Monthly Archives: April 2023

Happy St. George’s Day

©”T Studio”

Happy St George’s Day

Patron Saint of England

Eldest aged 10 (Scout) and Youngest aged 6 (Beaver) before they went out to the St George’s Day Beaver, Cub & Scout Parade in Derby, ie clean and tidy!!!!

Susie xx

Ladies Who Lunch.

Jayne and I went for lunch on Tuesay to The Hanging Gate at Shottle in Derbyshire.  We have been trying different venues this year for our “Ladies who Lunch”, some of which have been great and some which have not.  I had lasagna for lunch which was good and Jayne had Hunter Chicken which was fine but she wished she had had something else.  I did this a few visits ago to another country pub and the food was good I just did not like my choice.

Don’t you find that, especially when you are out with a group and you always like what everyone else has ordered?

DH, Youngest and I were out on Sunday as well to meet Girlfriend’s parents.  It can always be a bit of a strain but we got on really well and we liked them a lot but we also like Girlfriend a lot, so it follows we would like them too.  

We are very fortunate in Derbyshire to have lots of country pubs that do some fantastic meals so Jayne and I have lots of choice. 

This is where we are going in May and a few friends have been for meals already here and said it was very good.   The thing we are finding is that a lot of pubs are not opening for lunch on a Monday or Tuesday lunch (we usually go on Tuesdays) partly due to lack of staff since Covid.  The ones that are open tend to be very busy.

We are looking for somewhere special to go in June as it is our Birthdays, Jayne is June 12th and I am June 20th so we usually try and go in the week between.  I have one or two ideas which we can talk about in May and hopefully the weather will be warm which will make it a lovely day out!

I have caught up with our work and Eldest’s work today and am about to have some lunch and then start the home jobs.  Busy weekend ahead and I am determined to get the Spring Cleaning finished!  Hope you lovely lot are having a great day. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

As it is Thursday and for #TBT here are the Boys at a friend’s home for a BBQ during 2006 when Eldest was 10 and Youngest was 6.

Behind As Always!

Well since my last post on March 29th it has been hectic!  Eldest had to have an MRI scan at the Hospital after his stay at the start of the year.  DH and I should have been away for two weeks over the Easter holidays but because of swimming events and things we decided not to go but still had two weeks off to get some jobs done! When Eldest found out that DH was off he also added his list of jobs that he wanted to get done at the garage too!!!  Needless to say I did not get all of mine done!

The above picture is the storage area above the office/kitchen etc but it did not have a rail around it, so DH and Eldest got these railings put up.

He also need some new steps to get up to the area and these are them.

Eldest also wanted a window from the office into the Workshop so that he could see people coming into Reception and this has now been done too.

Eldest had a few days away with his Partner and friends over the Easter weekend so DH and I got some Spring Cleaning done at home.  We did have a couple of days out one of which was Afternoon Tea at The Cavendish Hotel and it was lovely.  DH had two swimming events and I spent the time getting more cleaning done.

I finally managed to get Coco a Spa Day and she looks so much better for it and feels better I think.  Our weather has been up and down with it being still quite cool, with rain and wind but we have had some sunshine and it is slowly becoming green and Spring flowers opening.

Little Miss Fluffy!!! 

Another favourite place for her to stand and watch what is going off in the garden!

Here she is having come home from the Spa!  We have half a dog compared to the one who went in the morning!!!!!

We hope everyone had a lovely Easter.  This week has been busy catching up on work both ours and Eldest’s but I have manged to get it done and tomorrow is home job day and this weekend we have a few things on but am hoping to get the rest of the Spring Cleaning finished.  We have some jobs to do in the garden and that will have to wait as DH has a County swimming championships to do for the next Bank Holiday at the beginning of May but I can still get quite a lot done. 

The following weekend is The Coronation of King Charles III of course.  We shall be watching on May 6th but it also means that we have two more days in that weekend to hopefully get into the garden and get some jobs done there.  We are hoping that the weather is going to be kind. 

The Official Invitation to the Ceremony! 

I hope you lovely lot are having a great week. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx