am up to, there will also be a Giveaway and don’t forget to have a look at all the other blogs too.  

Happy Red, White and Blue Hopping!!


Saturday Start Up!

Its raining again!!!!  But hopefully tomorrow and the start of Carnival is due to be nice again, fingers and everything else crossed.
Today I am baking most of the day for the Dog Show on Monday evening.  I also have to sort through our Books and donate any we don’t want anymore to the Book stall on Carnival Saturday, next week.  
Tonight is the swimming gala where we are taking part in our own Olympics.  We have each been given a colour of an Olympic Ring.  Our Club colours are Royal Blue with yellow highlights and the colour we have been given?   Green!!!!!  So we are going for an Hawaiian Leprechaun theme!!  I will have pictures!!!!!!
I have noticed that we are getting very close to 1000 views and my Giveaway.  As tomorrow is the start of the Red, White and Blue Blog Hop which lasts until July 16th, I will have my 1000 View Giveaway after this, so I don’t confuse people as to what is going off.  So don’t despair we will have the Giveaway just not yet.  It will also be before the Next Hop I am involved with which is Think Christmas, beginning on July 30th.
So, July will be Giveaway Month!!!!!
Begins Tomorrow!!!!!
Don’t Forget the Red, White & Blue Blog Hop begins tomorrow and Hop over the Jane’s Fabrics and Quilts for each day’s schedule.
Hop back to me on July 14th.
Thanks for all of you who read my blog, especially those who find me on Find A Friend Friday, and to you who are following me.  It is really great to know that you are out there!
Have a sensational Saturday.
Susie x

That Friday Feeling

After yesterday’s storms things have calmed down a little round here and it is now cooler.  Last night it was still very humid and I had the swimming run.  As you can imagine the pool was like a sauna.  Not bad for the kids in costumes but for all of us sat around waiting for them!  I think I must have lost about three pounds just sitting there!
Two Days To Go!!!!
Don’t forget the Red, White & Blue Blog Hop begins on July 1st so Hop over to Jane’s Fabrics and Quilts to see the schedule for each day. Or by clicking on the link to the left will take you there too.

Now I have another confession!  Usually I don’t have the sound on my computer, especially working all day, I cannot stand all the bleeping!!!  Well I copied the above button from Jane’s site and my sound is on today (must be the Boys!!!) and there is music with it!!!!!!  So if, like me you don’t have your sound on, put it on; its great!!!!!!
I am Hopping on July 14th!  There is a small tutorial and a Giveaway!
Also July 1st sees the start of our Carnival.  Posting may be a little haphazard next week but I will try and keep up!
Sunday is Crowning of the Carnival Queen and picnic on the park and the Scarecrow Judging, which I organised.  Monday is Junior Football and the Dog Show so we are keeping everything crossed for the weather!!!!!

Our garden during the storm yesterday

Looking out at the front.

This rain was pounding down

The road flooding and we are on a hill!
The photographs don’t really convey how bad the storm was yesterday!  It was so dark all our lights were on and it was still dark and the thunder and lightning and rain was unbelievable!  The Boys school got a direct lightning strike and all their power went out!
Today is also quite windy!  This is summer here!!!!!!
Hope you have a lovely weekend, there will be no quilting done for the next week as it will be manic here!
Susie x

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

We have just had, over the last two hours, the most horrendous thunderstorm!  Treacle has been quaking in her paws and I must say one or two thunderclaps have been so bad, so have I!
One was so bad that it rattled the windows at the back of our house and it registered on the alarm panel, as if someone was banging on the windows!
I had to power down all the computers in case the power went out, it usually does, but we escaped that.  The rain was so bad at one point the road was beginning to flood and we are on a hill!
It has calmed down now so I will go back to doing the cleaning!!
Scared Susie & Treacle x

A Pathwork of Things!

It’s Thursday today and another busy day here, not only work to do but house things to do as well!  This post is a little bit of everything, just like a quilt!
My very good friend, Jayne, gave me, for my birthday, a gift card and this is what I bought with it :
I Haven’t read them yet, I am saving them for when I have time!
This morning, early, I went out into the garden and took these pictures of the flowers.  It is starting to fill out, although the slugs and snails have already eaten my seeds which had just begun to grow!  
My cottage garden starting to fill out.

The Honeysuckle surrounded by flowers.
 I took these pictures later on.  Treacle’s nemesis!  I just have to make sure that Treacle doesn’t land in the flowers when she is trying to chase the squirrel!
On the lookout for Treacle!

Escape!  This was through the window of our Den, which is why there is a slight glare!
Have a Thrilling Thursday.
Susie x

The Wednesday Wag

Just look what happens when your back is turned!  I went out this morning and stayed out as it was a nice day, not sunny but still warm, and I just came back in for a drink and look what Mom has done now!!!!!!
And where I am supposed to sleep?  Is Mom’s bed free I wonder?!!!!!
 My basket is being used as a store while she works.  Her desk was messy and she needed room to work, so Mom has moved all her quilting stuff into my basket!  
It has been busy round here for the last few days, Mom has been sorting all the entries out for the Dog Show and getting the route for the Scarecrow judging done and writing lists so she doesn’t forget anything, except the list.
I need to get myself tidy for Monday as I am in the Dog Show.  The Boys have entered me for Adult Dog Category 3 – 6 Years Old, Best Young Handler 12 and above (Youngest is doing that with me), Most Ear-Ristible Ears (they really are beautiful you know!) and Best Wag.  When I have a tennis ball in my mouth my tail is like a helicopter!
The next week is going to be very busy and I suspect they will all be in and out during the day and the evening, but that’s okay I get to play on all the beds, especially if its hot.  It will be soon time for me to go to the hairdressers!
Hope you have a Wonderful Wednesday.

Half Way There

I have managed to finish half of my work, so I am getting there!  The rest can be done tomorrow as it is now getting on for the Boys coming home, getting homework done, piano practice done and then off to Tennis for Youngest and Swimming for Eldest, oh and fit in preparing and eating dinner somewhere in all that!
Wimbledon should be longer than two weeks!
I am in seventh heaven at the moment as Wimbledon has started.  So far we haven’t had too many rain delays!
On Saturday last Eldest went down to the racetrack for a 4 x 4 experience we had bought him last year after completing his exams.  He had a great time, learned a few more things about driving.  Youngest and Girlfriend came too and afterwards we had lunch at Pizza Hut.
Here are some pictures of the day.
Getting the controls sorted, this was an automatic, first time he had driven one.


Starting off slow and slight hill.


I have to go down there?  Not quite vertical but getting that way!


Always good to play in water.


Don’t get it stuck!


You can swim if we do get stuck?  Can he swim Ha!!!!


Safely out!


I want one!!!!!!!


Heading into the woods.


Another hill!


 Susie x

My Quilting Gift from The Boys

Isn’t he cute?
In all the rush I forgot to show you the other small gift the Boys bought me for my Birthday!
Every year there is a competition at Quilt Club and last year was a Toy.  Anyway at the Quilt Show at the beginning of June some of the Toys were for sale, to raise funds for the Club and DH bought me this one.  I love elephants and as a child Dumbo was one of my favourite films and this one looks like Dumbo!
I had only been out of hospital a week when it was the meeting for the competition so I didn’t get my toy completed.  It was all cut out and it was going to be a pig but I will finish it hopefully sometime!
Lots of work to do today and trying to catch up on the laundry tonight.  Sunday sees the start of Carnival with Crowning Sunday and Picnic on the Park, we are all keeping our fingers crossed that the weather is good.  On Saturday I have to bake most of the day for the Dog Show on Monday evening for the refreshments!  SO I don’t want it to be too warm on Saturday!  Never satisfied!
I have another post which I will try and get done later of what we did on Saturday!
Susie x

Monday Over With!

I think I will get this engraved and put up!  It is definitely my excuse this week!
 After the hectic previous few days today was supposed to be a sort out for work and home!
Not so, I took our winter double duvet and the Boys single winter duvets for professional washing at the end of last month.  They all went away together and were supposed to be back last week.  I went in and only a single one was back.  I was assured that today the others would be back.  In I duly go, the double is back!  I am still awaiting the last single one!
I had two other errands to run, the post office and the copier place and then I remembered I had to got to the bookstore as my good friend Jayne, her daughter Emily had been in hospital for an emergency operation.  She is now out and on the mend but I wanted to get her some books to stave off the boredom of being in bed.  
I called round to see her and she looked quite pale but getting better.  These are the friends who are also moving from the Village and they have now sold, so hopefully will be on the move soon.
I then had to call at another friend’s house in the village but they were out!  Eldest had a late session for one of his classes, so I have been coming in and out of our home like a yo yo and Treacle has given up coming to the door when I come in.  The last time she just raised her head up off her basket, looked at me and then went back to sleep!!!!
Tomorrow I have to catch up on all the work I did not do today and still tidy the house!
Quilting, you ask!  What quilting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Susie x

Busy Doing Nothing……!

After the Whirlwind of the last five days, which I have had a blast, but the early mornings and late evenings have finally caught up with me!  So I am busy doing nothing today!!!
Not strictly true as I have some business work which I must do today before work tomorrow!!!!
I just wanted to remind everyone that one week today the Red, White & Blue Blog Hop begins and you can find the schedule here :
My day is July 14th so come back and see what I am up to on that date but check in with all those blog hopping, as there are going to be some great projects and giveaways.
Hope you are having a lovely weekend and Happy Quilting
Susie x