Monthly Archives: June 2015

Carnival Dog Show, Oh What A Night!


We had an amazing night and the weather could not have been better.  Nice and warm but not too hot for the doggies and owners.  Warning this post is picture heavy!  Above is the attendees and the stage, with DH on the microphone and our Judge, Sandra, ready for the all the dogs.

Sandra talking to the dog and the owners.

All lined up waiting for instructions

The Dogs all loved Sandra and wanted to see her

Waiting patiently for their turn

The Carnival Queen giving out the Rosettes

There is a lot of sitting about

The Biscuit Catch Category, very popular with the Doggies, if not the owners!

Best in Show Winner Bobby and his owner Caroline.

Sandra, our Judge, is an ex Crufts Judge so brought a little bit of Crufts to our Fun Dog Show.  I had a lot of help on the evening making it a success but especially from my lot; DH and Girlfriend helped on the night (Girlfriend took all the pictures above), whilst Eldest was on duty to collect his brother from his first day of work experience from Matlock, as we were all still busy with the show.  As you can imagine we were all shattered when we got home but everyone had a great time.  Treacle was at home in the cool and of course she is number one in our book.

Hope you are having a Thrilling Tuesday, it is very, very warm here today!

Hugs & Woof, Susie x

It Has Begun!!!

Saturday was a warm day and it was the next village to ours, their Carnival.  The Carnival Princess was Girlfriend’s youngest sister and here she is in the middle of the group of three, in the parade.  They had a lovely day for the event.

Our Carnival began yesterday with the crowning of the Carnival Queen at the park in the middle of our village.  Again the day was very warm but not sunny.  Here is our Carnival Queen handing out some flowers and the second picture is of all the Attendants waiting to be presented.

People gathering on the park waiting for it to begin.

Today is the Dog Show, which I organise, and it has been hectic.  DH has come home from work early to help which is great, as Youngest is on his first day of work experience at the Leisure Centre in Matlock. He began at 2.00pm and will finish tonight at 9.00pm and his Brother is collecting him as we will be clearing up from the dog show!  Hopefully we will have some pictures tomorrow.  Treacle is not in it this year as I have run out of bodies to help, so she will be chilling in her basket.  Anyway she is Number One in our eyes!

Hope you are having a Marvelous Monday.

Hugs, Susie x

Quilting Things!

This is my desk today and my machine is doing double duty as a paperwork holder!  I need to get some things finished and tidied but am running out of time! 

More paperwork and the top picture are the pieces for my two super secret quilts.

Really need to have a organising day!

Here is the basket lounger!  Not much help from this direction today!!!  It is raining at the moment so she is not happy as she can’t be outside! However it has forecast a heatwave next week, so we shall see.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Hugs, Susie & Treacle xx

The Wednesday Wag On Thursday!

Here I am in my summer coat!  Mom took me to the Spa last Friday and I had a lovely time being washed and pampered over!

It was just in time too as the weather has turned very warm here.

I can now run round with my football to my hearts content without getting too hot.

This is Mom’s new table for outside so we can all have lunch outside when it is nice and warm.

Here is a picture of me in Mom’s garden which is looking very green this year.

It is a bit chaotic here at home at the moment with everyone dashing about getting ready for the Carnival, as well as the normal evening things such as swimming and piano.  I just lie in my basket watching it all go by!!!!!  That’s why it is Wednesday Wag on Thursday as Mom was really busy on her computer yesterday, so I could not sneak on!

Hope you are having a terrific Thursday.

Woof, Treacle

Carnival Dog Show!

Last night we had our registration evening for the Carnival Dog Show which is next Monday evening (with all our fingers and toes crossed that it will be a sunny evening as we are outside!!!!) 

We have twenty dogs registered for all sorts of categories but the one that seems most popular is Dog and Owner lookalike!!!!  Treacle will not be entering this year as DH and I are running the event with grateful help from some others and Youngest is on work experience all next week and he won’t be finishing until half way through the Dog Show, so Eldest is going to collect him for us! 

Hopefully I will have some pictures to show you next week. 

Everything is gearing up for the start of Carnival this coming Sunday and for the whole week and we also have our swimming open on the Sunday after Carnival day so it is going to be a hectic, frantic few weeks.  I think I need to get my darkened room sorted so I can go and lie down when it all gets too much!!!!!

As you can see Treacle is really stressed about the busy weeks ahead!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope your Tuesday is shaping up well

Hugs, Susie xx

A Busy Weekend!

It was my Birthday on Saturday and I had a great day doing not a lot!!!!  We went out for breakfast and had visitors as well and in the evening Eldest and Girlfriend came round and we had a takeaway and watched a film.  A really good day!

I had some lovely gifts too, two lots of book tokens (!), a new table for our patio, a pie funnel in the shape of a terrier, like Treacle and a new speaker for my car for my mobile phone.  Girlfriend also made me some of her lovely cupcakes.

Sunday the Boys were busy with Carnival preparations, DH also managed to get the grass cut and we managed to have lunch at the new table just before it rained!!!

We are now starting the week before carnival checking the weather every day to see if we are going to be okay for all the events or whether the weather is going to be rainy!!!!!  At the moment it is warm, with some sun and cloud but the odd chance of rain!

Tonight I will be spending two hours registering the dogs for the dog show which is next Monday!  Birthday’s are soon over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you are have a marvelous Monday.

Hugs, Susie x


This morning I came down to find Treacle very keen to make sure she got her breakfast.  I realised that the dishwasher had not washed overnight and DH had set it going before he left.  Youngest got her bowl out, filled it and fed her.

This is the innocent face!

Well you can guess what happened!  This is one furry con artist!!!!!  She ended up having two breakfasts!!!!! Dad says you are not to have anything else for the rest of the day Treacle!!!!  Also I am going to get that sign, which we have seen on the web, which says “The Dog Has Been Fed”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Substitute Bailey for Treacle!!!!!!

Hugs, Susie x

The Wednesday Wag!

It is very warm here at home but thundery so I am not happy, I have retreated to my basket!!!!  Mom has made an appointment for the spa on Friday so I will get some of the wool off my coat and hopefully will be a little cooler.  Mom usually tells them to cut me shorter than normal in the summer in case it gets very hot.

Mom says Wimbledon will be on soon, she is interested in the tennis players, I am interested in the tennis balls!!!!! 

I hope you are having a sunny Woofy Wednesday.



I know I have read the books but watching the last episode of Season 5 last night was still an oh my moment!!!!!  They have done things in the series a little different to the books and things have happened sooner in the series than the books and some people have died which haven’t in the books, so there are definite surprises.  Still like the programme though!  My vote, as we are waiting for the next book to be published, is Tyrion will be King eventually!!!!

Had a swimming club committee meeting last night and I could have quite happily gone all “Red Wedding” on a few of them!!!!!  You have to watch or read Game of Thrones to know what I mean, but I think you will still get the idea!!!!!

Now another show, which I love, returned last week and I can honestly say I was lost watching it!!!!!!

Love the show but this first episode I couldn’t decide which were flashback scenes or current!!!!!!  Love Gillian Anderson in her role, especially as in The Fall she is playing an Inspector trying to catch a serial killer!

Speaking of Gillian Anderson they are currently filming the X-Files Revival and I can’t wait!!!!  Love the X-Files but come on Fox and Chris Carter we need more episodes than 6!!!!!  Just not enough! At least 12, or 24!!!!!!!!!!!

Well that has been my TV watching.  I have been quilting, well cutting out!!!! My last two super secret quilts are now cut out and I have been playing round with some fabric to make something which I will show you when I am done.  Thinking of making it a pattern!

My good friend, Jayne who we had a sewing day together, and I have booked to go to the Festival of Quilts at the NEC in August!  Can’t wait.  Great show and the quilts are amazing and of course the stalls!!!!!!!!  Jayne’s Birthday is exactly one week before mine so we usually go out for lunch together, which is going to be this Friday so looking forward to that.

I hope you Tuesday is shaping up to be a Terrific day.

Hugs, Susie x