Monthly Archives: April 2022

Angel Treacle.

DH and I got back on Saturday from our break in Scotland and it was nice to have a break but we were/are still missing Treacle.  The Boys were at home and they certainly noticed how empty our home now seems. 

We have had many wonderful and heartfelt emails and comments from friends, followers and readers who followed Treacle’s Wednesday Wag and loved seeing her on the Blog and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

A good friend of Molly, our wonderful friend in the US and her Mom Sue, contacted me to do a Memorial Pin for Treacle and she has done an amazing job and it is on her blog which is for our fur babies who have passed (the links are at the bottom of this post.  Here are Treacle’s two pins.

Ann asked me to send her some pictures so I chose the the above one which was Treacle modelling one of my quilts.  Especially as this is supposed to be a quilting blog!!!  The one below is the picture that Youngest took at Christmas last year with the new lens he bought me, which is wonderful and Treacle was his puppy.

Ann, thank you so much for doing this for us.  Here are the links:

I hope you all have had a good week, I have been busy trying to catch up with work and home jobs and should be all straight by the weekend.  DH & I are going to a wedding on Saturday and really hoping that the weather is going to be kind.  It is a long weekend for us here in the UK but DH is out at a swimming event on Sunday and Monday so I am going to be busy starting my Spring Cleaning!!!  Oh joy! 

Take care all. 

Hugs & Love, Susie xx


Angel Treacle & The Final Wednesday Wag.


Thank you to everyone who has left wonderful messages on Treacle’s passing.  It has been a great comfort.  As you can imagine we are still coming to terms with her not being with us and it is very hard, our home feels very empty.

She will always be with us, no matter what, and will live on through our Blog in pictures, on her page and through previous posts and I can’t think of a better way to honour such a faithful and wonderful family member. 

I am sure you are busy playing with Kelly & Kelly and now have your wings.

All our Love Always,

Susie, DH, Eldest & Youngest  xxxx



Our wonderful little girl Treacle passed away yesterday just shy of her Fourteenth birthday.  Youngest had let her out yesterday morning and she had her breakfast and had a play with him and then got in her basket and he left.  Eldest got up at 8.00am and she had passed away in her sleep.  We are all heartbroken. 

Treacle we will Love you Forever.

Hugs & Love, Susie, DH, Eldest & Youngest.


We spent the weekend tidying up from the plasterer being here and the ceilings are drying out nicely.  The weather is still cold here but having the heating on has dried the ceilings so bonus!

DH was out at swimming things and then spent Sunday setting the exhibition up at the NEC for this week.  DH and I are away from Saturday to Scotland for the holiday which was originally booked in 2020, moved to 2021 and then moved to this year!!!  I went and got my hair trimmed today and I have a few other jobs to get done this week before getting packing done.  Usually we have a chaos situation before we go away and I am trying very hard to avoid that this time.

I managed to carve out a little bit of time to read which was lovely and I am busy sorting out the books I want to take away with me. 

Treacle spent the time in the sitting room whilst the plasterer was here and we had moved her basket in there.  As you can see she was not upset at all by the move!

In fact when he had left and I went in to move her basket she would not move!!!!  She loves her basket.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and a good week to come. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Treacle xx

Literary Friday!

You know that I am a fan of crime fiction and when I was at school I devoured the Agatha Christie books and so too Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes books and stories.  I also think that my Great Grandfather looked a lot like Conan Doyle (I will have to find a picture of him!).

Anyway the show “Elementary” began in 2012 staring Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu and I really enjoyed it as it was set in current times with Jonny as Holmes but Lucy Liu as Joan Watson which was a good twist.  The two actors really had a great chemistry and the writers resisted the temptation of writing them as a couple.  Thanks to streaming services I have been able to watch all seven series in order and I again realised how much I really enjoyed it.

When I worked at the solicitors when I first went to work in the 80’s Abbey National Building Society had their head office at 221B Baker Street in London.  Today it houses the museum of Sherlock Holmes.  Alot of people think that Sherlock Holmes was an actual person especially as it was around the same time as Jack The Ripper, there have even been plays and films connecting the two, which is why I think people think he is a real person.  Anyway this is going to be on my list for when we next visit London.

Of course Bookshops abound in London and there really are too many to mention in one go.  One I have been directed to go to, again the next time we are down there, is Foyles on Charing Cross Road.

It was founded in 1903 by brothers William & Gilbert Foyle and in 2018 after 115 years was sold to the big bookstore Waterstones, who bought it to save the high street bookshops from closing because of Amazon and other on-line retailers.

It has five floors covered in books and I will definitely be going to visit. 

Do you prefer bookshops which sell everything or do you prefer bookshops who specialise in one or two subjects?  I personally like to browse along the bookshelves with all subjects in one roof rather than going to different shops.  It is sad to say that a lot of independent bookshops have closed or been bought out by bigger firms.  At one time Waterstones was lambasted for buying local bookshops and closing them down but they are now seen as the saviour of high street bookshops compared to Amazon.

Before Waterstones in Nottingham the above was our bookshop.  It sold all subjects of books and you also went here when you needed any text books for school which they ordered in for you.  I remember going here when I needed all the books for my English Litereature exam. There was a specific desk you went to with list in hand of the books you needed and then they would send you a postcard to say the books were in.  Needless to say when I used to go in to collect school books I always came out with more books to read.

Whatever you are up to this weekend I hope you get time to read, I will be.  Have a great one. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Treacle xx