Category Archives: Treacle’s Wednesday Wag!

Our Mad Dog and Her Wednesday Wag


Today is #TBT and it is so appropriate as today would have been our Darling Treacle’s 15th Birthday!  As you know she passed over the Rainbow Bridge last year in her sleep.  She had not been poorly or ill and we are so thankful for that.  So I thought you would like some pictures from last year of her.

Even at her age she still loved to sleep on her back with all four feet in the air!

She still loved playing!

A great picture that Youngest took of her at Christmas 2021.

I know you have seen these pictures a million times before, but I still love showing them to you!!!

Happy Thursday you lovely lot. 

Hugs & Love, Susie, DH, Eldest, Youngest & Coco xxxxx

Angel Treacle.

DH and I got back on Saturday from our break in Scotland and it was nice to have a break but we were/are still missing Treacle.  The Boys were at home and they certainly noticed how empty our home now seems. 

We have had many wonderful and heartfelt emails and comments from friends, followers and readers who followed Treacle’s Wednesday Wag and loved seeing her on the Blog and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

A good friend of Molly, our wonderful friend in the US and her Mom Sue, contacted me to do a Memorial Pin for Treacle and she has done an amazing job and it is on her blog which is for our fur babies who have passed (the links are at the bottom of this post.  Here are Treacle’s two pins.

Ann asked me to send her some pictures so I chose the the above one which was Treacle modelling one of my quilts.  Especially as this is supposed to be a quilting blog!!!  The one below is the picture that Youngest took at Christmas last year with the new lens he bought me, which is wonderful and Treacle was his puppy.

Ann, thank you so much for doing this for us.  Here are the links:

I hope you all have had a good week, I have been busy trying to catch up with work and home jobs and should be all straight by the weekend.  DH & I are going to a wedding on Saturday and really hoping that the weather is going to be kind.  It is a long weekend for us here in the UK but DH is out at a swimming event on Sunday and Monday so I am going to be busy starting my Spring Cleaning!!!  Oh joy! 

Take care all. 

Hugs & Love, Susie xx


Angel Treacle & The Final Wednesday Wag.


Thank you to everyone who has left wonderful messages on Treacle’s passing.  It has been a great comfort.  As you can imagine we are still coming to terms with her not being with us and it is very hard, our home feels very empty.

She will always be with us, no matter what, and will live on through our Blog in pictures, on her page and through previous posts and I can’t think of a better way to honour such a faithful and wonderful family member. 

I am sure you are busy playing with Kelly & Kelly and now have your wings.

All our Love Always,

Susie, DH, Eldest & Youngest  xxxx



Our wonderful little girl Treacle passed away yesterday just shy of her Fourteenth birthday.  Youngest had let her out yesterday morning and she had her breakfast and had a play with him and then got in her basket and he left.  Eldest got up at 8.00am and she had passed away in her sleep.  We are all heartbroken. 

Treacle we will Love you Forever.

Hugs & Love, Susie, DH, Eldest & Youngest.

The Wednesday Wag.

This was last week, it was lovely and warm and I spent a lot of time outside.

This is this week!  It has gone cold and so I am back in my basket snuggled as I am cold, especially as Mom had all my furs cut off!

Dad also managed to get the lawn cut at the weekend whilst it was still nice so that was one job done but I have not had chance to be out.  Tomorrow Mom and Dad have the plasterer here so I will be moving into the sitting room so I am out of the way of all the plaster dust!  Mom said she will put my basket my the radiator.

I hope you are having a lovely Woofy Wednesday. 

Treacle xx

The Wednesday Wag.

It has been a quiet day here on The Wednesday Wag.  Mom and Eldest went out early again and Mom got back by 8.00am but I had already gone back to bed!!! 

Mom has managed to get me into my Spa for a pampering day next Monday morning!!  I am sure it will be really cold afterwards, it always in when I am clipped at this time of year:)

I am waiting for Youngest to get home so I can get my dinner, he is very good at making my dinner and also being early!!!!

Today has been quite nice with a couple of hours of sunshine so I was allowed outside for a while but then it dropped cold so Mom said I had to come in! 

I hope you lovely lot are having a wonderful Wednesday. 

Woof, Treacle x

The Wednesday Wag!

All the Boys have left for work today so I am waiting for Mom to be ready and come downstairs, perhaps I will get my biscuit early!

The weather is horrible here this week with lots of rain, which I hate, especially having to get dry when I come back in. 

Youngest was sorting out his lunch box when he came in and I was waiting to see if there was anything left!!!!!

I always make sure that I do my AireYoga every day!!!!  Although Mom says that I sometimes get dirty paw marks on the wall!!!!

I am hoping that the weather is going to get better soon and I can spend more time out in the garden.  They have forecast high winds and rain for the weekend so I think I will be hiding in my basket whilst Mom is quilting.

Happy Woofy Wednesday every buddy!!!  Treacle xx


Merry PawMas

A Very Merry PawMas from myself and my Hoomans!

As you can see I have deigned to keep my Santa hat on for this Christmas post.

It has been very cold today and I did not want to get up this morning with Daddy to go out and have my breakfast early so I waited for the second shift of staff to arrive when Mom came down at 8.30am for my breakfast!

I don’t have any snow yet but I am keeping my paws crossed that we might.  The above picture was taken in 2010 the last time we had a lot of snow and my Boys were eleven and fifteen. 

Advance Ten years and this was taken last year when it was snowing.  My Boys were 21 and 25 but of course I have not changed a bit!

My Boys have been at home again today and I love it, Mom went out but I did not miss her!  Tomorrow everyone is at home Mom, Dad and The Boys!!   Yeah. 

I hope you all have the most wonderful of Christmas Holidays and Santa Paws delivers all those wonderful squeeky toys to you.  See you in the New Year.

Christmas Woofs, Treacle xx

The Wednesday Wag.

As it is The Wednesday Wag, Mom decided to do a #TBW pictures of me from the last few Christmas Holidays!!!!  I have had to wear some crazy head gear to please Santa Paws so I get my presents!!!

It has been very cold and rainy again today so I did not get up with Dad at 6.00am and only decided to go out and then have breakfast when Mom came down at 8.30am!!  It is these dark mornings I really am comfy in my basket and it is so nice and warm!!!!

I hope you are enjoying the run up to Christmas and having a great week.  Happy Woofy Wednesday. 

Treacle xx

The Wednesday Wag.

Mom is busy at the moment sorting her Blog out and she has promised that I am going to have my own page and there will be a link above!  I have my own day as you know, today Wednesday, The Wednesday Wag, but Mom thought I should also have a page.  Look out for it appearing soon.

It has gone very cold over the last few days and our heating has been on but Mom has made sure I am warm during the day and if I am in my basket covers me up.  I did have a snooze this afternoon whilst she was working at her desk.

Mom was also busy sorting out photographs on her computer and found this one from last Christmas!  I mean really?!!!!!!  I am not as woolly as this yet but getting there!  Hopefully I will be at the Spa soon for a lovely wash and trim.

Mom and Dad are away next week for a few days and I am in charge of the Boys whilst they are away.  I just need to make sure that they know the time so I get my breakfast, lunchtime biscuit and dinner on time!!!  Mom will be checking in with them to make sure they are on the case.

I do hope you are all having a lovely Woofy Wednesday. 

Treacle xx