Category Archives: Coco’s Corner

Going Head in Sand Mode!

Yes I am heartily sick of all the political news now, especially with our General Election for July 4th, which is in the middle of our Village Carnival Week!  They use our Village Hall all week for the various events but the Election team hold the voting in the Village Hall too so it is going to be a very busy day!  Our papers and news are full of the various policital points and not much else!  Well I suppose it goes along with our cold, rainy weather!!!!

I have not had chance to get in my sewing room for a while now but I am taking next week off work so will hopefully get some bits done then.  Also going to take the week to have a rest as it has been fraught for the last few months. 

Blaze’s new Bed, Play Tunnel, blanket and toys to keep him entertained.

Here is Blaze

Youngest’s Girlfriend is also moving in with us over the weekend and she has managed to transfer her job from where she is now to Derbyshire which is great news.  She is also bringing her C A T, but we are calling him the little black dog, so Coco does not go mad.  They have had a couple of days of introduction and they have both done really well.  Blaze, the little black dog (!), is used to dogs but Coco has not had any experience of C A T but I am sure they will get on really well after the first few weeks.  They are both young so that helps!  I will let you have some more pictures when they have moved in.

Off to get home jobs done now and then dinner.  Tomorrow is cake making day!  Have a wonderful Thursday.

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

Spa Day!

Yesterday was St. George’s Day, Patron Saint of England!  I missed it!!

Here is Miss Floof, defloofed!!!  She looks so much better and smells alot better too!  She was very good at her Spa and when she got home, after being out for necessary duties, got a Bonio biscuit! 

I am busy trying to catch up with home jobs as I am so far behind.  In fact I have cancelled my haircut tomorrow to try and get on top of things.  One thing that does wind me up is when our home is in chaos, The old saying of “Tidy House, Tidy Mind” certainly applies to me!

Off to get some more washing done and then down to the basket of ironing!  Have a Wonderful Wednesday, half way through the week. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Skinny Coco xx

Coco’s Corner.

Mom says this is why I need a haircut and a long time at the Spa!!!  Because I can hardly see around my furs!!

I am very woolly at the moment as you can see but I will be super skinny tomorrow although Mom says it is going to be cold so I will no doubt be shivering when I come home!!!!

We all had a very busy Sunday and I spent the day helping Mom and Dad do the Spring Cleaning, which meant that I did not get any sleep all day.  Yesterday I spent the whole day in my basket next to Mom’s desk sleeping!  It is very hard working doing this Spring Cleaning.

Mom wanted me to show you her Rhododendron at the top of our garden.  It hardly had any flowers on it last year, but this year it is glorious.  Mom chose this one as it was the lovely pale pink/peach colour, she already has a lovely pink Rhododendron and also a very pale pink one as well so this was a great alternative.  There is a blue one which Mom would like to get as well.

Mom and Dad are hoping to get the Spring Cleaning finished this weekend.  It was going to be a gardening day but the weather looks like it is going to be raining again, but at least they will get one set of jobs done.  Dad has another weekend free in May when Mom is hoping that will be good weather to get garden jobs done then!!!

Happy Tuesday and I hope you are having a lovely Woofy Day. 

Coco xx


It is with a heavy heart that we have learnt that Dear, Sweet Molly has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. 

I always say it is the very worst bit of having our wonderful fur babies, when they leave us and no matter how long they have been with us, it is always too short. 

I originally found Molly’s Blog several years ago and like Sue we have had Airedales for years, my Grandfather used to breed them before 1939, so they were very much a family breed.  From reading Molly’s Blog we got to know her and Sue very well and although we are three thousand miles apart, great friends which means the World to me.   We, of course, went through this when our darling Treacle passed over the Bridge two years ago, Sue and Molly were there for us then. 

Our love, thoughts and hugs go out to Molly’s dear Mom, Sue.

Susie & Coco xx

Happy Birthday Coco!

I am 2 Today!

I am having a very relaxed lazy day!

Mom thought you would like my own #TBT to when I arrived home.

Mom says that us babies do not stay little for very long and although she loves me lots and lots she would like to have Baby Coco back!!!

I also share my Birthday with Mom’s dear friend Sue her lovely Airegirl Molly.

A Very Happy Woofy 12th Birthday Molly We Love You.

We hope Molly has a wonderful day too.  Tomorrow Mom and Dad are out for two days so I am going to be at home with Youngest, yeah!  Yesterday everyone was at home and I got to meet Baby Tobey for the first time and I love him lots. 

DH with Tobey, Leni, Tillie, Suzie & Coco !!!

Me meeting Tobey

Tobey at home after a very busy day!

I hope you have a wonderful Woofy Week.  Coco xxxx

Coco’s Corner.

I had a busy weekend.  Youngest took me on an extra long walk as the weather had been better after all the rain we have had in recent weeks.

Mom gave me a long brush and cleaned my teefths!!!

Here I am with Youngest next to the Reservoir where we were walking.  Although the paths are very good it was still very muddy and I had to have a wash when I got home.  At least it was not raining.

I was so tired afterwards I fell asleep next to my bed and the door was keeping me propped up!!!

I did get in my basket eventually and when I was asleep on my back I was grinning in my sleep!!!!!

This was when I went out on the patio last thing, it was a good day for a long walk!

I hope you are having a wonderful Woofy Week.  Next weekend we have visitors coming! 

Woofy Wags, Coco xx

Coco’s Corner.

There was an article in the newspaper the other day that Dogs who are actors are having to say how they identify on their paperwork!  So Mom said this was my description:

Coco – I identify as Princess of this Parish.  I require three meals a day with fresh water. Three beds of my own and use of your beds whenever I require it.  A selection of pretty collars and leads and two coats, one for wet days and one for cold days.  I also require attention whenever, said attention needs to be totally focused on me!

I think that is about all! 

Mom has been in the sewing room for a few days and I get to snooze in this bed when she is and it is really comfy.  In fact it gets moved into Youngest’s room at night where I have been sleeping recently. 

Our weather has been dreadful over the last few weeks with lots of rain, cold and grey.  I am not allowed on our garden as I come in looking like I have had a mud bath which I don’t mind but Mom does as she just about has to bath me every time.  I can’t wait for the weather to get better.

I am also in trouble as I have been wrecking my stuffies I got for Christmas.  Mom says she will not buy me anymore although she does remember a friend saying to get soft toys from the Charity shops as they do not cost a lot of money and it does not matter if I then wreck them.  Mom said the next time she goes out she will go and have a look for some. 

I hope you are having a lovely, woofy week.  Coco xxxx

Coco’s Corner.

I am in a high dudgeon today!  Mom was in this morning and then left at 11.30am to go out for lunch with Auntie Jayne and she did not get back until 4.30pm!  I mean really.  I did get a biscuit though before she left!

We got some snow again but not as much as this, above, which was before Christmas!  Because Mom and Dad has stopped me going up the garden I am just on the patio but this morning it was icy and had a bit of a slip!  Mom has now said everytime I go out, be careful!!!  It is freezing today and I am very glad to get back inside where the heating is on. 

It is going to be cold all week but that is not too bad as my furs are growing again!  Glad it is not just after I have had my spa day!  I think I will be snuggly on my bed for most of this week and hibernate!

I hope you have a wonderful woofy week.  Coco xx

Coco’s Corner.

I have had a busy few weeks!  One day I was allowed down in the garage to help Daddy sort things out!!!  I have to have my harness and lead on and attached to the shelves because the big door was open and I would wander off otherwise!!!

I am disgusted today though.  I came downstairs from my second upstairs bed to find that my downstairs bed had been stripped to be washed and do you know what?  The staff had not put my clean quilt cover on!!!  Imagine my horror.

I did manage six hours more sleep on it though so it wasn’t too bad!

Mom, stop taking pictures!  The noise is keeping me awake!

So although it has been very wet here and my garden is still very muddy, it has now gone very cold!  Fortunately my furs have started to grow back so I am not too cold.  Mom and Dad said that after this weekend they have two weekends where they are not doing anything so will take me for a long walk.  It will be great so long as I can have my coat on!

I would like to wish all my Followers a wonderful Woofy New Year.  Coco xxxx

Coco’s Christmas Corner.

It is getting very exciting here at home.  Lots of things keep appearing.  We have decorations out and I rather like the false berries which are on the stairs.   I can pick them off and roll them around in my mouth for a bit and then spit them out! Mom is not impressed.

Mom has also moved the vase and load of sticks she had on the stairs for a long while now as Dad and The Boys kept knocking them.  For Christmas she has put a metal snowman there which wobbles!    I, however, have found a new use for it.

It is very good for catching my squeaky ball!

I have been keeping an eye out in the garden for the cats although it has been raining a lot so they have not been around.  Our garden is very wet at the moment and Mom has to keep mopping the floor as I come in with muddy paws.  She and Dad are going to tidy and clean the patio at the weekend so it will make it a little cleaner for me. 

Our roofing man came yesterday and did the repair to the roof and also cleaned out all the gutters around our home. It looks so much better but Mom says she needs to clear up all the moss from around our home that the birds have kindly thrown down!

I also got to see Santa Paws the other night when he came up our road.  Mom says it is our local Rotary Club collecting for their charity.  Dad and Mom used to do this when the Boys were little for Round Table & Ladies Circle and they do not miss doing it one bit.  The night Santa Paws came up it was raining heavily!

Santa waved to me!

I keep investigating the presents and sacks in Mom’s sewing room and I am told off and told that I have to wait until December 25th!  There are some great smelling things in there!

I do hope you all have a Wonderfully Woofy Christmas and I will see you next week.

Big Christmas Woofs, Coco xx