Monthly Archives: June 2016

The Wednesday Wag!

DSC05279It’s doing this again here today!  So I am indoors today!  I did manage to get out yesterday in my garden but not for long.  So far June is shaping up to be the wettest on record!  

I am lying in my usual place so I can see out of our back door and watch the rain but I may as well use my squeaky ball to rest my head on.

At least I have my best buddy to play with whilst it is raining!

Mom, hurry up and finish on the computer I need my lunchtime biscuit, don’t you know!

Tomorrow looks better with some sunshine so I may be outside, paws crossed.

Have a Wonderful Woofy Wednesday



Carnival last year.

It’s Carnival in the Village this week!  It began on Sunday with the Crowning of the Carnival Queen and a picnic in the park.  Fortunately the weather was good and only rained after it was all finished!  Last night was the Dog Show and I got to go and watch the evening and all the doggies, having handed over to Sam who has taken over the organisation.  It was a great evening and I really enjoyed watching it all.

Tonight is the walking Treasure Hunt around the village and yes you guessed it, its pouring with rain.  The British are always laughed at because we talk about our weather a lot and in depth too but it is only because it is so temperamental and when you are trying to organise outdoor events it is an impossibility!!!!!  

Tomorrow they have forecast torrential rain and it is supposed to be the Duck Race with DH commentating and Youngest stood in the brook either launching the ducks or catching them.  However they had a look this evening and the water is too high (because of all the rain!) and it is running too fast and very cold.  So at the moment it looks like we will be postponing it and running it on another day when there is a little less water and warmer!

The teenagers are doing the Wild Wet and Wacky games on Thursday evening and then Friday is getting the park ready for the Big Day on Saturday.  At the moment it has sunshine and showers forecast on Saturday so we shall see. 

I have got things ready for my stall and I will show you some pictures later in the week and on Saturday of how it looks.  Oh boy!!!!

I hope you are having a Thrilling Tuesday

Hugs, Susie x

Winter Is Here!

Winter is Here.  We have held the door but Season Six has still ended!!!  And what an ending!  I will not give away any of the plot of the last episode for all those who are waiting to see it tonight in the UK but you will not be sorry!!!! 

My only moan is that we have to wait for another year to see Season Seven!!!!  Can’t they show it sooner, like Autumn this year?  Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

House Faulconbridge stands ready! 

Now what I am going to watch?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hugs, Susie x

DH Is President!

Well ignoring all this doom and gloom over what the country should do, here is a photograph of DH having taken over as President of Derbyshire Amateur Swimming Association on Sunday last.  He holds the position for one year and is mostly ceremonial, although he does have to go to some business meetings.

Youngest and I had gone to support him and although DH had been President Elect during this year he still had to be nominated and they asked Youngest to do it!  He was really proud to nominate his Dad and we were proud of him standing up and giving a speech nominating him.

Of course this means that DH is going to be out a lot during the year but then I will get some more quilting done!

Happy Thursday everyone

Hugs, Susie x

Remain Or Leave?

Well today is the day that our country decides whether to stay or go from the European Union and I can honestly say I have no clue!!!! And I don’t think anyone else in the country does either!

I remember my parents discussing the issue in 1975 of whether to stay in the Common Market as it was called then, which was just an agreement about the free movement of goods etc, or not and they were dead against it.  Now 41 years later we are being asked to vote again and I think that however the vote goes today we won’t know the ramifications for ten years.  It is a very scary thing. 

It almost feels like if we vote stay we are standing at the top of a very high cliff with no safety net and if we vote leave we are facing a black hole of the unknown!  I think either way there are going to be problems.


Birthday & Wednesday Wag!

I had a lovely day on Monday for my Birthday.  This is the cake that Girlfriend made me and it tasted lovely! 

A closer picture of the top.

I had some lovely gifts. From DH and Youngest I got this :

I have wanted a better camera for a while and my old one had started not to work.  I had had that one for ages and it was a small camera which fit into bags and I used to take it everywhere, especially when the Boys were small. So I am having great fun with this one.

These are my other gifts.  A lovely spa kit and scarf from the Boys Godparents.

From Eldest and Girlfriend a cinema voucher so we can go and see “The Secret Life of Pets” and also DVD’s of the Peanuts movie and shows.

From Girlfriend’s family and my good friend Jayne I got Waterstone’s vouchers (a bookstore in the UK) so I will be able to go mad at the bookstore when we are away.

I also got an Amazon voucher from our friends Pat & Alan. 

I am so lucky.

The carnival preparation is in full swing and so are the preparations for our Swimming Open, so by July 4th I will be lying down in a darkened room when it is all done!!!  The weather has been very rainy over the last few weeks and we are hoping that we don’t get too much more or the park, where the carnival is held, may be too waterlogged!!!!  Fingers crossed.  It is also manic trying to fit everything else in as well as work.  Tomorrow the Accountant is here at our office to got through things as it was our Year End at the end of May!!!  I also have to try and fit in grocery shopping and cleaning and washing and ironing as well!  I need a few more hours in each day!

Treacle’s just hanging around in all the chaos!

I haven’t had chance to read any blogs for a few days, so apologies for not stopping by or respond to my comments, but please know I have read them and will reply soon and thank you for leaving the comments. 

I have a few more pictures to show you later in the week.  Treacle has helped me write the post so I am sharing her Wednesday Wag!!!!!!

Hugs, Susie & Treacle xx

Its Friday!

Yep its Friday again!  Youngest has done his last exam out of the twenty two he took!!!!! Yeah!!!!!  We went out for lunch to celebrate and it was great.

He then came with me to get a couple of things for my stall.  This :

I wanted to have some flowers on the stall to add to the colour but not real ones because if they get knocked over I don’t want water everywhere, so silk ones.  I love the summer colours.

I am also going to, a week before, set up the table to see how it all fits and works and then I will be able to show you what it looks like.  Still busy quilting things and have made a Baby Quilt to sell.  I also want to make one other quilt but I am going to display a couple of quilts I have made but obviously they won’t be for sale.  Getting quite excited about it.

Tomorrow I have house jobs to do and some grocery shopping and then in the evening we are all helping at one of our junior swimming competitions.  Sunday DH takes over as President of Derbyshire ASA and Youngest and I are going to see him installed.  Hopefully I will be able to get some quilting done in between all this.

I hope you all have a lovely sunny summer weekend.

Hugs, Susie x

Throwback Thursday!

It’s getting to that time of year when Sports Days for Schools are happening and of course when the Boys were little we got to go and see them.  When they move to Senior School you don’t get to go.  It is one of those days that I treasured going to see them doing their running races.  Here are a couple of pictures of the Boys when they were little.

Youngest, he came First in the Egg & Spoon Race

Eldest with his arms raised (in the middle of the picture) waiting for the volley ball

The Boys and Baby Treacle, eight years ago.

The Boys At a Thomas The Tank Engine Day at Great Central Railway. 

I love them to the Moon and back and back again!

Happy Thursday Everyone

Hugs, Susie x

The Wednesday Wag! (with help)

What’s that you say, its Wednesday?  I need to write my Wednesday Wag?  It can’t be Wednesday, it was only Wednesday a few days ago!!!!  Hmm  Not Happening!

Well there you go, Treacle is too busy snoozing to write her Wednesday Wag or even wag her tail!!!!  It is coming up to that time of year where we meet ourselves coming backwards!!!  Carnival is now in full steam ahead mode with a meeting every week and all the problems and issues coming to the fore! 

Exams are still in full flow with three more left until Youngest has finished and I don’t have to run backwards and forwards to school for an hour or two hours here and there!

I am slowly but surely getting things finished for my stall at Carnival, the nearer it gets the more nervous I am.  You know how critical people can be and there are a lot of critical people who live in our village!!!!!!  Oh what I have done???????????????????

Work is busy as well, which is good, but well you know.

It is also getting busy with the swimming club Open which is the day after Carnival, when we will have to be at the swimming pool by 7.00am after a late night the day before.  The Open is full and we have over 250 swimmers with over 1000 swims!!!  That Monday will be a slow one!

Sunday is Father’s Day of course and my Birthday on Monday (not a good day to have a Birthday, I prefer Fridays and Saturdays!!!!).

Well I think that is this week so far (!).  Looking forward to Friday when I am taking Youngest out to Lunch as it is the end of his exams.

Hope your Wednesday is going well (it is pouring with rain again here 🙁  )

Wet Hugs, Susie xx