Monthly Archives: July 2011

Our House Which Fights Back!

As some of you may have read in previous posts, our house is only 28 years old but the people who had it built did a very poor job, so every time we undertake any work it becomes double what we thought as we are having to repair the original shoddy work!
We had a new boiler installed when we first moved in, as the one already in was a very old second hand one!  Now this boiler is super duper very efficient and very “green”, doesn’t waste heat or water, heats water up instantly as it comes out the tap and was great.  Especially with two very young Boys at the time who were always dirty (still are now even though they are 16 and 12!).
Since having it installed it has gone wrong three times and the Company who made it have had to replace three pieces on it!  Nothing seems to last these days!
Anyway it has gone wrong again now!  It takes about eight minutes for hot water to come down, whereas it is supposed to be instant, and you can imagine the amount of water being used to try and get the hot water to appear.
So I am stuck in today waiting for the repair man to appear any time between 8.00am and 6.00pm!  I have to go shopping at some point, but I may sneak the day to do some quilting which has been sadly lacking in the last few weeks because of being busy!  Dare I ?   Yes!!!!!!
Susie x

Roll on The End of Term

Only Five more days left until the end of term and I can’t wait for the holidays.  Trying to get the Youngest up for school every day is like trying to pry a limpet off a stone, especially as the Eldest is at home all the time now having officially left Senior School.  He will obviously be back in September to the Senior School but going into Lower Sixth, so not finished really but main school he has.
We have a treat planned for both of them beginning on Friday July 22nd but I can’t say any more about that as they don’t know yet and I will tell you all about it afterwards!
Roll on Thursday July 21st!!!!!
Susie x


Swim Meet

This past weekend saw us on Friday with our Youngest and his friend camping in the back yard for their Dragon Award at Scouts.  This is where they camp out once each month for a year and of course the summer months are great, I am dreading the winter months though.
Saturday saw us up bright and early (well early) as we were fund raising for our swimming club at the local supermarket by packing peoples bags at the ends of the tills.  We actually raised over £700 but I think most of it was given to us not to pack the bags!!!
Sunday saw us up bright and early (well very early for me as I got up at 5.00am to make dinner for that evening) as it was our Swimming Open Meet.  This was called a “B” Grade for the younger swimmers.  We held this event for the first time last year and the clubs who joined us had such a good time that word got around and we had lots more this year!  It was great fun until the electronic timing board went down half way through the day, which then meant we had to go back to manual timing and input of the data and manual starting!  It was a challenge but we only finished half an hour late which was not too bad.
Our Eldest is far too fast to compete in this competition but Youngest did and won two medals for 100m Free and 100m Breast, but got disqualified in the 100m Back for one extra arm pull!  He was delighted with his medals, especially as last year he did not win anything.  
Unfortunately no pictures of these events due to our privacy laws over here and the photography of children!
Susie x

Sports Day

DH & Eldest looking cool!

Youngest seeing how far he can jump from a standing start.

Obstacle Coarse Game
During the chaos of Carnival Week our Youngest had his Sports Day!  Fortunately DH and I were around to go. as well as Eldest (as he has now finished all his exams).  The weather was kind, if a little cool, which was great for the children, especially the little ones.  
Here are a few pictures of the day.  I love these days, they make such fantastic memories.
Susie x

Carnival Day

Our Carnival Queen Miss Gemma Whiteside presenting the Second Place Prize to Mr Bill Ratcliffe for the Scarecrow Competition
We are in Silly Season at home with the Boys doing extra activities usually in different directions.  We also have all the End of Term/School Year events as well, so home/business/everything is getting messed around, including sitting down at the computer to blog or my desk to sew!
Here are the last pictures of our Carnival Day.  The weather was perfect and the whole day went off very well with only a few minor problems, but nothing to stop the day being great fun for all concerned.
Susie x
Villagers At the Carnival at The Park in the Centre of our Village

The Carnival Parade Arrives on The Park

Our Judges for the Parade and Fancy Dress – The Mayor & Mayoress of Erewash, Mr & Mrs John Easter & Mrs Glenda Harrison

Carnival Pictures

Our Fun Dog Show
The Judging Panel

Here are a few pictures of Carnival’s Fun Dog Show.  We had a great evening with the Dogs, Children and Owners! 

Susie x 

Which Dog Would the Judges Like to Take Home?
Best Trick

A Busy Few Weeks

It has been a busy few weeks, which has meant I have not had chance to sit down to blog anything.  My Birthday was on June 20th and DH took me out for lunch on our own, without the Boys.  It was great.  I don’t think you realise how much you don’t really talk to each other until you are on your own, because the Boys take up so much time.  We went to Loch Fynne in Nottingham and we had fresh fish which tasted wonderful.
The rest of the week was spent getting ready for Carnival in our Village.  If you have read any of my older posts from the previous years you will know how big an event this is.  DH is Chairman at the moment so a lot of things fall on his shoulders and the Boys and I also get involved.  It is great fun but a lot of hard work. 
Carnival Week began on Sunday June 26th with the crowning of our Carnival Queen with her Twenty attendants and one Crown Bearer.  Judging of the Scarecrow Competition which I organised.
Monday June 27th Junior Football Competition, Tennis Competition and Fun Dog Show which I organised with help from DH and Boys.
Tuesday June 28th Senior Football Competition and Walking Treasure Hunt for the Village.
Wednesday June 29th Duck Race in the brook which runs through the village.
Thursday June 30th Wild Wet and Wacky for the Teenagers (games with a lot of water involved!)
Friday July 1st set the park up for the big day on Saturday.
Saturday July 2nd Carnival Day.  We got down there at 6.00am and left the Park at 9.00pm!! What a day but it was great.  
Here are a few pictures of the Scarecrows on this post and I will post more pictures each day this week for everyone to see.
                   This is the “Gardening Angel” who won the Scarecrow Competition
“Keep Little Eaton Tidy” came Second.
“Little Bo Peep Had Lost Her Sheep” came Third

Susie x