Monthly Archives: October 2013

I Am An X-Phile!

Yes it has been Twenty Years since this programme first appeared on our TV screens, in fact on BBC 2 in this country!  It was seen as being a niche market programme not suitable for the main BBC channel.  For those of us who like these sort of programmes instead of the endless soaps or, at the time, lots of home makeover shows, The X-Files was (and is) amazing!

Who didn’t want to be Scully or Mulder!  The story lines were different to anything else being shown on TV at the time and they were the first to have this male/female business partners but really wanted to be more story line!

At the time we had video players and I always recorded the episodes to watch again and again, until the tapes failed! 

Some of my most favourite episodes are Squeeze, Dod Kalm, Humbug, Anasazi, Clyde Bruchman’s Final Repose, How The Ghosts Stole Christmas; hell I like all of them!

In January this year DH bought me a late Christmas Present, the complete collectors edition of the X-Files!  Seasons 1-9 and Fight The Future Film!  I have been watching my way through the Seasons whilst doing my ironing (I have to watch something when ironing!) and I have just started Season 9!  The best thing about this is that when I have finished I can go back and start again from Season 1!!!!

This week Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny were celebrating the 20th Anniversary!  It really can’t be 20 years can it?  However they are talking about a new film and I will definitely be at the cinema if they do.  It would be great if they brought the show back but it would have to have all the same writers, producers, directors etc for it to be the same!  They would also have to come up with a way to bring back the Lone Gunmen, but I am sure as it is the X-Files they could do it!

So Happy 20th Birthday X-Files and don’t forget

The Truth Is Out There


Trust No One

Hope you like the green writing, it just had to be green!!!!!

Susie x

The Wednesday Wag

I have been out and about today and one of my stops was the hairdressers!  Mom got me there for 9.15am and by 12.15pm I was ready and don’t I look better?

This was what I looked like before we went!

Can you see how well they have styled my neck and legs?

I also got a present when we got home – a new collar!

The only problem now is that I don’t have any of my beds!  Mom has decided to wash them all, as I am now nice and clean, so I have purloined their beds!!!!!  Although I wasn’t allowed on them after I had been out as it is raining heavily here today!

I am off now for a quick snooze before Youngest gets back from school and its playtime!

Have a Waggy Wednesday.


You Know When ….

It’s only October 10th but oh boy the marketing companies are sure getting ahead of the game.  So far today I have had eight emails from different companies about Christmas!  “Order now before stocks run out”! “This offer is only for a few weeks”!  and so on!!

I have to start thinking about Christmas soon as I have got three Christmas cakes and puddings to make as gifts and they have to sit for a while.  I must also confess that I have already bought some gifts, for the Boys, because if I don’t get them (size wise!!!) then they will all be gone!  Also I have got one gift for Youngest which he has wanted since last year and they only appear at Christmas so I did buy those!  I have also made a list of things to get for gifts which I think the various recipients will like, which makes it easier when I get to do the actual Christmas shop. 

Nottingham’s Market Square 2012

The supermarkets are already full of Christmas things, including the food, and it seems to be getting earlier and earlier when things appear and as much as I try and ignore it, you do get caught up in it!  One person I know has already started playing Christmas music in their car and changed their ringtone to a popular Christmas song!  Youngest is starting to play Christmas music on the piano for school and today the weather has turned from very warm at the start of the week to freezing cold and Eldest asking for the heating to be put on (not yet, put a jumper on!)

Of course Treacle is booked in for a hair cut next Wednesday which means it will definitely be really cold then!

Oh well that is my rant for today!!!  I must get on now as there are only 75 days to go before December 25th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Susie x 

The Wednesday Wag!

Today is cooler so I enjoyed being out as it was a bit warm yesterday, especially with my thick coat!  Mom has arranged for me to visit the beauty parlour next week for a wash and brush up!

The Boys have been teaching me a new trick, which I think I am pretty fantastic at!  It involves them shouting “Paws!” at me and I then launch myself into the air with my paws out and they catch me!

Here I am with Eldest.  I usually get a biscuit after I have performed this trick!

They are going to try and film a video so they can upload it to You Tube for the Animals singing a Christmas song which is made by Klaatu42 each year.  Here is the link and if you are ever having one of those days, the animals will make you laugh!  (  Mom’s favourite is “Animals of You Tube singing Deck The Halls”  Check it out it’s great!  Also the new one “Wet Dog”

Have a Woofy Wednesday


I Can’t Believe It is October!

This is how we normally associate the weather and garden in October. However this year it is like this

Some leaves have fallen but not many and the plants are all growing like mad, including the grass!

If you didn’t know that I had taken these pictures today you would say they were summer pictures!!!  It is also lovely and warm but that is due to change later in the week with more normal temperatures.

Treacle is in her element running in and out all day until about 5.00pm when it drops very cool

It has been really hectic here over the last few days, hence no posts. Friday night we went to Goose Fair and got there about 6.00pm and it had been raining during the day so I think everyone had the same idea!  The Boys and Girlfriend went on several “large” rides and DH and I watched from the sidelines!!!!!  We both said we remembered when we took the Boys and they used to go on the “baby” rides!!!!!


There was a new ride for this year called “Air”.  Not only were you vertical the cars spun at the same time!!!  We didn’t go on it, just stood and watched!!!  Afterwards we walked back into Nottingham City Centre and went for pizza to celebrate Girlfriend’s Birthday which was Saturday.  

DH, Youngest and I were at swimming on Saturday night and our Club was hosting.  As the day had been warm the indoor pool was like a sauna so we made lots of cold drinks for the officials and coaches!!! Our Club came Third which was a great result.

Sunday we were trying to get some jobs done. Eldest has begun work on his new courses which is good and Youngest is busy at school.  He has now volunteered himself to help on the Scout committee!

This week is another busy week for business and we are swimming again on Saturday at Market Drayton about an hour ish away from us. After this week there are a couple more weeks left before Half Term and a week off for Youngest!

As the weather is so nice I have not put up any Halloween decorations yet, it still seems like summer!

Have a thrilling Tuesday

Susie x

The Sew & Show Blog Button!

Madame Samm from “Sew We Quilt” is our fearless leader who comes up with the wonderful ideas of the Blog Hops which I have been part of for a while now.  They are great little hops, always with a different theme and there are some wonderful things to win.  

It is also a great way to get to “meet” new people, generally other quilters, and also get new Followers to your Blog!  I also find it is a great way to try something new in quilting, as the projects are often quick to do.  Of course some very talented quilters make loads of things for the hop or even whole quilts.

Anyway Madame Samm’s blog Sew We Quilt is a place for us to show off our creations and she and her various Cheerleaders sort us all out and pick the best in show.  Therefore she has created a button which explains what the Blog does, as you can see from my bar on the right.  Here is what Madame Samm has to say:

“After so many creations of blogs, buttons, logos for others, WE finally have something for US!
I get asked often, what kind of blog are we? Besides sharing we are a Blog HOP blog!
Many are still not sure what that is…But when I say we are a SEW and SHOW
blog, they get it.
Sometimes, the simplest of words says it all.” Madame Samm

Pop along to Sew We Quilt and see what is going on.  The next Blog Hop is “Wicked” and you can bet there will be plenty of Spooky things to keep you entertained.

Susie x

Strike Day Instead of Snow Day!!

Youngest got the day off today as the Teacher’s were on strike (note the apostrophe!!!!) so instead of an extra day because of snow, we had an extra day because of strike!!!!!

We went over to Nottingham to get a few bits for the new Baby, which is due this month (oh my goodness it is October already????????!!!!) and then went to the cinema to see this

Youngest was able to go and see it as it was rated 12 and I can tell you it was a great film, constant action, great special effects and a good story.  If you like this type of film you will not be disappointed.

We managed to get back in time for Youngest to get to his maths Tutor for his lesson and the Boys have gone to swimming tonight.  DH is away until the end of the week at the exhibition so he won’t be home for two nights 🙁 but I can get things sorted in the house. 


Friday we are all, and Girlfriend, going to Goose Fair.  Yes it is that time of year again and I cannot believe how fast it has come round.  It is in its 719th year (!) and has obviously changed a lot since the first one in 1294 but I don’t think that one attracted 250,000 visitors! 

Youngest was also working out how long it is until his Birthday, nine weeks, which means that there are only twelve and a half weeks to Christmas!!!!! Oh my!  I think I need to start making some lists and get myself into gear.

I hope you had a Thrilling Tuesday.  Treacle is ready for her Wednesday Wag tomorrow.

Susie x