Monthly Archives: July 2017

Manic Monday!


We had a lovely weekend.  I had coffee with Jayne on Friday and we caught up on all our family news before they are off on vacation this weekend.  I then went to see our friend who is not very well and she was feeling a little better, having been diagnosed with vertigo. 

Saturday we went to our friends for dinner with two other couples and our hosts.  This dinner was a re-creation of a dinner held in 1992 when our hosts first moved to the area for business.  The Guys were all in Round Table and the Girls were all in Ladies Circle and our hosts, Anne & Christopher, had just moved to the area and joined Table and Circle.  They were renting this huge house in the village which had a formal dining room and the biggest dining table you have ever seen.  We had all brought lots of wine and we spent the whole evening talking and laughing and it only ended at 4.30 in the morning with the birds singing. 

On Saturday we were working out how long we had all known each other, twenty five years for Anne & Chris, for the other two couples, Christine & Pete and Val and Dave we have known them for twenty eight years!!!!  Of course that just made us all feel old, so we moved on to other topics!!!!

We also had to sort out Eldest as his car decided to not work whilst he was on his way back from college!!!  The car came back on a low loader to our house and it will be going into the garage tomorrow!!!  We had fun pushing it up the drive (not) and into the garage but managed to get it in there!!!

Youngest has been filming again all day today for “Victoria” in Rotherham and left at 6.00am!  He is really enjoying the days.  DH has been busy with work and out all day and I got to go grocery shopping!!!! 

I am trying to get the next quilt finished this week and sorted and have got to get some things for Evalyn’s quilt including some plastic to make a template so I can cut out the blocks!!!!  This will be interesting. 

This week we have appointments, DH and I had our eyes tested last week and Youngest has an appointment next week, I have to visit the Physio again to see how things are going with my hip and then on Friday I have arranged for a spa day for me, Treacle is going next week.  Youngest is away all next weekend at a car show and he is camping so we are keeping our fingers crossed that it doesn’t rain.  DH and I will be hopefully getting the last jobs done in the house and garden before we go away the following weekend. 

I hope everyone had a lovely summer weekend and a Happy Monday.

Hugs, Susie xx

Thursday Again?!

Thursday sure does come round quick!!!  No sooner is it Monday than its the end of the week!  Why do the weeks fly by when you are having fun but go slow when it is all work, work, work?

I have managed to get all my work done this week, as well as uploading all the Elements for the swimming club submission for its Quality Mark.  This year the ASA (Amateur Swimming Association) has decided to re-brand itself as SwimEngland and they have re-branded everything else.  So what was Swim21 is now SwimMark but of course that means changing everything – headed paper etc.  Which was slightly annoying as I had already done everything with the old name!!!  Never mind it is all done now and in the hands of the officials and am so glad it is done before we go away.

We have a busy weekend coming up, starting tomorrow for me as I am having coffee with Jayne before we both disappear on holiday.  Then I am visiting another good friend who is not very well.  Saturday DH and I are out to dinner and Sunday will be house jobs and hopefully getting the garden tidy again before we go away.  Sometimes I do wonder why we do all this work before we go away on holiday!!!!!!

This is the next quilt project, which I showed you earlier in the year.  This is for Evalyn for her new room and the aim is to get it finished by October for her Birthday.  I am also continuing to finish my UFO’s, which is my goal for this year.  Planning forward I would love to start a quilt for our bedroom so that will be on the list as well.  I am still finishing my super secret quilt, getting the binding sewn to the back and this is something else I want to get finished before we go on vacation.


Tidied the sewing room before I put Eldest’s quilt on the bed.  I always like things tidy and cannot stand a mess, in fact I am a bit like Monica from Friends with her clean/tidy freak!!!!

I am going to our big quilt show in Birmingham on Friday August 11th and can’t wait, although I am going to be good and not buy a lot but am on the look out for some fabric.  I have actually treated my self to a VIP ticket which means that I should, at least, have somewhere to sit for lunch which is the only thing I think they have wrong with the show, not enough seating especially at lunch!   I will make sure my camera battery is charged to get lots of pictures.

#TBT – Brothers and cars – always!!!  This was taken at Epcot in 2010 at the Test Track ride.  Cool Dudes!!!

I hope you are having a Thrillling Happy Thursday.

Hugs, Susie xx

The Wednesday Wag!

I have been sunning myself outside yesterday but this morning it was heavy rain so I have been keeping Mom company in the Den.  She is keeping a close eye on me so I don’t lick my paw!!!

Mom also tidied Eldest’s room at the weekend, well her sewing room for the time being and put Eldest’s quilt on his bed.  This is the end where I sleep when she is in here sewing and I really like the new quilt, it is lovely and warm and squishy!  Mom was too slow to get a picture of me on it!!!!

Well I have been to the Vets several times in the last two weeks so I bet it is time for me to go to the Hairdressers!!!  Mom has actually booked it for two weeks time, which she says will make sure my paw is all healed and just before we go away on vacation. 

Hope you are having a Wonderful Woofy Wednesday!



Yes after all that anticipation I have finally finished Youngest’s Quilt!!!!  Phew.

Youngest is actually helping with the photograph by standing on a chair and holding up the completed quilt.  As you may have guessed he loves camper vans!!! 

A closer view of the quilting.

The back which is actually navy, like the binding, but as we are outside and the sun is actually shining at the moment you cannot see it very well.

A closer view of the back.

He loves it and it is at the bottom of his bed at the moment as it is still nice and warm so really no need for a quilt at the moment.

Eldest’s quilt is on his bed now too.  I managed to get all his bedding washed, dried and ironed and the spare set put on so have put his quilt on top of that;  Of course it is now covered by the boxes which contain my stash of material but you can see it.  There is of course room for Treacle to sleep when I am sewing!!!

We had a lovely few hours at our friends on Sunday for Brunch and got to sit with some other good friends.  We are so lucky as we are out again on Saturday evening at some other friends for dinner and we have not seen them for quite a few months.  I love summer for spending time with friends and getting to be outdoors.

Here is a picture of Treacle from Saturday morning on the way back from her Doctors without a bandage or the dreaded cone of shame!!!  She has been a little monkey this week licking her scar but we have put a temporary bandage on over night and left the cone out but so far she has left it alone!!!!  In two weeks time she will be able to go and have an Airecut!!!!

Took this this afternoon, you can see how blue the sky is and it is lovely and warm  These Peacock butterflies are on the Buddleja.

Although the swimming club is on its two week holiday we are watching the World Championships on TV from Budapest.  Adam Peaty beat the World Record this morning in the heats for 50m Breast at 26.10 and this afternoon has beaten it again in the semi-finals with a 25.95.  Our swimmer, Molly Renshaw, is also out there and will be competing later in the week.

I hope everyone is having a lovely Sunny Tuesday.

Hugs, Susie x

It’s Friday!

Yes well we made it to Friday relatively unscathed!  I have had two dreadful days and not feeling much better today either, just when I was on top of eveything, it does not take long for it all to fall apart!!!!

Yep Youngest has finished his first year at college and so is now off for seven weeks, yeah!!!  Of course he is busy for the first weekend of it!!!!  We have also broken up for two weeks from Swimming!!!!! Put the Flags Out!!!!!!

This is what Eldest and Girlfriend have been up to today!  It was Girlfriend’s Graduation after four years at Nottingham University, she has Graduated with a 2:1 in French.  Don’t they look smart!  Many Congratulations to Sophie!


Youngest is out all day today filming for a University Student’s final year project, he is playing a Vampire called Dave !!!!  He is then staying at his friends overnight in Nottingham as they are all going to an all day concert at Wollaton Hall in Nottingham tomorrow (its going to rain) and then Sunday he is out again all day at a car thing! So we will probably see him on Monday!

DH and I have nothing planned for tonight or tomorrow but we are out Sunday for Brunch with some friends which will be nice.

I am just getting myself sorted to get house jobs done and then a basket of ironing, so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone has a lovely summer weekend.

Hugs, Susie x


Okay everywhere you look in Blog Land at the moment it is “Christmas in July” so here is a Christmas picture of The Boys from 2008!  They were nine and thirteen!!!! 

I have been trying to read all the blogs which are taking part in the Christmas in July but have only managed a few, so am hoping to hop around at the weekend and visit them.  There are also Christmas movies playing on Movies 24 so they are joining in too!!!  It does seem strange though watching a Christmas movie when it is 70° outside, but I suppose those who live in the Southern Hemisphere are used to it!!!!  To me Christmas should be cold, frosty and hopefully snowy!

I do hope you are having a Thrilling Thursday.

Hugs, Susie x

Vet Visit!

We were at the Vets again this morning for a quick check on Treacle’s leg!  She is doing fine although the Vet wants to leave the stitches in for another few days and she is back again on Saturday, hopefully they will be taken out by then.

This is the fed up look!  Having already spent a week in the hood, or megaphone or parabolic mike, whatever you want to call it!!!!  She would definitely be attacking her stitches if she did not have this on her head!

Of course it does not stop you from playing ball!!!  I will say though the bruises on my legs are starting to appear where she crashes into me, as she forgets she has got the hood on!!!

It has been lovely and sunny and warm today but we can’t have the doors open as Treacle is not allowed outside on her own!  Tomorrow they have forecast rain but hopefully getting better towards the weekend again!  I have been sat at my desk all day working but am keeping up to date which is great.  I just need to keep up to date with house jobs and I will definitely be on top of everything!!!!!! 

I hope you are having a thrilling Tuesday.

Hugs, Susie x

Sunday of Sport!

This was Saturday actually but it was a good match.  Garbine Muguruza lifting the Venus Rosewater Dish as winner of the 2017 Ladies Wimbledon Championships. 

This was yesterday and again a good match although it was over rather quickly with Roger winning in straight sets.  The men’s trophy does not have a name but is called The Challenge Cup.  Also a lot of people ask why there is a pineapple on the top and the Wimbledon Museum believe it is because the pineapple was seen as a symbol of “honour, welcoming and celebration”! 

Neither player gets to keep the trophies as they belong to the All England Club, however they do get a smaller replica to keep.

Finally for Sport Sunday it was the British Grand Prix at Silverstone, which was won by Lewis Hamilton in fine style with his team mate Valtteri Bottas coming second. Oh it was such a shame that Vettel got a puncture on the last lap and had to pit and then finished seventh!!!!!  You really cannot convey sarcasm over the Internet!  Happy dance to the racing Gods who put Vettel in his place!!!!!!!

I didn’t post on Thursday and Friday of last week as I was busy looking after Miss Treacle who had her bandages taken off as the Vet wanted her leg to get some air for it to heal, which meant the dreaded hood went on and she is not allowed outside on her own but on her lead which she really does not understand or appreciate!  So DH, Youngest and I have been on dog watch in the garden and trying to get her to go has neen a nightmare.  In fact I think our neighbours must think we are mad trying to encourage her to get on with things!!!!  She is back at the vets in the morning to see how things are going and if okay to have the stitches out!!!! Hopefully it will not be too long before the hood can come off and get back to normal!!!

Well it will be on Thursday when he finishes his first year of college!!!!  Can’t wait.  It really doesn’t feel like summer until they are off.  He has seven weeks this year and there are quite a few things to do whilst he is off, including painting his room.  I said it would be painted white again and then add colour in with things but he has decided he wants grey(!) but I said he can have the two smallest walls grey (we are talking light grey here not battleship grey!) and the biggest walls will be white!!!  Well thats my plan!!!  I will show you how it progresses!!!

Friday night we are having a family dinnet to celebrate the summer break and yes I am keeping my fingers crossed we can eat outside again.  Today is very warm but you guessed it rain is on the way again!!! 

I hope you all had a lovely summer weekend.

Hugs, Susie x

Piggy Bank Challenge!

Through Sharon’s Blog ( I heard about the Piggy Bank Challenge run by Val at Val’s Quilting Studio (  Each year Val starts the fund and then on July 6th the following year opens and counts the pennies and it is put towards something Quilty!  I love these sorts of challenges so have signed up for this year.

I actually have a Piggy Bank too.  This was my Grandma’s, who taught me to sew, sew it seems quite approiate to be using it for this challenge.  He has a very unusal name too, Piggy!!!!!!!!!!!

So as you can use coins or bills I thought I would start off my fund with a good amount so have added £10.  The rest of the year it will be coins!!!!  That’s of course until the Boys need change for something!!!!! 

I haven’t really decided what I want to buy with the money saved but of course there is always plenty of fabric I would like!! 

If you would like to join in hop over to Val’s to see the rules and the button is on my sidebar.  Thanks to Val for coming up with this great idea which is now in its fifth year. 

Let’s get saving.

Hugs, Susie x