Monthly Archives: January 2017

What a Weekend!

Image result for roger federer australian open 2017

It was a busy weekend for us, as always, but I did get to watch this match on Sunday morning!  Frankly I think these two are the best Sportsmen in the World and I think there are a lot of others who could take a leaf out of their book (including Andy Murray!).  I loved that Roger said he wished they could have drawn as they really both did deserve to win!

DH and Youngest were in London on Friday for work and did not get back until late and then Saturday he was training first thing in the morning and then Saturday evening Youngest was competing for the Club and they came third.  Sunday, all day, DH was out as President of County swimming at a local event.  I fitted in house jobs and washing and ironing.

DH and Youngest did do one job for me though on Saturday between swimming things; they bathed Treacle!  You know the film “Dances with Wolves” well Treacle was “Walk with stinks”!!!!!!!  So because she had been bathed everything of hers, two beds, three towels, teddy and her collar, were all washed!!!!!!    She smells sooooooooo much better.


If I get to design my own house one day, I would love to have a dog washing station in the Boot Room it would be definitely a necessity!  I think it is such a great idea!  Our very good friend, Farm Quilter, is able to bathe Tara in the sink as she is little but of course Treacle has to go in the bath.  You end up having a bath almost with her and then the bathroom needs a thorough clean afterwards!!!!!!  It is worth it though!


DH is away again this week on business in Scotland (I can’t go unfortunately!) and then next weekend he is announcing for the local Chinese New Year Event on Saturday evening.  However the rest of the weekend we are doing nothing, yeah!!!!

I hope you are having a Happy Monday!

Hugs, Susie x

Clean dog, clean bed, clean basket oh for all of five minutes!!!!!!!!

The Wednesday Wag!

Youngest abandoned me last night to go to a friend’s 17th Birthday celebrations!!!  Mom and Dad took pity on me and put my basket in their room so I was not lonely without him.

It always unsettles me a little bit when things aren’t as normal so today I have been driving Mom mad by Bed Hopping all day!!!!!

Bed Number 1 – Eldest’s.

Bed Number 2 – Youngest’s

Bed Number 3 – Mom & Dad’s

Back to Eldest’s!!!

Mom collected Youngest at 5.00pm tonight from college so he is home, Yeah!!!!  Back to normal.

I hope you are having a woofy Wednesday.


Hither & Thither!!!!

It has been one of those days today where I have been playing chauffeur to Youngest.  He is staying at a friends tonight, whose 17th Birthday it is, and then going from there to college tomorrow morning, so we have been sorting out things needed for tonight and then tomorrow!!!!  They say girls are bad about deciding what to wear and take!!!!!!  Don’t believe it Boys are as bad!

Work is busy but still needs to be busier but hey ho, but I am keeping up to date with everything which is good for my sanity!!!!!  

Quilting is going okay and hopefully at the weekend I will get one of the Baby Quilts cut out.  I love baby quilts as they go together quickly and you feel as if you have accomplished something.  Bed quilts always seem to take ages!   Treacle has been watching the tennis with me and I am convinced she is trying to work out how to get in the screen to fetch the tennis balls.  She has a few at the moment and they are pretty wrecked but as soon as the better weather starts we will get a new can of them for her.

The weather is still cold and grey and the sun has disappeared again.  I really am looking forward to some better weather.

How is your Tuesday going?

Hugs, Susie x

Monday Moping!

Treacle is moping today as the weather is yuck!!!  We have had freezing fog and then when it warmed up a little bit dank fog and it was a bitter wind.  She has refused to go out this morning and at lunch I insisted she went out but it was not for long.

I was busy in my sewing room yesterday doing more of Eldest’s quilt and Treacle was in her usual position and then I got two visitors!!!!  Just before they went off to swimming!  Treacle was not amused by them sitting in her space!!!!!

Getting on well with the quilt and hopefully will get it finished this week.  I did get to the quilt shop but they have changed it all around with their other shop, just down the road.  However they have some material in both shops now which is really confusing.  I did manage to get what I needed but I preferred it when it was all in one place!!!!

For Baby Quilt 1.

For Baby Quit 2.

But I am finishing Eldest’s first, definitely!!!!!!

Happy Monday

Hugs, Susie x


Now don’t faint but after a week of dark, dank and mizzling (misty drizzle!) the sun came out today!!!!!!  Yes after an initial foggy/misty start the sun appeared and it was glorious to see.  Of course it is cold (!) so tomorrow morning we will be scraping car windows but hey ho, you can’t have everything.

I didn’t get to the quilt shop liked I had hoped to so am penciling that in for Monday next but I did get my work done and my house jobs and just another basket of ironing and then I am up to date which means I can do some more quilting over the weekend!!!!!   Happy dance here!!!!

DH is out this evening as President presenting the trophies at one of the local swimming clubs and I am on chauffeur duty for Youngest as he is teaching at our swimming club!  

This weekend we have a few jobs to get done but it does depend upon the weather but if not I will slide them along for another week, hee hee!!!!!

Treacle has spent the day trying to convince everyone that she has not been fed this morning or had her lunchtime biscuit!  Nice try Treacle but they all know you have!!!!

I hope you all have a wonderful, Happy, Weekend.

Hugs, Susie x

Madam quite happy in her basket, snoozing whilst I write my blog!

Thursday’s Things!

It is funny how some sports get all the attention and news and others seem to just disappear into the news.  This picture is of Sam Sunderland who is British and has just won the Dakar on two wheels.  Nothing unusual about that except he is the first Brit to win any of the classes in the Dakar!  So many congratulations to Sam!Huge disappoint that Novak Djokovic has been knocked out of the Australian Open.  As you may know I am not a fan of Andy Murray and he is now being tipped to win after Novak’s defeat!  However there are still some of the best players in the draw which may stop him winning!  Sorry if you are Murray fans!!!!!!

Treacle has been forgiven by her Daddy for pinching his biscuit!!!!!

I have house jobs to do today having managed to get my work done this morning.  It is so nice to be in a routine again.  I did get a bit more of Eldest’s quilt done and am hoping to get it finished at the weekend and then just need to add the binding.

Throwback Thursday!

For Throwback Thursday I found some amazing pictures when I was sorting out pictures on the computer.

Eldest and Youngest in their first tree house, without a tree!  They loved it.

I just love this picture of them.

This is Eldest and Youngest with Eldest’s best friend James and his sister Emily.  Their Mom, Jayne, is one of my best friends.  We used to spend time together when it was the children’s holidays from school.  Eldest and James were in the same year and Youngest and Emily are the same age but in different school years.  James is now 21 and Emily is 17!  I love this picture and brings back some very happy memories.

I hope you are having a Happy Thursday.

Hugs, Susie x

The Wednesday Wag!

I am in big trouble today on Wednesday Wag.  Well it actually happened a few days ago but I am in my Dad’s bad bucks as I pinched one of his biscuits which he was going to have with his tea.  I know I was naughty, especially as Dad had already given me one of his biscuits anyway, so I really am in the dog house!!!!!!

The blooming squirrel has been in the garden today but he is not able to get the bird seed now as Dad has got the new squirrel proof feeders.

I have been getting my paws muddy every day this week as the weather has been rainy every day and I have to be dried when I come in from the garden as I go under all the bushes chasing that squirrel.  Mom is still hoping for some snow but I don’t think it is going to happen, just rain!!!

Here is where I am at the moment.  It is lovely and warm in the office and Mom is busy working so all is good with the World

Woof, Treacle

Dark Days!

I have been reading all the blogs in the US who have snow, some have lots and lots of snow but we are snowless!!!!  I think our winter is just going to be grey and dank and dismal.  All this week they have forecast rain and the sky has looked like this all day!  I must say you can see why some people suffer from SAD.  I am lucky I don’t, I just turn on the lights and crank up the heating a little bit and get on with my jobs or sewing.



I love lists as you know and these sorts of lists can make for interesting discoveries.  I will eventually, when I have finished my UFO’s and quilts that are required by certain dates, would love to participate in a Block of the Month or one of the many quilt alongs that are around the web but don’t wish to commit until I am ready.  But reading I can do when I am not quilting.  Like at bedtime or bathtime!!!!!!

I love this quilt but an useless at applique!

I am searching for inspiration for the baby quilts but cannot decide.  I think I am going to have to go to the Quilt Shop and have a look at the fabric!!!  He, he good excuse!!!  It does not help that we do not know what they are having so the colours have to be acceptable to both.  Hopefully I will be able to sneak out later in the week.

Tomorrow I have another appointment at my Doctor’s and then I am going to see a friend who has not been well and then I have some work to get done and it is Wednesday!

I hope you are having a Happy Tuesday.

Hugs, Susie x

Blue Monday? No Happy Monday!

The Daily Telegraph says today is Blue Monday.  This is because that Christmas was three weeks ago, everyone is waiting for payday and they have been back at work and the bills are starting to arrive. 

However I feel that if you look at it this way you are setting yourself up to be blue.  So Happy Monday everyone!

We got jobs done on Saturday and then Sunday I did some quilting!!!!!  I know shock, a quilting blog with some quilting on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been quilting Eldest’s quilt and have been carrying on with that.  It takes a lot to do this as it is a single quilt but longer so a little between a single and a double but I have been managing, but it does make my arms ache after a while.

Treacle loves it now that I have made a space for her and she can be found in this spot even when I am not in the room!

I think the thing I miss most about Christmas when it has ended are the lights.  I love the fairy lights and because they now have lots of white lights I decided to keep this set out and put them in my sewing room along the shelves.  I think they look very pretty and I love the warmth they give to the room. 

Treacle is now tired of me taking pictures so is snoozing!

Do you ever have a good hair day?  I don’t very often but today it looked okay.  Tomorrow it will be dreadful but I thought a picture was worth taking!  Good bathroom shot!!!!!!!!

Here is our handsome Eldest at the weekend.  They were out celebrating Girlfriend’s nephew’s 18th Birthday.

I have a basket of ironing to do tonight but tomorrow evening I am hoping to get some more quilting done. 

I hope you are having a Happy Monday.

Hugs, Susie x

Friday 13th?


We were talking earlier in the week about superstitions and here we are on Friday 13th!  Do you worry about Friday 13th?  I must say, touch wood (!), that it doesn’t bother me!!!!!! Ha, Ha!!!!!!!

I must admit I have never had the bad luck that other people have said they have had on this day but then are they noticing things because of the date and on any other date they wouldn’t have noticed it!!!!

I have been working at my desk all day and not got any of my house jobs done but I am going to get them done in the morning whilst DH and Youngest are out at swimming.  We had a sprinkling of snow this morning but no more and Treacle was most disappointed! 

Quilting tomorrow and Sunday as well – I am going to ignore all the other jobs that really need to be done and push them back a week, well its a plan!!!!!

I hope everyone has a lovely Winter’s weekend and Happy Thoughts to all.

Hugs, Susie x