Monthly Archives: January 2024

Coco’s Corner.

There was an article in the newspaper the other day that Dogs who are actors are having to say how they identify on their paperwork!  So Mom said this was my description:

Coco – I identify as Princess of this Parish.  I require three meals a day with fresh water. Three beds of my own and use of your beds whenever I require it.  A selection of pretty collars and leads and two coats, one for wet days and one for cold days.  I also require attention whenever, said attention needs to be totally focused on me!

I think that is about all! 

Mom has been in the sewing room for a few days and I get to snooze in this bed when she is and it is really comfy.  In fact it gets moved into Youngest’s room at night where I have been sleeping recently. 

Our weather has been dreadful over the last few weeks with lots of rain, cold and grey.  I am not allowed on our garden as I come in looking like I have had a mud bath which I don’t mind but Mom does as she just about has to bath me every time.  I can’t wait for the weather to get better.

I am also in trouble as I have been wrecking my stuffies I got for Christmas.  Mom says she will not buy me anymore although she does remember a friend saying to get soft toys from the Charity shops as they do not cost a lot of money and it does not matter if I then wreck them.  Mom said the next time she goes out she will go and have a look for some. 

I hope you are having a lovely, woofy week.  Coco xxxx

That Was The Week That Was!

I had one of those weeks last week, hence no posts!  No matter how much I worked, business, home and Eldest’s work, I was running all week to catch up.  Finally got caught up yesterday. 

Our weather is yuck at the moment with grey skies and rain on and off.  Our garden is not getting any drier so Coco is restricted to the patio still.  We need to get in the garden and do some tidying but we cannot still get on the grass!  Hey ho.

Managed to get my hair cut today before my hairdresser goes on holiday to India at the weekend for three weeks.  I am sure it is going to be better weather there than here!  Youngest is also gearing up for his trip to Lanzarote mid-February and it will definitely be nicer there than here. I have said I will be coming along too, much to his annoyance.

I managed to get my sewing room (Eldest’s room) cleaned yesterday after all the bathroom works!  I was hoping to get it done before Christmas but that went by the wayside!  I will try and get some pictures and show you later in the week.

This week is a slow week just with work, DH has a couple of trips out but I have all week to get work done.  Next weekend it is the first of the two weekends double swimming days which DH is commentating for the County Swimming Championships.  It is always a very busy event so I will be able to get more quilting done over the four days.  Which is a good job as I have quite a few things to try and get finished, again I will show you hopefully next week.

I hope you all had a wonderful week and weekend and a good week to come.

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

Coco keeping me company whilst I wam sewing!



Jayne and I had a lovely lunch yesterday at a local pub.  It was great to catch up after all the Christmas festivities. 

Before Christmas we had our main bathroom renovated after the water leak.  It meant they had to remove the old floor and part of the wall and sort that out and then tile the floor and walls and fit the new bathroom suite.  Here are pictures of the completed room.  We still have to paint the sloping wall and ceiling but it will get done when the weather is better.

The new Bath with shower over.

Because the bath is longer along the main wall than the previous one we are able to get the cabinet in which contains the towels, toiletries etc.

My aim was not to drill the tiles for anything so we got this mirror which is held up with tape.

Again no toilet roll holder on the wall but this freestanding one which is much better.

I am really pleased how it all turned out.  I forgot to take a picture of the light fitting which is also new which has a central fitting but has a branch with four spots on which can be turned in different directions so it makes it very light and warm. 

Today I have some work to do and a few home jobs to get done.  Tomorrow I am at Eldest’s work to get that done and Friday is home jobs day before we have an entire weekend free, although Youngest said well we will just be doing jobs!  Yes we have a few jobs to get done but we are also going to do something for ourselves too!  Don’t say it too loud but we also have a free weekend the following week too, that is before DH then has swimming things  for most of February weekends!

This was Coco last night as I was going to bed. I honestly don’t know why all the blood does not rush to her head!  She is quite happy to go to sleep with her head hanging down like this.  She is the strangest Airedale we have ever had!  Although we would not swap her for the world!

Happy Wednesday you lovely lot. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

Coco’s Corner.

I am in a high dudgeon today!  Mom was in this morning and then left at 11.30am to go out for lunch with Auntie Jayne and she did not get back until 4.30pm!  I mean really.  I did get a biscuit though before she left!

We got some snow again but not as much as this, above, which was before Christmas!  Because Mom and Dad has stopped me going up the garden I am just on the patio but this morning it was icy and had a bit of a slip!  Mom has now said everytime I go out, be careful!!!  It is freezing today and I am very glad to get back inside where the heating is on. 

It is going to be cold all week but that is not too bad as my furs are growing again!  Glad it is not just after I have had my spa day!  I think I will be snuggly on my bed for most of this week and hibernate!

I hope you have a wonderful woofy week.  Coco xx

January Week 3.

Apparently today is “Blue Monday”!!  This is because it is two weeks since Christmas and all the fun of that and still a week to go before people get paid and all the bills are coming due! I sometimes think that the media hype all this up so people do become depressed!!! 

Anyway I saw this the other day and I have never seen one before and I thought how unusual our World is and hopefully if you are feeling blue today this will put a smile on your face.

This is the Shoebill Bird who although classed with storks is more from the heron/pelican family.  They live in swamps in tropical East Africa.  They are generally silent but will clatter their beaks near their nests. I think I like them as they have a very intelligent look to them and are so different to anything else. 

DH had a busy weekend with two swimming events on Saturday and Sunday and he and I were at another swimming event on Saturday evening. The two day event was at the new 50m pool in Derby, picture above.  Although a new facility which cost £45m for events there are a few problems.  The main one being in the above picture you can see the black oblong in the top left of the picture; that is the scorboard and you can see where the spectators sit so to see the results you have to look left and lean forward!  Normally they put the scoreboards opposite the seating!

I did get some quilting done, I made the backing for a baby quilt I need to get finished.  I still need to do quite a bit of sorting and tidying in my sewing room.  I put things away to just get them away but now can’t find things.  However, now don’t say this too loudly, but for the next two weeks DH has no swimming events on!!!!  We have two whole weekends in which to do things, not just jobs but things for ourselves too!  In fact we are going out for dinner with the Boys Godparents on Saturday night. 

As much as I don’t like January because it does seem dull after all the excitement of December and Christmas, I also love it because it is quiet and almost like hibernating.  This week is a quiet week for work too, everyone is hibernating!!!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a great week to come. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

Susie’s Friday Book Club.

Welcome to my Book Club first book of 2024.  This is the book I am just about to start reading having just finished my last one, a murder mystery.

Prior to DH and I starting our business, my job was working in the law which was very interesting and I worked over ten years in all aspects of it including matrimonial, crime, conveyancing & Wills and business law.  I had some great experiences including being in court at trials so books regarding this always fascinate me.

However this legal argument came out of a very modern part of most people’s lives.

Mrs Coleen Rooney is married to one of Britains best footballers, Wayne Rooney.  They were childhood sweethearts and married when quite young when Wayne started playing for top football clubs in the UK.  We, as a family, do not watch or follow football but you could not fail to know of him and then of course Coleen.  They have not had as high a profile of say Victoria & David Beckham but certainly are up there.  They have had their ups and downs which of course always play out in the media, generally the tabloids, but this event exploded because of a post on social media.

Like most famous people Mrs Rooney has social media accounts but also has a personal Instagram account which is for family and close friends.  However in 2018, whilst pregnant with her fourth child she found that stories from this personal Instagram account were being leaked to the press.  This continued into 2019 and so she decided to try and find out who it was to get them to stop.  In a very, I think, clever way she did and posted it onto all her social media sites which account was doing it…… Rebekah Vardy’s account!  This was in the hope that once named the leaking of stories would stop.

Of course this made the media lose their minds and in the end the trending word which went all around the world was “Wagatha Christie” (which has now been tradmarked by Mrs Rooney’s opponent Rebekah Vardy!). 

Rebekah Vardy is also married to a footballer, Jamie Vardy, and he and Wayne were in the England team together.

Needless to say Mrs Vardy had some dreadful things said about her on social media by trolls which of course is never acceptable, however looking at it from Coleen’s side it was not acceptable for her private information being shared in the tabloids.  Mrs Vardy denied all knowledge of the leaks and took Mrs Rooney to The High Court in London for Defamation in 2022.  Again another media frenzy during the trial and of course lots of programmes about the trial and the whole saga afterwards. 

In the UK the law is that the person being sued for defamation and libel has to prove that they did not defame the complainint rather than they have to prove they did. The result of the trial was that Mrs Vardy was found to be “an unreliable witness” amongst other things and lost her case.

There is a programme on Disney+ where Mrs Rooney is being interviewed about the whole thing which is fascinating and this is the first time since the trial she has spoken fully about it.  The book is not just about the trial and series of events but about her early life as well.

To me watching the programme and a couple of the others it changed my mind about the Rooneys and in particular Mrs Rooney.  Up to now most of the information about them has been through the media and we all know that that is quite often biased or lacking in actual information.  I would recommend the Disney programme as it is fascinating and am looking forward to reading the book.

Happy January and Happy Reading. 

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

PS  We all love libraries and they really are great institutions so that people have access to books for free.  Anyway I saw this the other day on Instagram (!) and thought I would show you it.

How great is this.  Even our doggies get a library!

Busy Wednesday!

We have had a very busy day today, beginning with dental appointments for DH and I at 8.00am this morning and a visit to the hygienist for me!  I managed to get through both appointments despite still having quite a bit of pain from the shingles!!  It is one of those things I absolutely hate but I am too scared of the consequences of not going, so….!

Having done a quick tidy up at home I then headed off to Eldest’s garage to do his work which took me from about 11.00am until 6.30pm to get it all done.  DH did turn up after his meetings to help with some of the papework too which was great.  I managed to get up to date with all our work yesterday so that is two ticks off my To Do list!!!!

Tomorrow I have a spa appointment in the morning and then have to run a few errands.  Friday will home jobs day which will then leave me clear to do some sewing over the weekend.

I still have lots of jobs on my list to do around our home and the garden and the attic and the…… well everything, some of which were going to get done between Christmas and New Year until the shingles put paid to that!!!!  I am making lists, DH beware!!!!!!

Anyway we are at Wednesday so two days to go before the weekend.  I do hope your week is going well. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

Coco’s Corner.

I have had a busy few weeks!  One day I was allowed down in the garage to help Daddy sort things out!!!  I have to have my harness and lead on and attached to the shelves because the big door was open and I would wander off otherwise!!!

I am disgusted today though.  I came downstairs from my second upstairs bed to find that my downstairs bed had been stripped to be washed and do you know what?  The staff had not put my clean quilt cover on!!!  Imagine my horror.

I did manage six hours more sleep on it though so it wasn’t too bad!

Mom, stop taking pictures!  The noise is keeping me awake!

So although it has been very wet here and my garden is still very muddy, it has now gone very cold!  Fortunately my furs have started to grow back so I am not too cold.  Mom and Dad said that after this weekend they have two weekends where they are not doing anything so will take me for a long walk.  It will be great so long as I can have my coat on!

I would like to wish all my Followers a wonderful Woofy New Year.  Coco xxxx

The Weekend.

Saturday we managed to get all the decorations down and packed away including the outisde lights!   It was a bit of a rush but at least it was done. 

So it was our Swimming Club’s big Open event yesterday.  We got to the pool at 6.00am and set up for the day.  However since the pool has been open it has gone from being freezing cold in the timing suite to now it is like an absolute sauna, also the same for the pool hall.  We try and compensate for it with desk fans but all they seem to do is move the hot air around.  Both DH and I woke up this morning with headaches and I felt slightly sick!  The event finished at 6.30pm and by the time we cleared up it was getting on for 8.00pm!

Anyway the swimmers all enjoyed it which is the main thing and had fun competing again after the Christmas holidays.  They are all back at school today and no doubt tired!  This week is a quiet week except for business work and I do have a couple of errands to run at the end of this week.  DH is again out all weekend at another pool for a two day swimming event but hopefully it will not be as hot.  I am planning on getting all my home jobs done before the weekend so I can then spend some time in my sewing room, which needs a good clean and then I can show you some pictures!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and a great week to come.  

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

First Saturday of 2024.

So with all the floods we now have freezing temperatures!  Mind you I would sooner have freezing weather than all this rain!

Well Hello January, are you going to be kind to us?  Of course this coming year there are a few exciting things happening.  We will be welcoming a little one to our family when Eldest and Girlfriend have their baby, which at the moment is around middle to end of February.  Although they are determined it will not be February 29th!!  2024 of course being a Leap Year.

I always think that February 29th is a gift day where you should not do your usual and do something different or certainly do something you like doing.  This year it is a Thursday and I think I will be planning to do something other than work.

We also have the Olympics again this year, Three years after the previous ones, due to the Covid situation.  Paris this year, so pretty close to us but the ticket prices are quite expensive.  We, of course, are interested in the swimming but the cheapest ticket for a heats day is €125 (£108) each and then you have to get there of course and possibly stay so the cost of a hotel.  We will be watching on the TV!!!

The decorations are all down now and put away and I have to get the cleaning done and caught up with the washing and ironing.  Today we have actually seen the sunshine for a little bit, but that of course has meant it has been quite cold today.  No more rain at the moment. 

I hope your Saturday is going well. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx