Susie’s Book Club Friday.

Sorry I know this is a week late (!) I honestly don’t know where the days go to!

When I am reading I tend to swap around genres depending upon what I am feeling at that moment of picking a new book to read.

Now if you have followed me and in particular Book Club for a while you will know that I am a huge fan of Clive Cussler.  Most of his books are modern adventures but with this set, The Isaac Bell Adventures, he put him in the early 1900 of New York, and he works as a Private Investigator for the Von Dorn Agency (styled on the Pinkertons).

The above is the ninth book in the series and as with all of Cussler’s books takes you on a great ride through the story.  Isaac is called in to help catch a group of Italian Gangsters known as The Black Hand who are using kidnapping, arson and extortion on the citzens of New York.  However bodies soon start to appear in the alleyways of New York attributed to the Gang and then a prominent figure is killed, followed by another and then they get word that they are out to get The President too.  Can Isaac and his team of Detectives find the leader before any more bodies appear?  As soon as they arrest one of the Gang Members two more seem to appear, who is in charge?

It is a great read and I am really enjoying it.

As an aside have you ever seen the British “Carry On” Films?  They starred some very well know comedy actors of the 1960’s, 70’s and into the 80’s.  They were pure slapstick comedies but oh so fun.  One of them was called “Carry on – Don’t Lose Your Head” about the French Revolution and one of the characters, played by Sid James, was Sir Rodney Ffing who was helping to save the aristocrats from France and his nom de plume was “The Black Fingernail”.  Reading the above book and The Black Hand Gang reminded me of it.  If you get a chance to watch any of the Carry On films do, they brighten up any day!


As you know I don’t listen to the news and certainly do not watch it on TV.  I do read the Daily Telegraph on line but skip a lot of the articles and read book reviews and the occasional article about homes etc.  However one caught my eye this week and I have also found on Instagram Reels that there are a lot of the younger Generation (I don’t know who belongs to which now as the dates all seem to change but I assume the Twenty somethings!) complaining about how hard it is for them financially at the moment with the costs of everything being so high and they have no money for going out and if they do it costs them so much! 

Like with a lot of things the young think they invent everything!  Do they think that they are the only ones who have gone through hard times?  Did they ever do history at school?  The financial situation we are in at the moment has happened many times over the years, here in the UK in the 1970’s it was the three day week, electricity strikes, rampant inflation, cost of living one of the highest since WWII etc.  The late 1980’s and into the 1990’s was the same.  The only difference being there was no social media to go on to and moan about things!  We just got on with it and made the best of what we had.  I hate to say it but stop moaning and get on with it!!!!

Rant over!!!!


Busy weekend with DH at a swimming event both days and we are also at another swimming event on Saturday evening and I am babysitting Little Man tomorrow during the day for a little while 🙂    Have a wonderful weekend you lovely lot.

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “Susie’s Book Club Friday.

  1. farmquilter

    Sweet!!! Love the babysitting gig…you will enjoy it so much!! When they are mobile, they are exhausting, but there is nothing better than rocking them to sleep…then taking a nap!! The book sounds good and I’ll have to hunt for the Carry On shows.

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