Thursday All Ready?

Okay I start Monday morning thinking great a new week and then suddenly it is Thursday and where has the week gone to?

Jayne and I went out for lunch on Tuesday which was lovely afternoon and I really appreciate that I have the ability to do this. DH left for work very early that day so I got up with him and got all my work done before I went out.  Monday was a busy work day too and I was at Eldest’s yesterday.  DH has had meetings most nights this week so I have got other jobs done whilst he has been out.  Tomorrow is home jobs day and grocery shopping.

This weekend is a three day weekend for us again so DH and I are planning to get our room painted.  It has not been done for so long so I know that the walls are going to suck the paint up.  At least the room is square so it should not take long to paint.  We are also going to paint the Bathroom we renovated at the end of last year too, but that is just the ceiling and one wall as all the rest are tiled.  I am keeping everything crossed that the weather is going to be good and may be we will get some gardening done too.  Yesterday it rained from about 4.00am until 9.00pm, I have never seen so much rain and after all the rain we had over the winter and spring we really don’t need any more!!!!

One thing I have noticed that we have had quite a long creepy crawlies coming into our home and I am sure it is to get out of the rain and wet!

One of them is these.  They are called May Bugs and I really think they are one of the silliest bugs out there.  They don’t seem to get around very well and if they fall and land on their backs they cannot right themselves.  SO we spend about two weeks tipping them the right way!  We have also had a selection of spiders (yuck) and quite a few little honey bees have been in so we have made sure they get out. 

Eldest, Little Man and Honey all asleep, it had been a long hot day!

Little Man and Mummy, smiley man!

This look says my quilt cover is being washed again! 

I hope you are having a wonderful week and a lovely weekend to come. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xxxx

1 thought on “Thursday All Ready?

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut

    I love painting and sprucing up. I can’t wait to see what you’ve done! Love Tobey’s smile☺ Hi Coco!

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