Category Archives: The Boys

Our Two Boys – Eldest & Youngest and what they have been and are up to!

Summer & #TBT.

Busy Doing Nothing….!

Here is Coco’s eleven month old pawtrait!! I cannot believe that next month she is one year old.  Where to the months fly to?

DH and Youngest have done the first weekend of County Swimming Championships which went well although it was too hot on the pool deck.  It is the new 50m swimming pool and although only just opened there are already some issues with it!  Whenever they build these things they never seem to ask or take notice of the swimming clubs who are going to use it for events.  On a day to day basis it is fine but when you have hundreds of swimmers and spectators in there, you suddenly realise all the faults with the place!  One more weekend to go!

I, of course, got nothing done that I wanted to do because it was just one of those weekends.  The weather was yuck which meant I did not feel inclined to get lots done, so spent the weekend doing not a lot at all.  However, I did get some reading done so that does count!!!!

We heard today that Youngest has passed his final exams for his Apprenticeship with high marks!  We are so proud of him, especially as there was an eight month delay caused because of the Covid situation.  He just has one more set to do this week and then he has completed it and will be fully qualified!  Yeah!

Our weather has turned cold again with heavy frost on the ground and Coco was not keen to go out this morning! It is going to be like this for a few days before it gets a bit warmer again. 

Have a great week you lovely lot. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

Coco knows where best to be warm and cosy in this weather!!!!


GroundHog Day!

It’s Groundhog Day and Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his burrow and saw his shadow so we are going to get another six weeks of Winter, the little darling!!!!!!  The last few days here have been a bit warmer but the next few days it is going to be freezing again, so he must be right!

It has been a busy old week again with work and swimming things and DH is out all weekend as it is the Derbyshire Championships this weekend and next.  Also next week DH is away at a business exhibition as well, everything always happens at once!

I also missed the Chinese New Year on January 22nd.  This year is the year of The Rabbit which is Youngest! Apparently they are talented and affectionate, a seeker of tranquility. The years in The Rabbit are 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023.

I, on the otherhand, am The Dragon!  I am robust, passionate and my life is filled with complexity!!!!! DH is The Rooster; seeking wisdom and truth, and has a pioneering spirit! Eldest is The Pig; Gallant and noble, his friends will remain at his side!  I don’t know how much stock you put into this or astrology, I do read them but then forget them!!!

I have moved home jobs which I usually get done today to Saturday morning as I have been trying to catch up on work, which I have managed to do today.  Also the washing and ironing will get done then too. 

I hope you are having a Happy Thursday.  As it is normally Throwback Thursday I found this in my Photo files:

This was February half term with the Boys in London eighteen years ago!  OMG!  The Boys were nine and five when this picture was taken. 

Book Club Friday tomorrow. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

Congratulations Youngest!

Many Congratulations to Youngest who has now completed his training and is a fully qualified Jaguar/Land Rover Technician.  He has one more block of Assessments and tests in January and then he will be a fully qualified Technician.  It has taken seven months longer than it should have because of all the chaos of Covid, but he has managed to stay focused and on top of all the work to get it done.  We are so proud of him.

As it is #TBT here is a picture of when he was little!

Here he has fallen asleep under the breakfast bar having got his Thomas The Tank Engine Yogurts out of the fridge!!!!!  He is two in this picture!!!

Happy Thursday everyone. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

The Wednesday Wag.

It is very cold here today and Mom has put the heating on and it is so lovely.  It has also been raining so I have not been out much either.

This is what I have to do when Youngest gets home to get my dinner; ATTACK!!!!!

Stop lying on the job, it’s dinner time.

Okay if you won’t get up I will lie on you and attack you !!!!

Right I will just lie on you until you admit defeat and get up!

I may as well take 40 winks now I am here lying on this comfy person!!!!!

Dinner will be soon hopefully.  I hope you are having a wonderful Woofy Wednesday.

Treacle xx


Yesterday was “National Son Day” but I missed it, here I am with our two from 2010 when we were in Orlando.   Youngest was ten and Eldest was fourteen.  I wish we could go back to this time!!!!!!

Happy Wednesday All.

Hugs & Love, Susie & Treacle xx

The Wednesday Wag & #TBT.

Goodness me it is July 1st, now where did the first six months of this year just go?  I know, I know; lockdowns, work, home and family.  It has been a busy six months!!!

Oh dear I am a day behind again!  Yesterday turned into a mega day after Treacle’s Spa day and I didn’t get home until 7.00pm!!!  Never mind here she is with her summer Airecut!  Picture Heavy Post!

The Wednesday Wag!

This pose is “It is time for a Biscuit – NOW”  Treacle was barking at this point!

“Oh never mind a biscuit there is something outside”!

“No nothing outside – Biscuit NOW”!

“Did you hear me NOW”!!!!!!!!!

“Well if I must sit down and have my blooming photograph taken to get my Biscuit”!

“Okay come on I have sat down for all of oh two seconds, Biscuit NOW”!!!!

“Did I actually have my Biscuit?” YES YOU DID!!!!!


Always an event I looked forward to in July each year was the Boys’ Sports Day when they were at Primary School.  So here are two pictures from 2005, oh my sixteen years ago, now where has that gone? 

Youngest in his first Sports day aged five and he won his first race, as you can see although it is upside down!!!!!

Eldest in the baseball cap not paying attention as usual!!!!  Aged 9

Amazingly the sun was shining as well.  Good old British weather.  We must be the only country that has the school year set out with outdoor events put in and then three other days set aside as alternates in case it rains!!!!

The Garden

Thought you would like to see how the garden is coming along after the nice weather and all the rain we have had!!!!  It is starting to feel like summer now and we do have some sunshine today. 

Tomorrow is home jobs day and grocery shopping, getting ready for the weekend and hopefully, fingers and toes crossed, I am going to get some quilting done on Saturday.  I know don’t be shocked a quilting blog with actually some quilting happening!!!!!  🙂 

To All My Canadian Followers & Readers

Happy Canada Day.

I hope you are all having a good week and it’s Friday tomorrow!!!! 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Treacle xx

Where Did Monday Go?

Monday flew by with work, work and work!  In fact it was 6.00pm before I knew it and they were all here for dinner!!  I don’t know why some days are like that and others just go along in their merry fashion.  Today has been busy but not like yesterday.  We have noticed that things have gone a little quiet and I think it is due to people, who don’t have children in school, going away on holiday now just in case any more lockdowns happen later on in the summer.  We are all hoping that July 19th when we are supposed to be released from a lot more restrictions, including wearing face masks, is going to actually happen. 

DH and I are in London next week for a couple of business meetings and also to hopefully visit the RHS Hampton Court Flower show which was a birthday present from last year!  We have still not received the tickets but they say they are on the way!!!  At the moment the forecast does not look good. 

Here is an early #TBT of when we were all in London in July 2011 when Eldest had finished Seniro School and was moving into the Sixth Form, aged 15, and Youngest had finished Primary School, aged 11,  and was moving to the Senior School where his brother was. 

DH, Youngest & Eldest by the gates to Buckingham Palace.

We had a great few days there and did lots of fun things just as an extra special trip because of where they both were.  We went up to Scotland two weeks later for the summer. 

At the end of next week we are also going up to see Girlfriend and Penny compete at the International competiton in Cheshire and staying up there, which will be exciting as it is a big show.  Again hoping that the weather is going to be kind but it is England in summer after all. 

Treacle has her Spa day tomorrow so I am sure she will show off her new Airecut when she gets back. 

I hope you lovely lot are having a great week. 

Hugs & Love,

Susie & Treacle xx


Throw back to both Boys at their Sixth Form Balls at this time of year.  Both 18 in these pictures albeit four years apart!!!!  They do scrub up well!!!!


Youngest and Girlfriend were out walking Ralphy Puglet at the weekend and came across this:

You can see the black tracks, train tracks. running down the road.

Here is the other end of the tracks and as you can see, hanging over the edge of the quarry.  You can see how big this is from the diggers at the base of the drop.  Apparently this is for the latest “Mission Impossible” film and no doubt for Tom Cruise to hang off the train as it goes off the cliff!!!!  We do not know when they will be filming here but no doubt it will be whenever we won’t be around!!!!  

Do you ever have one of those days which is all planned out and you get up with the aim of getting that list completed and then it all goes to pot?  Well that is my day today!!!  I was going to get lots done today and nothing has gone right all day.  At least I have tomorrow to try and rectify things.  One thing for sure I WILL NOT sit down at my desk or answer any of my phones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I do hope you lovely lot are having a better day. 

Hugs & Love, Susie xx


It has been a busy old week again with work which is great but not a lot else is happening!!!  I think because of the lockdown I am falling into the trap of oh there will be lots of weeks to do things in and yet we know that eventually when things do get back to anywhere near normal it is going to be manic with things!!!!!

Anyway as it is Thursday I thought I would have a look through our photographs for some throw back pictures, they always cheer me up, although it does remind me that I have a few jobs to do with them!!!

The Boys at The British Library in 2005

On the London Eye in 2009

Visiting Churchill’s War Time Bunker 2009

Thought you would like to see Chatsworth Library not at Christmas!!!  This was taken in March 2018

The Boys dressed for Red Nose Day March 2005

Ralphy at Crufts March 2020 just before our first Lockdown!

A view from the cottage in The Highlands in 2016.

I hope you are having a thrilling Thursday.  It is home jobs day today and tomorrow I am actually going out to do the grocery shopping, yeah!!!!!  Saturday I am doing a big family dinner on Saturday night which I will have some pictures for you next week. 

Stay safe you lovely lot. 

Hugs & Love, Susie xx.

Then & Now!

So here we have Youngest, Treacle and Eldest in 2010 which was the last time we had real snow as in lots of it!  Youngest was 11, Treacle was 2 and Eldest 15.

Fast forward as by magic eleven years and here we have Youngest, Treacle and Eldest with quite a lot of snow again!!!!!!!!  Youngest is 21, Treacle is 12 and Eldest is 25!

Where did eleven year’s go?  Mind you they are all still as daft as they were when they were all younger if not more so!!  All three came in very wet, very tired but very happy!

Well Treacle was happy until she had to be tried and all the snow/ice balls gotten out of her feet and the snow from her nose!  You all know how much she loves to be dried, NOT!

I am trying hard this week to keep up with ALL my jobs so none of them get behind because I think when I do get behind that’s when things get screwy for me!  Well it’s a plan, you can only try these things!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully this week is going to be a little calmer although I have the dentist on Friday morning which I am not looking forward to and I can’t even go out for lunch afterwards, Hmm!!!!  Hey ho.

Happpy Tuesday everybody!!!

Hugs & Love, Susie xx