Monthly Archives: October 2022

Friday Book Club – September 2022!

Yes, terribly late with this one too!

I started following Pretty Little London on Instagram and loved the pictures, especially as they found places in London I had never seen.  Anyway they eventually had enough to make it into a book.  So not a reading book per se but has some stunning pictures and information about where they have been.  Also help if you wish to follow in their footsteps and photograph your own city/village etc.

Just one of many pictures from the book.

Should you have Instagram and want to follow them here is the link

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

Friday Book Club – August 2022!

Yes terribly late with this, sorry!

When I am holiday I usually like to read “easy” books and I just love these stories. 

The Athena Public Library is holding an exhibition to celebrate the centenary of local Author Electra Barnes Cartwright, who agrees to make a rare public appearance which goes viral among her fans.  They start to descend on Athena and the more persistant ones try and get to see poor Electra before the event as they have heard of un-published manuscripts which would be worth a pretty penny. 

County Librarian, Charlie Harris, and his Maine Coon Cat, Diesel, try to keep order at the library but then the founder of the Electra Barnes Cartwright society is found murdered and things take a much darker turn with everyone suspecting each other as well as the over zealous fans.  Can Charlie and Diesel find out who did it before anything else happens!

I loved the book, it was an easy read and a good ending.

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

Oops Another Two Weeks Gone!

No matter how much I keep up to date with work, home jobs etc the weeks fly by and I suddenly realise that two weeks have passed and no posts!  Where do the days and weeks go to?

Needless to say we have all been busy, which is why the days do pass very fast! 


Jayne and I managed to get out for lunch, after she had had a bad cold.  It was a lovely lunch and we caught up and arranged next month to go Christmas shopping in Nottingham.  We also had dinner with friends and a business dinner as well which was great.  DH and I then went for eye tests with me needing a new perscription for the glasses I have for reading.

Coco has been for her second x-ray and things look good which is a relief. 

Eldest spent three weeks doing his BA (Breathing Apparatus) training for his on-call fire service and came home every night smelling like a bonfire.  He really enjoyed it and passed all aspects of it, so is now on the rota.  This weekend he is training for the road accident equipment.

Youngest is finishing his course up and is down at the training centre in November for a week and then he will hopefully be finished and fully qualified.

DH’s Birthday is tomorrow and I took him away last weekend to London.  We got there Friday evening and had a meal at the hotel and then Saturday we went to visit the National Observatory at Greenwich.  It is one of those places that we always wanted to visit but never got around to.  Fortunately the weather was amazing and in fact it was 18°c!  Here are a few pictures of the day.

The view from outside the Observatory.

The doors which look like mill doors where deliveries would be lifted into are in fact the doors which opened to allow the telescopes to see out!

The above may look like a well but in fact was a shaft where the first telescope was placed to view the stars.

Everything on site is to do with time.

I love old lanterns.

By the time we came out it had clouded over, above.

The main Observatory.

The trees are turning quickly now.

The O2 Arena in the distance and the old power station.

Looking west towards Canary Wharf.

The Queen’s House and Grenwich Park.

This is the Prime Meridian Line where all time is set from.  It was decided to use Greenwich as 72% of commercial trade used sea charts in the 19th Century and they used Greenwich as Longitude 0°.  Which is why we say GMT – Greenwich Mean Time!

Speaking of navigation, ships were unable to sail too far from sight of land as they were unable to find where they were Longitude.  There was a prize of £20,000 for anyone who could solve the problem (around £1million in today’s money) and lots of people had a go.  The problem was to make a clock which would keep time and not be affected by the movement of the ship.  The Gentleman below was Mr John Harrison who was a carpenter by trade but a watchmaker as a hobby and decided to try and solve the problem and he did.

This was Harrison’s second attempt 

His Third Attempt

And as with all things newer models kept getting smaller until the H4 above, a large pocket watch. 

The nice thing about the Observatory was that the various Royal Astronomers who lived here had their families living with them.  The room above and below was used for various telescopes but also for family dinners, celebrations and entertaining various guests.

This is the main Observatory with the big telescope in, with all the different windings.

Sadly it is no longer used and the current Observatory and Science Centre is at Herstmonceux in East Sussex.

We decided to get back to the hotel via the Thames River Boats. 

To get to the Dock we walked past The Cutty Sark.  It was built in 1869 as a tea clipper bringing in tea, a very expensive commodity from China.  Then in 1883 it ran wool and goods to and from Australia completing one voyage in 73 days faster than any other ship. In 1924 it had been restored to its original build and was used as a cadet training ship.  In 1954 it was again restored and brought to the special dry dock at Greenwich having been bought by the National Maritime Museum.

Both sides of the Thames there are many, many wharves where all sorts of goods over the centuries were unloaded from the ships sailing up to London. Now of course many have been converted to very expensive apartments.

We sailed under Tower Bridge with the Shard now in view on the south side of the River.

The London Eye

New Scotland Yard and more lamps!

The wonderful Elizabeth Tower, housing Big Ben, which has been fully restored.

This is one of the old mooring points along the Thames.

The Houses of Parliament with Westminster Abbey in the background.

In the evening we went to dinner at The Ivy near Leicester Square, which is modern British menu and the food was lovely.  Sunday was a chill day and we did a little shopping and arrived home Monday!

Tomorrow The Boys and I are taking DH out for dinner at a lovely pub near our village and then Sunday DH has a swimming event and I am going to try and catch up, AGAIN!!!!  Hopefully next week, but don’t say it too loud, I will try and post every day!!! 

I hope you lovely lot have a wonderful weekend, last one for October 2022!!!!  Oh goodness it’s November next week!!!!! 

Hugs & Love, Susie, DH, Eldest, Youngest & Coco xxxxx

Susie’s Friday Book Club.

Wow I have managed to miss two months of Book Club!!!  Where do the months go?  Anyway I will catch up over the weekend but here is October’s Book.

David Baldacci is another favourite author of mine and he has branched out with different series this being one of his new ones, FBI Agent Atlee Pine. Atlee is not your every day Agent and prefers to work on her own and is assigned to the wilds of South Western United States and running her own field office with her capable assistant Carol Blum.

Atlee has been searching for her twin sister Mercy her whole life since Mercy was kidnapped aged six from their bedroom at home.  Sometimes Atlee even thinks it was all a dream but she has been finding clues to where her sister was taken and trying to put together why her sister was taken.  Finally she has a good lead and she and Carol head off, but find that things are not as they seem.

As with all Mr Baldacci’s books they keep you turning just one more page to see what is going to happen next.  If you like mysteries then this is one for you. 

I will be back tomorrow with my August and September books. 

Have a wonderful weekend you lovely lot. 

Hugs & Love Susie & Coco xx

Angela Lansbury.

Copyright: ©CBS/Courtesy Everett Collection

It was announced yesterday that Dame Angela Lansbury passed away aged 96.

As you know if you read my blog, she was in one of my favourite films, Bedknobs and Broomsticks but is well known to younger viewers as Jessica Fletcher in the TV show “Murder, She Wrote”.  However she acted in many, many films, TV shows and plays during her long career only retiring four years ago.  Despite this long career she was really underrated and should have received far more recognition of her work but I suppose that as she worked for so long that showed that people respected her work.

Having seen the Harry Potter movies, I see a lot of Angela’s portrayal in Bedknobs and Broomsticks in Professor McGonagall, which is not suprising as J.K. Rowling is the same age as I and no doubt watched the film when she was little. 

RIP Dame Angela Lansbury

1925 – 2022

Susie xx

Miss Coco!

Miss Coco has had a very busy day, her first day at the Spa!!!  We now have an Airedale teenager!!!  She is still Miss Floof to us though!!!

Her legs have been cut very short, which we would normally have done in summer, to balance them up with her leg which was shaved for her Op.

She still has some baby floof on her nose!

This look says “you will never believe what they did to me today!”

Side view!

I am just going to sit down for a while!

You should have seen the look she gave me when I left her at the spa!  The lady who runs the business is very good and asked me to get her there early so she could spend some time with her and get her used to things.  When I collected her she said she was not very keen with the clippers around her head but that was only to be expected as it was her first visit!  She will be going again before Christmas.  As always we have a much smaller dog!!! 

She is now in her basket asleep, it has been a tiring day for a seven month old Puppy!!! 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

Dinner & Swimming & Jobs!

The weekend flew by of course.  Friday night turned into a deluge where the rain was running down our hill in torrents, so DH and I did not go to Goose Fair, which was a real shame but we can go next year!

It was very well attended and they actually had more days this year but think it will go back to just being five days next year.

Although we had friends coming round for dinner on Saturday evening, during the day we were busy getting things sorted with the Boys so I did not start cooking until after lunch.  I managed to get everything ready just before they arrived!

Table set!

I did a beef main course as it is getting very cool here and wanted something warming and cosy.  It is a joint of beef which cooks in a pan on the stove top for four hours in red wine and it falls apart when it is cooked. 

Sunday we cleared up and then were at the swimming championships first gala, which went well but very slow so we didn’t get home until 9.30pm!  It was a long day!

Yesterday I spent the day trying to sort things out at home and work of course.  Tomorrow is Coco’s first spa day (!) and I have some grocery shopping to do and then home jobs at the end of the week.  This weekend we have a very social time seeing friends for dinner on Friday evening and another set of friends on Saturday.  During the day we have some home jobs to do and need to get into the garden to tidy it before the bad weather sets in.

I have been getting things sorted at home as they say we may possibly get power cuts this winter, so I have ordered some more battery lanterns and some battery lights for Eldest’s garage and for Youngest when he is working on his car.  This all reminds me of the 1970’s when we had power cuts then, in the evening after dinner.  I remember reading by candle light and listening to the radio, it was a very strange time and it looks like it might happen again.  Not sure how the Boys are going to cope without the Internet!!

I was nine when it happened before and I remember my Mom filling flasks with hot drinks and getting the dinner cooked straight away so we had a hot meal before the power went off.  We used to have candles but I have bought battery lights for safety.  It will be interesting to see what happens!

I hope you lovely lot had a wonderful weekend and a good week to come.  I will show you pictures tomorrow of Miss Coco and her first Airecut!!! 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

Where are the Weeks Going?

I just think that I have caught up and back on track and then a week disappears in a flurry of work, home jobs and everything in between and I haven’t done a post!

Last week DH and I were in Edinburgh and Glasgow for business.  Left on Tuesday and got back Friday!  (Edinburgh above, Glasgow below).

What I want to know is where September disappeared to?  I know the weeks and months go quickly but September didn’t even seem to stop in the middle and now we are into October!!! 

At the moment I seem to be bombared with things about Halloween and Christmas at the same time!  DH’s birthday is at the end of the month and I have no clue what to get him, although we are going out for dinner on his birthday. 

Although I did upset one friend by telling her that I have almost finished my Christmas shopping! 

Friday is Goose Fair night although they are forecasting heavy rain so we may not be going, but we will perhaps do a drive-by to see the lights and then sneak off for dinner.   Saturday will be a busy day and in the evening we have friends coming to dinner who missed out on our dinner in May as they were away  but it has taken until now to find a date.  I will try and remember to do pictures. 

Sunday is our first swimming club Championships at Alfreton LC, which is usually a good event as it is just our club and usually not too late a finish.  I also have plans to do some more baking as the ones I already made have been eaten!!

Coco is out and about!

She completed her six week crate rest, just in time to save her and I going insane!!! 

In DH’s truck on her way to the garage.

In the garden amongst all the leaves coming down.

Eldest looked after Coco whilst we were away last week and she spent the days with him at the garage.  Here she is in the office.

Having not been out and about and busy for a while over the weekend I think we managed to wear her out.  This was Monday morning, she has run out of charge!!!  She is going to have a busy few weeks as she is going for her first spa day next week as she is just so fluffy with her puppy coat and needs balancing up where they did the Op and also she cannot see because of her puppy floof on her face.  I am sure she is going to feel a lot better when she comes back.  Then the following week will be her second x-ray to see how the leg is doing. 

Then for DH’s Birthday we are taking him down to London for the weekend as a treat.  Before we know it, it will be Halloween and we will be welcoming November in!!!! 

I am still working on sorting out the pictures I took at the quilt show and will get them added asap, as well as some other quilting I have been doing. 

I hope you lovely lot are all doing well and Happy October.

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx