Busy Weekend.

Our clocks sprang forward over the weekend and as much as I love the lighter nights, it really wrecks my sleep!!!

I got all my home jobs done at the weekend and a few small Spring Cleaning jobs done too.  I don’t know where the weekend went but it was busy.  I had Coco helping too!!!!!

Coco needs a spa day soon as she is getting extremely fluffy!  She still has a lot of puppy coat.  I keep putting it off as it has still been very cold here.  Although we have signs of Spring in the garden with the trees starting to bud and the plants starting to come alive again, it is still heating on weather. 

After next week DH and I will be off work, we will keep things ticking over but it will give us a chance to get jobs done and DH will be helping Eldest at his garage.  We should have been away in Scotland but changed plans because of announcing events for DH.  He won’t know what he is in for as I am going to get ALL the Spring Cleaning done and finished during the two weeks we are off!!!  It won’t be all jobs though as we do have some fun things arranged.

The Primulas are putting on a lovely Spring show this year.

The sunset over our garden the other day.

DH is away for two days this week on another business exhibition and then it will be home jobs day.  Friday I am running some errands and in the evening we are out for dinner at our friend’s home with four other friends we haven’t seen since last year.  Can’t wait.  Saturday we have a day to our selves and then Sunday DH is announcing again, that will be another week done!

Have a wonderful week. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

A fully Bunny Rabbit getting ready for Easter!

2 thoughts on “Busy Weekend.

  1. farmquilter

    Sorry you won’t be going to Scotland, but it will be nice to have the help sorta available to help with spring cleaning!! Coco looks adorable all fluffy! Woke up yesterday to 6″ of snow…spring is definitely not interested in arriving quickly!!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    Our clocks went forward a couple of weeks ago. I’m not a fan of DST but it is what it is. You look so cute in your fluffy coat, Coco! Your Primulas are so pretty and scream Spring!

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