Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Christmas Has Arrived!

Yesterday DH, Eldest, Girlfriend, The Girls and I went to Great Central Railway in Loughborough to see Santa on the steam train.  Fortunately the day was clear and sunny when we arrived although it got misty as evening came on.

This is the Ticket Office and entrance to the Rails.

The Signal and Porters Lodge

We went and looked at the Museum

The four of them stood by The Station Master’s Office.

On the Train waiting to leave.

Eldest & Girlfriend.

Parcels waiting on the Station.

Eldest & Girlfriend’s Youngest.

Santa arrived and brought a gift for both Girls.

The Cafe at Rothley Station.

The decorations in the garage which had twinkling lights.

Santa and The Girls.

Picture Time.

On our way back to Loughborough and it was getting dark so the lights were all very bright.

Here are Eldest & Youngest with Santa from 2007. Eldest was 12 and Youngest Eight, on the very same steam train!

We all had a lovely day and came home and had Lasagna & Salad for dinner.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and great week to come.  December at the end of this week and then the next few weeks to Christmas will fly by!!!! 

Hugs & Love, Susie xxx


What To Do?

This was Eldest’s room the last time I was camping in there with my sewing.  Things have changed since then when he came back home.  His desk was made smaller and put onto the other wall, so I have got Youngest’s old desk out and that is now where the one above was.

I am still sorting out things in it and I have another few things to show you which I got as my Birthday present but one issue I have at the moment is my fabric storage.  At the moment it is in large clip boxes because A. It kept the fabric clean when it was stored under our bed and B. The Boxes stacked. However they are not ideal and are stacked on the floor.  The problem I have is how many different sorts of storage there is and wanting to get the best solution for the room and the fabric.  When I mean lots of storage solutions it does not come close, there are hundreds!!!!

Do you go for chest of drawers with several draws in, or do you go for shelves with baskets on them?  Do you go for furniture which has a top which you can use as a cutting table or use it for more storage?  Don’t get me started on colour!!!!

As you can see from the picture above we have an issue with the room in that we have two sloping parts of the ceiling so we have to be creative with where the furniture goes.

I do need to find the fairy lights and put them back up!

I started this post yesterday but ran out of time!!  I have been busy with work today and tomorrow DH and I are out at my Library Day at Chatsworth House, can’t wait!!   At the weekend DH at a swimming event both days so I am doing home jobs on Saturday and hopefully getting some sewing done Sunday, say it quietly though, things have been going awry!! 

As today is #TBT as well here are a few more of my sewing space before!!!

Angel Treacle who always got on the bed when I was sewing!  Fast asleep in this picture.

Need to find my other sewing things!!!

Happy Thursday everyone. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx


I honestly don’t know where the days and weeks are going to!  One minute it is Friday night and before I know it it’s Wednesday!  The weekend flew by with DH at the new 50m swimming pool in Derby for a two day event to test all the new facilities.  The sound system was not good enough for the event so DH had to use our sound system.  I spent the weekend working, catching up on business work which was not what I had planned! 

Monday I was finishing up work and looking after Youngest after his back op.  It looks very clean and tidy and is now itching which I told him is good because that means it is healing.  He will have the stitches out next Monday.Jayne and I were Ladies who lunched yesterday which was a very nice change of pace after being frantic!  We were due to go last week when it was ridiculously hot so we decided to cancel and re-arrange for yesterday, the only downside was that the children finished for the summer last Friday so the restaurant was full of families and quite noisy!  It was a lovely few hours though.

So here we are at Wednesday, half way through the week and I don’t feel as if I have managed to get anything done!!   Trying to keep on top of things as we are just two weeks away from our vacation and I don’t want to get to the Friday before we go away with a million and one jobs to do and pack and sort the Boys out who are staying at home! 

Are you sure we are taking my crate Mom?

Just to add another level of sorting out, Coco is coming with DH and I on holiday!  Treacle did come on holiday a couple of times but she also went into Kennels and later years the Boys looked after her very well but Coco is too young to be left whilst the Boys are at work and the Kennels are full so she is coming with us.  The flip side is that we will have two weeks of constant training with her, so she will be so well behaved when she comes home – HOPEFULLY!!!!!!  We are taking with us lots and lots of new toys to keep her entertained and we have bought a long (10m) lead as well as her extender walking lead for walks and her her crate and bed, so she should be all set.  Good job DH has a pickup truck with a top where we can fit loads in, although you should have seen what we used to take away when the Boys were small; toys, books, a few clothes (!) outside toys, bicycles, a boat (!), paddling pool, DVDs’ and a million other things.

After being busy for the last few weekends, jobs have been left to slide including our garden!  So before we go away we are trying to get that tidy and sorted.  We find that usually when we are away it is nice weather and the garden is like “yeah” and goes into manic overgrowth!!!  So at least if it is tidy before we go away it won’t take too long to get it sorted when we are back!  Well that’s the plan!

Also still have a few jobs inside to get sorted too!  My aim is to get this all done this weekend and then concentrate next week on keeping on top of work and getting things sorted to pack!  You know it’s a plan!!!!

Anyway I hope you lovely lot are having a good week and your summer weather is good and not too hot.  They are forecasting that we are going to have some high temps during August again but we all know that the weather people are not always correct!!!  Have a good rest of the week. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

We Are Back.

I spent Monday catching up on work and Tuesday catching up on home jobs, finally I am able to show you pictures of our mini vacation!  You saw the Merry Marylebone pictures from the Wednesday evening.  Thursday we visited Kensington Palace.  I had always wanted to go and also there was an exhibition of Royal dresses including Princess Diana’s wedding dress. 

Warning:  Picture Heavy Post!!!!!!

The main part of the Kensington Palace tour is where Queen Victoria lived before she became Queen. 

The first room we came to had some Tiaras from the Royal Collection.

A door into the gardens.

This dress was worn by Princess Margaret at a Ball.

A dress worn by Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother on a Royal tour.

Princess Diana’s Wedding Dress.

This dress was worn by the Queen Mother at her Husband’s Coronation.

The following pictures are all from the State Apartments where Princess Victoria and various other monarchs resided including William & Mary of Orange.

King William’s Throne.

The Audience Chamber which had wonderful deep red damask walls.

The Staircase, I loved the lamps.

A Tableaux of Queen Victoria and her Court.  There was a lot of scaffolding in this room as they are trying to shore up the roof and floor.  They had tried in the past but it now needs a more permanent solution.

All around there were little figurerines depicting Princess Victoria’s life. 

The Rules that everyone had to follow around Princess Victoria.

Princess Victoria’s Dog, called Dash.

Princess Victoria’s Doll House.

It was a great visit.  We then walked into the park surrounding the Palace.

The front of the Palace where you visit.

The weather was good and it was nice to see a blue sky and the sun after several days of grey!

We then crossed the city for Lunch at Fortnum & Mason in The Royal Exchange.

We passed Trafalgar Square

DH Had Dover Sole for Lunch

I had Mushroom Wellington.

In the evening we went to see the Play “The Play That Goes Wrong”.  It is a play within a play and very, very funny!!!  If you get chance to see it do.

The set before the play started!  It does not look like this by the end!

We had a very busy day Thursday but it was great fun.  We got back to the hotel around 9.30pm and had some supper.  I will show you Friday’s adventures tomorrow.

Hugs & Love, Susie & DH.


For #TBT today I wanted to show you some pictures of our visit to London during October school half term in 2005, which I cannot believe is fifteen years ago!!! Eldest was 10 and Youngest was 6! We had a lovely week and the weather was quite good for October!

I love looking back on these pictures and to see the fun we had as a family. DH and I are going to London tomorrow for the weekend. This is the trip that was cancelled from July, then September and now the end of October!!! With all the new restrictions we weren’t sure if it was going to happen, but so far and fingers crossed we are going!!! I will have pictures to show you next week!!!!

Hugs & Love, Susie xx



#TBT only to Yesterday!  Eldest and I are playing a game over WhatsApp, he sends me a picture of where they are in New York and I have to name it and so far I have got them all correct!!!  I have never been but have watched so many shows, films etc I think I would know my way around!!! 

Anyway here are the pictures he has sent me so far :

A hearty Breakfast before they set off!

Central Park looking towards The Plaza.

New York American Museum of Natural History: I told him not to stay overnight!!

Metropolitan Museum.

The Ice Rink at Rockfellar Centre.

A Big Barnes & Noble Store: Now I would not have got past here without staying in there for a while.

Grand Central Station.

The New York Public Library: Another building I could lose myself in for a whole day!

The Empire State Building.

Madison Square Garden where they went to see a Basketball Game last night!

A typical New York Lunch!!!!

I am loving getting these pictures from Eldest to see what they are up to and where they have been, it is sort of like being there!  No doubt when Youngest gets to Orlando I will be getting pictures from there, which I can share with you.

It is home jobs day today and I got up at 4.30am to make sure I got them done first, I also have some errands to run and grocery shopping to do, washing and ironing to get done and then help Youngest pack for his trip!!  It is all go.  Friday I think I will sneak a day and do some quilting as the weekend is going to be busy as always.

I hope your Thursday is going well.

Hugs, Susie xx

No Spoilers Here.

No Spoilers revealed in this post!  DH and I went to see “Avengers: End Game” last night and can honestly say it does not seem like three hours long.  It was good and did answer a lot of the questions left at the end of Infinity War, although I did get a bit confused at one bit!!!!

It will be interesting to see how the movies from now on deal with some of the things raised in the film. 

If you are a fan of the movies then you will enjoy it but I also think you will perhaps have to see it a few more times, when on DVD, to get all the nuances. I know I will!!!!

My two favourite characters of all the films, Rocket and Natalia Romanova aka Black Widow!

Have a great weekend.

Hugs, Susie xx

#Throwback Thursday!

Still no snow just freezing temperatures and fog!  It looks very pretty as all the tress and bushes are white!  So for Throwback Thursday here are some pictures from 2010 when we had the last heavy snowfall when we all had a snow day!  Eldest was 15, Youngest 11 and of course Treacle. 

You can see how much snow we had then!  Treacle was in her element!!!!

Happy Thursday everyone.

Hugs, Susie xx