Monthly Archives: May 2020



I know it is not the start of Summer until Monday but the weather is defintely summer like!!!  We have had wall to wall sunshine all week with warm temps during the day and cool at night.  Poor Treacle is not happy with all her fluff and only has to get to next Thursday when she will be all skinny again!!!

I thought I would show you some more pictures of the garden.

Now that we have widened the drive my Jeep looks quite lonely when it is the only one parked!!!!!

This is looking across the valley from our home and as you can see all the trees are now fully clothed!

Looking down our Hill and the trees in the farmers’ fields.  They have been muck spreading today!!!!!

Our back door into the garden. 

It is all looking very tidy and the flowers are starting to appear

Our trees are all in leaf now.

We put the outside lights up.  They are solar powered.

The flowers starting to come out.

My various veg plants.  I still have a few pots to fill.

The top of the garden and the Boys Den which needs to be re-stained.  Hopefully we will be able to get that done next weekend along with the shed and the patio furniture.

Busy getting dinner ready for tonight and will set the table outside in a bit.  I will remember to take some pictures!!!! 

Have a great weekend you wonderful lot and of course stay safe.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx


I thought I would throwback to not that long ago this week to the Boys Sixth Form Balls which they both attended in May of their years.

Eldest ready to go out in May 2013

Youngest ready to go out in May 2018

They always have the May Balls just before they finish and do their exams during the summer.  Youngest’s they changed from being formal to suits!!!  At least he is smiling, unlike Eldest in his picture!!!

Here is Madam today!  Her leg is better.  We think she hurt it chasing the blooming squirrel who was running along our back fence!!!!  Treacle felt very sorry for her self for a day and would not eat her dinner but was back to her usual self the next day!!!  It is also very warm again and with all the fur she is finding it very hot.  A week today she will be at her Spa for a well deserved wash and cut.  But those of you who have followed my Blog for a while now will know that means the weather will go very cold then, it always does after I have had her cut!!!!


Hands up who can’t believe that it is June next Monday?  Five months of the year gone already and what a year!!!  I know we have got a lot done, which I am very thankful for.  I have been speaking to a few friends and they have been saying that they had very good intentions of getting lots done during Lockdown, but actually done not a lot.  So I am ahead of the game there!!!  I still have things to do, but when don’t you, at least these are things I want to do what I call my nice jobs such as quilting and doing the Boys memory books. 

Fiancé is coming for dinner tomorrow night and we will be eating outside and maintaining our 2m distance (!) and Youngest and Girlfriend are coming at the weekend for dinner and again we will be eating outside!  At least the weather is nice again.  I think this whole period would have been so much worse had the weather been dreadful.  I will get some pictures.  This was our table last year when friends came for dinner.  I wonder when that will happen this year, if at all?!!!!

I have managed to get house jobs done this morning early before it got too warm, I started when DH left for work at 5.30am!!!  I have then got my work done and am now going to start on the basket of ironing.  Of course with the nice weather and being able to get it dry outside I have been washing everything in sight including the winter dressing gowns!!!  I sent the winter duvets off to be washed and they are now back, all clean and packed away ready for winter again.

I hope you are all having a thrilling Thursday.  Friday tomorrow and the weekend.  We are due for more wall to wall sunshine.  Stay safe.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

Wednesday Wag.

I have my Spa appointment for a week tomorrow!!!  My ladies are back working from Monday and have lots of safe things in place but I just hope that they still have biscuit treats for us!!!!  Mom says I would be very shaggy if I had to go any longer!!!

I am also feeling sorry for myself today as I hurt my leg running up and down the garden yesterday when it was very warm!!!  SO Mom has kept me in all day today.  It is very warm again today but the back door is closed and it is nice and cool in our home!!!!  Of course it will probably be cold and rainy next week when I have had my haircut!!!!

It is a great day for snoozing in my basket with my toys!!!!

I hope you are having a very happy Woofy Wednesday.

Treacle xx

300! (Well 303 Actually!)

Over the Weekend I hit 300 Followers (in fact it is now 303!).  SO I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who follows me and for joining me on this blogging journey.  Thank you also to those who leave me lovely comments, especially Sue and Susan who have been with me since the start!!!  You all mean a lot to me.


Sorry for the radio silence from last Tuesday but it takes a lot of work to get our business ready for it’s year end and the start of the new business year.  However being in Lockdown (Week 10 now!!!!) it has meant that I have managed to get it all done straight away rather than trying to do it in between all the other work!!!!

We also had a long weekend just gone and the weather was lovely!  We got some more bits done in the garden and Youngest popped in to see us, at a distance, and to talk to his brother about the engine he is re-building.  It is great now they are 20 and 24 and seeing them doing things together.

Sorry this is a little blurry but it was such a hot day!!  Treacle managed to get all in the shade except the tips of her paws!!!!

The grass is cooler though for sleeping!!!!

This is what happens when the Eldest one is bored!!!  Treacle looks like one of the jousting horses!!!!  Her Spa ladies are back at work next week and Treacle has an appointment on the Thursday.  Of course it will then be cold again!!!!

Girlfriend got Youngest riding the other day!!!!! 

This is yesterday when Youngest came to visit.  Fortunately you and your Dog don’t have to be socially distanced!!!!! 

I don’t know who has missed who more!!!  I know we have missed Youngest a lot!!! 

Eldest yesterday whilst Youngest was here socially distancing!!!

Today is lovely and warm again and I have managed to get all my work done, as well as sorting out the car insurance for us all, a job I absolutely hate!!!!  I have also been able, because it is warm, to get all my washing dried outside, just the ironing to get done now!!!!

I hope everyone had a good weekend and will have a great week, whatever you are up to.  The Boys are hoping to be back at work next week or soon after which will be a shock to the system after all these weeks off but they can’t wait to go back!!!! 

Stay Safe.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx


At this time of year I have to start to get things ready for our business year end!!  Which means getting the oldest of our stored business files out and shredding them to put the current year in.  So today I have done nothing but shredding!!!  Four huge bags full of old files which will be off to the recycling centre tomorrow!!! 

However, whilst shredding, I have continued to watch the Game of Thrones episodes and have now reached the final series and the controversial episodes where Dani burns Kings Landing.  Having watched all of them now one after another I feel that she was right to burn it!!!  I know, I know, all the innocents but I mean really Cersei and killing Missandei the way she did!!!! 

It will be really interesting to see how Mr Martin deals with it in the final book, if he ever publishes it!  I have read all the books, before the series was ever on, and I know there is a lot in there which of course could never have been put in the series.  However I will make one prophecy I think, at the end of the final book, as Jon Snow goes through the gate at The Wall with the Wildlings, he will find Drogon and Daenerys alive and waiting for him and they will go off and live beyond The Wall, away from The Game of Thrones??????????????????  Hopefully it won’t be too long before the book will be published and it will take all my will power not to go straight to the end of the book to see what happens!!!!

Tomorrow I will continue with getting things ready for the start of our new business year on June 1st.  Goodness knows how things are going to be once we actually get back to work properly, I am hoping that it won’t be as bad as they are saying but no one knows!!! 

I hope you are having a terrific Tuesday whatever you are up to.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

A Flower Show.

Sorry for no post on Friday but I decided to take the day off!  Not of course that I went anywhere, but I did some jobs other than work!!!! 

Anyway I hope you all had a good weekend as we start Week 9 of Lockdown! I carried on with my jobs over the weekend that I started on Friday and also got some gardening done.  The weather is supposed to turn warm again this week and next Monday we have another holiday, long weekend, not that at the moment it makes a lot of difference.

This time last year we were at the Chelsea Flower Show, which is not running this year because of the situation.  However they have done a virtual one, on line, which from tomorrow you will be able to view.  There are talks by various experts, questions can be asked and answered and lots of other all things gardening.  Here is the link.

I am planning my days where I work all morning and then after lunch try and do something else to break the day/week up.  Our Boys are still waiting for their start back dates and they are hoping it will be by June 1st.  Our Government are hoping that by July things will be back to as near normal as possible but who knows.  It all depends upon how things go and at the moment it feels like the blind leading the blind. 

Of course being in Lockdown the TV programmes have not been very good but they have been showing all the series of Game of Thrones, so I have been watching that.  I think watching it episode after episode with no break in between you do benefit from the clues and it is easier to follow.  Sometimes it was so long between series you had forgotten what happend previously!!!!  I am really enjoying it!

I hope you have a great week and stay safe.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx


#TBT of Lockdown Week 8!!!  Not much seems to be happening although they did say that garden centres would start to open.  However when they opened a rubbish tip in Birmingham last week they had 150 cars queuing to get in!!!!  So I suspect there will be long queues to get in to the garden centres especially with the social distancing still being a requirement and not too many people in at a time.  I don’t think I am going to bother.

Anyway I thought for my #TBT for this week would be DH and my trip to The Chelsea Flower Show last year.  It should have been on next week but obviously, as with everything else, it has been cancelled, although they are doing a virtual one on line. 

We were very lucky the day we went as it was sunny and warm.  The bees were out in force.

This company sell green houses but their garden in front was very much a cottage garden.

This garden was in the big tent and went from very pale colours moving through to very dark.  I just loved the pinks.  It was my favourite stand.

The other side of this stand was a great veg plot.

These are my most favourite of flowers ever, Delphiniums.  I used to be able to grow them at our old home but cannot here as the wretched slugs and snails eat them.  However I have sewn some seeds again this year to see if I can get them to flower. 

This was my favourite Garden at the show, The Welcome to Yorkshire Garden.  Unfortunately  because of the crowds I couldn’t get a complete picture!

This is a tiny sweet pea that I have not been able to find to buy just yet!!!

I hope you enjoyed a look back at the flowers from last year.  We are still hoping to be able to go the RHS Hampton Court show which has been moved to September but who knows.  We are now waiting to hear if we will be able to go up to Scotland in August.  At the moment they are saying no travel to The Highlands at all, so it is another wait and see!!!! 

I hope you are having a great Thursday, it will soon be the weekend!!!!  Stay Safe.

Hugs & Love Susie xx

The Wednesday Wag.

Mom got up early to make Dad’s sandwiches so I had been out, fed and I just had to go back to bed this morning, I was so, so tired!!!

When I did wake up I went upstairs to wait for Eldest to get up, I was barking to try and wake him up which is why the above picture is blurry!!!!

I decided to be quiet so Mom managed to get a picture!!!

I then went back to bed, when Mom was downstairs working!!!! 

It has been cool the last few days but I don’t mind being outside at the moment as I have my thick, woolly coat on!!!  Mom has rung my Spa ladies but they are not working at the moment but they have put me on the list for when they get back.  However if it goes on much longer Mom says she may have to buy some clippers.  We are all in the same boat at the moment!!!!!

Youngest and Girlfriend came yesterday to pick up some things so we were all outside at the front on our driveway, being careful to social distance.  I was on my lead but I got to see them and then I was very carefully watching to make sure there were no cats around.  I think they were all in doors social distancing!!!

I hope your week is going well and you are all staying safe. 

Woofy Wags, Treacle xx

Does Anyone Know What is Happening?

No one seems to know what on earth we are all supposed to be doing and if we are going back to work and shops are opening and how it is going to work!!!  I had a call from our Dentist today, as I should have had my six month checkup on Friday, and they are being told that as they have six dentists in the practice they can only have two dentists in at one time, one upstairs and one downstairs so trying to fit all the patients in is getting to be a nightmare, so they have moved mine and the Boys appointments to September.  DH is supposed to go in July and they are leaving that at the moment.

They are still saying that certain places will not be opening, one of them being hairdressers and that is getting to be a problem!!!  I trimmed DH’s hair at the back at the weekend, Eldest is just wearing a baseball cap all the time now and Youngest’s Girlfriend is going to trim his hair with Simon’s (the Horse) his clippers later today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mine is starting to look like the above picture!!!  And don’t get me started on the colour!!!!  Even if we are able to go out to the stores you can guarantee you will meet the one person you don’t want to meet when you hair is looking like this!!!!  I think I will be borrowing one of the Boys baseball caps, so with that, my face mask and my glasses perhaps on one will know who I am!!!!!  We will all be like the film stars now when we go out!!!!!

The Boys companies have got a plan of how to get back to work, but are not sure if it is going to work so it will definitely be trial and error!!!  DH and I are still working as far as we can and keeping things ticking over!!!!


Anyway as part of my list making and organising this week,  I can show you some quilty things!!!  I know, I know don’t faint!  A Quilting Blog with some quilting on it!!!!!!

This is a King size bed quilt which I need to sew the last row onto, put the borders on and then it can be sandwiched and quilted.  It is going to be a challenge to quilt it on my machine so I may hang fire on that at the moment.  It is not needed just now.

You will have seen these already on my blog and I made this one but never got it binded.

I made four more and they just need quilting and binding. 

The above was Kathleen Tracy’s (A Sentimental Quilter) sew along last year (!)  I did finish all the blocks and got the top sewn together last August and then it did not get sandwiched and finished, so that is what needs doing.  I chose the woodland Autumn fabric for the back as there is a lot of white on the front. 

Above was a kit I bought at the Festival of Quilts a few years ago and I had not gotten around to making it up.  Again I did this last August and just not sandwiched and quilted it so that is the next job. 

I bought the above material as another kit at The Festival of Quilts, as I loved the mutued pinks.  I just need to find the right pattern.

Which I did from the Moda Bake Shop.  I love Pinwheels so thought this would be good to make up with the pinks. 

DH’s Cousin has sent me some of her son’s clothes as she would like a Memory Quilt made from them.  I cannot start this at the moment as I need some backing and I really want to get the above projects done before I start on that.  She is not in a hurry for them and she has just had her second, a little girl, so she will be sending me her clothes as she grows out of them to make a memory quilt for her too.  I asked my very good friend, FarmQuilter, for advice as I have never made one of these before and she came through for me with lots of advice on how to make one, so thank you so much.

I will show you how I get on as we go!!!!


I have had some more new Followers joining me on this blogging journey, so you are very Welcome and thank you for Following and I hope you find some fun, friendship and info here.

I hope you are all having a Thrilling Tuesday and stay safe.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx


Happy Mother’s Day

To All My Followers in USA/Canada/Australia/New Zeland

I know it was yesterday but the weekend sort of passed in a blur of non-activity!!!!  I hope you all had a lovely day even in this weird reality!!  Our Mother’s Day is in March and I really do think we should move it to May when the weather is better!!!


Saturday was lovely and warm so we got some gardening done and DH and Eldest did some work in the garage. Sunday there was a ten degree drop in temperature and it was very windy and lots of rain!!!!  Here are some pictures of the garden.

The above picture we said looked like it could have been in the Mediterranean, in fact I think it was as warm as the Med on Saturday!!!

Treacle busy helping DH and Eldest with the gardening!!  Or should I say trying to bite the rake when DH was using it!!!

We cleared this area after trimming some of the bushes which had over grown as we did not trim them for a couple of years!!!

DH and Eldest had also sorted out some of the spare wood we had left after a few jobs and someone pinched a piece!!!!!

Girlfriend’s Pugs, Ralphy & Dotty,  were just chilling on Saturday in their pool!!!!!!!


I think I actually hit the wall yesterday.  Having got lots done over the previous seven weeks and all the jobs on my list done it was sort of “what do I do now?” so instead of getting on with several other things I could have done, I watched Netflix!!!!!! 

I like Netflix as I can watch different series, especially when I am ironing.  I have just started watching “Suits”, not because the Duchess of Sussex is in it, but I had been told it was a good series and had missed it when it was on before.  It is good and I like the characters so it is keeping me entertained.  As well as they fact that I was a Legal Secretary for ten years may have something to do with it.  If you have seen the show then you will know that Donna is Harvey’s Secretary and I can tell you that the real legal secretary’s job is very like it is on the show!!!!!!

Our Prime Minister spoke to the Nation last night about how we are going to move from Lockdown to getting back to the new normal but really no news.  The main thing is to avoid a second spike and to go back into Lockdown so it will really be trial and error as we go.  We think our Boys will be going back to work soon and their companies have put plans into place but again it will be a trial and error basis.  I think I will just stay put, as before the Lockdown if you don’t have to do it, then don’t!!!!  We shall see.

I am writing some lists for this week to avoid what happened at the weekend and get me back on track.  DH asked what the next jobs were at home and that is painting rooms!!!!  Once we can get paint of course.  We need to do our hall, stairs and landing, dining room and sitting room inside.  Outside we have our shed and den to wood stain and also do the outside furniture and our front and back doors also need doing.  I am sure if it continues to be the same for the next few months we can get it done!!!

I hope everyone is doing okay and as we move from safety to the unknown please stay safe.  Have a good week.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx