Monthly Archives: February 2014

Tuesday and Another Cold!

Its a good job I don’t have to speak on my blog, because at the moment I haven’t got a voice!!!! I have another cold which has, again, affected my voice box which is not good for my job!!!  I have had to make some calls today and people can hardly understand me, including DH, so I have now given up!!!!!  Problem is I have to go to a business seminar on Thursday so hopefully I won’t sound so bad by then!  

Youngest is not too well either with a stomach upset, I am just hoping I won’t get that as well!

I spent the weekend quilting and got some more blocks done for the Mystery Quilt from our quilt group which was from last year (!) and I am really enjoying it and hopefully I will get some more done later this week.  I got my cushions finished and will get some pictures of those too but as I am not feeling so hot, really haven’t got much energy at the moment for picture taking and sorting!!!!!

Saw this on the web at this website,  I love Game of Thrones and the new series will be on our TV’s here in April.  Love Snoopy!!!  It made me laugh (not easy to do when you are croaking and wheezing everywhere!)

Even Treacle is looking at me oddly as I don’t sound the same!!!  She is is her basket next to my desk though so it can’t be that bad.

I hope your Tuesday is better than mine.

Susie x

Look What the Mail Man Delivered!

This was one of the Boys favourite cartoons when they were little! (mine too)

You know how normally the only thing the mail man brings is bills, well the other day he brought a package for me of books!  You know how I love books.  I was given a couple of vouchers for Christmas for Amazon, so I placed an order!

I read Ree Drummond’s blog and love to see her way of life compared to ours, especially ranching which doesn’t seem to have changed much since the cowboy films I used to watch when I was little!  Here is her site, I recommend you pop by and have a look round :  This cookery book is recipes for all the holidays throughout the year and I can’t wait to have a go at them.  I will post pictures when I do!

I can’t resist quilt books of course and this has some great projects in, small and large!

I couldn’t resist this.  I admit I watch Real Housewives of Beverley Hills and I love Lisa Vanderpump.  I think, because she is English, I “get” a lot of her comments which I don’t always thing the other Housewives do, it’s an English thing!!!!  I love books like this and have a big collection of them.  Which makes me think of another post I could do of all my quirky books!!!!  Remind next week and I will do it!!!!

Anyway tonight Girlfriend is coming for family dinner and tomorrow they are swimming so I will be quilting, yes, yes I will, honest!!!!!  Sunday we have jobs to do and then back to Monday and school.  It was really nice to have a week off.

Have a lovely weekend whatever you are doing and wherever you are.

Susie x

Spring will soon be here hopefully!  Love this picture!!

Thursday Already!

I cannot believe that it is Thursday already and Youngest will be back at school on Monday!!!!  They have gone paintballing today and fortunately the sun has come out, after raining for a while this morning, so at least they won’t be soaked just muddy!!!!!

Whilst they are all out I am doing house jobs, Treacle helps (!), but I promised to show you what I bought at the quilt shop.

Don’t quite know why this picture is sideways!!  The green, blue and yellow is to make some more cushion covers for spring and the pink and white is for another project I am planning

Love this fabric as it is all about sewing!!! There is another colour-way which is more golden but I restricted myself to just this one (I can always go back!!!!) I am going to make this into a sewing bag!

I have always loved these panels and they had just got some more in so I bought one before they sold out again! I am going to make them into wall hangings!

The Boys have a swimming competition over the weekend so I am determined to get some quilting done whilst they are all out!!!!  

Have a thrilling Thursday

Susie x

Come on Treacle, we have jobs to do!

The Wednesday Wag!

Snoodles over at http://lilypadquilting.blogspot was asking about cabin fever and sometimes I get that!!!!

We have not had the snow and freezing temperatures that they have had in the US, when you have to stay in!!!!!  However the rain has kept me in, I do not like getting wet!!!  

When the weather is bad I hide under my quilt

It’s really snugly!!!!!

If its really bad weather then I hide under my quilt completely!

But I really can’t wait until Spring when hopefully the better weather is here!  Then I can spend most of the day outside!!!!!  

So although Mom is probably getting cabin fever I just take it all in my stride, nothing that a good sleep can’t over come!!!!!!!

Hope you are all coping with the bad weather and not too feverish!!! Mom is going to get some quilting done tonight, well that’s what she says!!!!!!

Have a woofy Wednesday


Busy Weekend!


Last weekend DH and I went up to Glasgow for a little getaway whilst Eldest looked after his brother and Treacle!  Fortunately the weather was okay and didn’t stop us getting there.  The above is the hotel we stayed in which is ten miles out of Glasgow.

This was our room

The reason for going was DH had treated me for Christmas to two tickets to the Jack Vettriano Retrospective Exhibition being held at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum.  We have one of this prints in our bedroom and it is my favourite of all his works

The entrance to Kelvingrove

The Entrance Hall

DH and I both loved the lamps

Inside was this magnificent pipe organ which sounded wonderful

When we came out the weather had cleared up, the sky was blue and the sun was shining but it was still cold.

The exhibition was great but we were not allowed to take pictures but you can see some of it on-line.  When we came up from the exhibition hall, Jack Vettriano himself was there signing copies of the catalogue so DH & I got in line.

He was really busy as you can imagine.  Afterwards we went for lunch at Loch Lomond but by then it was beginning to rain.

This is the view but not when we were there!

We had dinner in the evening at the hotel and then traveled back during Sunday.  On the way home we had a call from Eldest “How do I get into the garage when my key has broken in the lock?” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  my answer was can you use some pliers to get the broken key out – no and they needed to leave to get to swimming!!!!  Just leave it and we will sort it when we get back!!!!!!!!!  Sure enough DH got home and within ten minutes had got the the broken bit out.  Good job as there were some quite expensive parts in there which DH was delivering for our business the next day!!!!!!!

We had a lovely weekend and very grateful to Eldest for looking after his brother and Treacle.  Treacle was fine and I think had had quite a few treats to keep her from missing us!!! Yeah right missing us, she spent the weekend with The Boys and Girlfriend, she was in seventh heaven!!!!!

Youngest is off this week from school for half term and it was so nice not to rushing around, although he has had a few activities so we have had to be up and about.  Today he had a check up at the hospital for his toes and they have healed really well and he is now allowed back playing sport at school, Yeah!!!!!  I took him for a hot chocolate which was recommended by a friend as the best hot chocolate ever, but he was not too impressed as they used real chocolate and it was very bitter, oh well!!! 

Tomorrow is Wednesday Wag but Thursday I will show you what I got from the quilt shop, which is not far from where we went for our hot chocolate (there is a method to my madness!!!!)

Have a thrilling Tuesday

Susie x

Retro Friday & Valentines Day!

Thirty years ago (!) Torvill and Dean danced the now famous Bolero at the Sarajevo Winter Olympics and won Gold and skated their way into the History Books.  To commemorate the event they are back in Sarajevo skating it again.  I remember watching them on TV with my Mom  when they won and it was a big deal as they are from my home town of Nottingham!  It took ice skating to a whole new level.

Also this week Queen made Chart History by having the first album to hit 6 million UK sales of “Queen Greatest Hits”!  DH and I are fans of Queen and when The Boys were babies and wouldn’t sleep we would play Queen, quite loudly, and dance around with them and they would always go to sleep!  In fact now The Boys can sleep anywhere with whatever noise there is and I think it is because of us playing Queen!!!

DH and I went to see Brian May, Roger Taylor and Paul Rodgers in Nottingham five years ago and it was a great concert.  A shame it wasn’t with John Deacon and the Great Freddy, but it was still great!!!!  Also “our song” is “It’s a Kind of Magic” from Highlander which is very special to us! 

Congratulations to Queen and we still miss you Freddy!

The weekend is going to be busy and I will post some pictures on Monday.

Have a Great Weekend

Susie x

PS Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!!

The Wednesday Wag!

If we four leg people had Olympics and it was in England this month!!!!!!

Yes it has been the wettest January on record and so far February will not be far behind, and I hate getting my paws wet!  Mom decided at the weekend that I just looked too scruffy for words and got out “The Comb”!!!!!!!  This is the dreaded “Comb” as it is metal and designed to go through my thick wool coat but I really don’t like it!!!!  However I did feel better after she and Dad had spent about an hour on me!!!

Dad please can I have my biscuit now for being groomed? 

Look how fluffy my paws look now!

Yesterday was another wash out and it was cold too, so while Mom was working at her desk I was in my basket as usual but it was still cold so Mom put my quilt over me.

I didn’t move from here until it was lunchtime!  Today looks like it is going to be the same with more rain so I won’t be going anywhere except to bed again! (Mom says I look scruffy again but what do you expect, I am busy, I can’t keep a beautifully groomed coat all the time!!!!!!)

Have a Woofy Wednesday


Tipping It Down Tuesday!

It is, yet again, raining here in dear old England.  The poor people who were flooded over Christmas are still flooded and the floods are covering more and more land and I feel so sorry for them. There is more rain due which of course just adds to the misery.  There is a saying which we use over here a lot, “nice weather for ducks”, well I think even the ducks are fed up with all the water now!!!!!

We didn’t get a lot done over the weekend as we all have colds(!) and as the weather was not good again it really did not inspire any of us to get up and move, including Treacle!!!!

DH is away for the next three days at an exhibition in the South of the country where all the floods are so it remains to be seen if they actually get there and if everything is okay when they do!  The area they are going to is okay at the moment but who knows with this weather!  Good job he has a big truck so at least he can navigate through some of the floods!!!!

Which leaves The Boys, Treacle and I at home.  It is the last week of school and Youngest has next week off which will be nice to have a break and I have one or two things planned, depending upon the weather.  I didn’t get any quilting done last week because of not feeling too good so I am determined to get something done this week.

At the weekend DH and I are away in Glasgow, Scotland to visit an art exhibition which I will tell you more about next week.

I don’t normally read the papers as it can be so depressing but I found these two articles today which made me smile

This is a picture of Tim Smith’s house in Crystal, Minnesota and because of all the snow he has managed to make a small Luge track round his house!  It is twelve feet tall and he built it to keep his three children entertained on their snow days!  As they had so much fun, on the opening day of the Winter Olympics the family hosted their own Kiddie Winter Olympics where the whole neighbourhood came!  I think this is a great idea so well done Mr Smith!!!

Here is the link :

Another great story is of one bored commuter in Britain, who is also a very talented animator; Mr Joe Butcher.  Using just a few pens and small pieces of paper he has turned his fellow travelers into cartoons (and a well placed camera of course!)  I think they are great and here are my favourite two.

Here is the link if you want to see more :

Pictures all from the Daily Mail website!

They made me smile on this wet, dank and cold day again!  I hope your Tuesday is a little better weather wise.  Treacle and I will be keeping warm whilst working today.  Wait till you see her tomorrow on her Wednesday Wag!!!!!

Susie x

The Wednesday Wag

Well last Sunday was Groundhog Day and Punxsutawney Phil came out of his home and saw his shadow so that means we have six more weeks of winter!  

Well our winter has been a wet one this year and it is raining heavily again and I am not a happy Treacle today at all.  This is where I have spent the whole day

Mom has been busy all day today at her desk and she has not had a good day at all.  She was getting very cross with one person on the phone!  I stuck my paws in my ears!!!!!!

The Boys are home and they are busy with work, so I have retired to my bed again as it is too wet to go outside and play.

Hopefully Dad will be home soon and I can play with him.   I can’t wait for spring and the better weather!!!!!

I hope your Wednesday is better than here!!!!!

