Monthly Archives: May 2014

Quilting Post!


I got all my jobs done yesterday, even with a lack of motivation!!!!!  So I have unpacked the quilts I had finished on holiday and this is as far as they got, my desk and machine!!!!!

I still have some work to do on the purple pieces, they need to be sewn into the quilt top but it won’t take long to do.  

This is the pile of fabric left over from the tops which I will need for the bindings and backings.

I also had a tidy up of my desk and have now relocated some of my boxes with sewing things in.  It really looks tidy at the moment but I am sure it won’t in a few weeks after some mad sewing sessions!

I have also moved my quilted elephant up to my desk now and she is peeping out from behind the picture of DH’s Aunt and Uncle.

The weekend is supposed to be not too bad weather wise so we may get a few jobs done in the garden and I hopefully can sneak away to do some quilting too. Hopefully DH won’t notice if I leave him in the garden and start sewing!!!!!

We actually have no swimming competition this weekend, only normal training, Amazing!!!!

Hopefully whatever you are doing over the weekend is fun and the weather is kind if you are outside.  Have a great time.

Hugs, Susie x

This looks says : “Now are you sure you are going to be sat at your desk for a while, so I can have a nice long snooze?”

Thursday Musings!


Do you ever get one of those weeks when everything thing you need to do seems twice as large a job as normal?  Well I have had one of those weeks where I was planning on getting lots done and then found that I really couldn’t be bothered to do any of it!!!!!  I should be doing the above, but I seemed to have started lots of jobs and got none finished and just made a bigger mess!  


This is how I feel at the moment and it doesn’t help that it is raining and cold!  Treacle has decided that the only thing she wants to do is sleep today! Alright for some!

So I decided to look for some inspiring pictures to get me in the mood to get all the jobs done :

This lot always make me smile!!!!

One of the jobs I got half done was my quilting out which I did on holiday, to get the wadding measured so I can start quilting them but I didn’t get too far.  I also need to sort out my stash, which is another huge job. 

I did finish the spring cleaning so that big job is done, with the help of DH, but we were both shattered after we had finished.  Just now need to tackle the garden when the weather picks up.

Oh well I had better get on. I hope your Thursday is better. Do you know which store sells motivation? I think I need to buy a bucket of it!!!!!!!!

Hugs, Susie x

Get On The Road from your Desk!

Having been so busy the last couple of weeks, I missed the start of the AMB Blog Tour around the USA, state by state!

It began on Monday May 19th and each day will have patchwork pieces depicting that State.  I am now on catch up but so far the pieces have been amazing. Stop by and have a look.  The link on the right will take you to the list of those taking part.

Bed                                                                  Basket – Not much difference between the two!!!!!!!

DH is home tonight and Treacle will be relegated back to her basket!  We have had some heavy rain during the night and first thing this morning, so she is in all day following me round as I do jobs!  I should try and work out how to get her to help, dusters tied to her paws?

Also have a hospital checkup this afternoon so will no doubt be hours there!!!  Then swimming club tonight but if I get things finished today and I can play with fabric tomorrow, yeah!

Have a Thrilling Thursday.

Susie x

Wednesday Again?!

Today is supposed to be Wednesday Wag but Treacle has absconded into the garden to enjoy the lovely warm weather we are having at the moment, although thunder storms are forecast for tomorrow!!!!  It always happens here, we get a few nice warm days and then storms!!!!!

The warm weather has made our garden bloom and many of the flowers are now out and the bees are having a wonderful time.

This is my variegated Weigela and since the weekend it has just become a mass of pink flowers.

And this is my Rhododendron and it has never had this many flowers on before, oh the sunshine is lovely.

You know how sometimes all the balls you are juggling come down at once, well that has happened to me the last few weeks.  Work has been crazy, all the Boys activities have been busy, all the things that DH and I help out with are busy, having to deal with things for the Boys with school and college crazy.  The upshot of all this is I am so tired and decided to let the balls fall where they will, I don’t care!!!!!

DH is away this week on an exhibition in London which is also why it is busy.  Don’t tell him but Treacle has been sleeping in his place whilst he has been away, but oh boy is she a shuffle bottom!  It didn’t help that it has been warm at night but I do sleep better with her in the room.

I don’t know if you can see but that is Treacle right at the top of the garden, refusing to come in!  Since it has been warm I have just about washed every bit of cloth in the house, clothes, curtains, rugs and cushion covers!!!!!  Of course that meant lots of ironing and then my iron blew up!  I have now learnt and keep a spare in the garage, so I could finish the basket and then order a new one (see what I mean about balls in the air?!!!!!)  

Tomorrow is house job day and get my work, work finished and then Friday I may sneak a day to get my quilting out.  I haven’t touched it since we got back from holiday four weeks ago and I am determined to get some things finished.

Youngest is off school next week for half term and Monday is a national holiday so DH and I are hoping to get some work done in the garden and finish off the last few jobs of Spring Cleaning and then it will be done for another year!

I hope you are having a better Wednesday and I will make sure that Treacle is here for Wednesday Wag next week, or else I will sack her!!!!!

Hugs, Susie x

The Wednesday Wag

Mom says she doesn’t know where the week and weekend went.  I do I was busy playing with all my new toys!

Today is a lovely warm, sunny day and the back door is open and I can run in and out as I please, but Mom has hidden all my toys, as I take them outside and then they get wet and horrible and I am then not allowed to bring them back in.  I do, however, bring the old toys in which Mom is not pleased about either.

I still have my Birthday scarf on.  Here I am in my sunny garden.  Mom has been taking pictures of all the flowers coming out now

The wisteria

The columbine, so pretty and delicate.

The blue forget-me-nots  I love these little blue flowers so cute.  We planted these in memory of Kelly, my sister Airedale.

Kelly and I, when I was a baby!

Hey Mom this is my Wag, not show your garden off!!!! Hmph!

I hope you are all having a sunny, warm day, Its beginning to feel like summer!

Woof, Treacle

Blog Hop Here I Come!

I have been busy all day today with work and house jobs, so have only just got around to looking at the blogs I read!!!! I stumbled upon this at “Why Knot” Blog and thought the Hop inspired.  Their website is and this is what they say about the Hop :

“Hit the road with American Made Brand

Welcome to our AMB Blog Tour! Designed to take you on an inspired trip across the USA, our blog tour visits all 50 states over 25 days starting May 19th.

Every Blogger has been specially selected as a representative of the state they call home. At each stop on the tour, explore how each designer re-interprets their 12″ x 6″ state license plate in a finished quilt block of the same size and sign-up for giveaways of American Made Brand fabric.  You’ll find all types of blocks – truly something for everyone! You are going to want to collect them all.

So check back every day starting May 19th and explore this great country of ours with AMB; no gas required”

You can find a list of participants on the website and I will definitely be popping in each day to see the different blocks.  

Tomorrow I have the grocery shopping to do and finish my Spring cleaning which will no doubt run in to Saturday.  Sunday DH and Youngest are at swimming open all day and so I am going to try and get some of the quilts I made over the holidays quilted.  Pictures to follow.

Happy Thursday

Susie x

Wednesday Wag!

It’s My Birthday!

This may look like a funny angle to take my picture but Mom did this to show you my Birthday scarf.  I was six yesterday!

You can see my scarf here with my other gifts.  I loved them all and had a great day playing with them and the Boys.

As it was my Birthday Mom also treated us to McDonalds and I was allowed some chicken nuggets and chips, they were lovely.

Waiting for my Birthday dinner.

I am just going to have one more lick of my bowl in case I missed anything!

I had a lovely Birthday and after posting the Wag I will be settling down for a snooze, it was quite exhausting partying all day.

Woof, Treacle

Happy Birthday Treacle, we love you to bits.  Love Mom, Dad, Eldest & Youngest

We’re Back!

Well we have been back for a week already but last week flew by catching up on work jobs!!!!  We had a fantastic two weeks in Scotland and we could not have asked for better weather.  We even sat outside over the Easter weekend it was so warm.  The above picture is a view from the cottage and the sky was that blue!

We didn’t do a lot whilst we were away but it was great to just not have to do things to a deadline.  The children got some revision done, we went out for a few visits to places and I got some quilting done!

In the field in front of the cottage the sheep were beginning to have their lambs and we spotted these two early one morning.

We took Girlfriend to Baxter’s Visitors Centre at Speyside where they make the wonderful jams, preserves and soups.  They also have a shop set up to look how it was when they first opened and here they are standing in it!

Eldest, Youngest, Me and DH.  You can see why I say it is like walking around trees in my house, especially when they are all in the kitchen!!!!

We then went further along the coast to look for the dolphins but they were not around.  As you can see the beach is very stony!!!

There are always two who have to go right down to the water’s edge!  Don’t get your feet wet!

Easter morning after the Easter Egg Hunt!!!

I set my sewing up in the dining room which had the above view, although it was misty the morning I took this!  It was great to just leave my sewing there and not have to clear it up, like I do at home!  I got so much done I even amazed myself.  Most mornings I got up early and spent a few hours sewing before the rest of them appeared and it was great.  I really didn’t want to come home!!!!

When we got back I managed to catch up on the work which had piled up during the two weeks and by Thursday of last week I was back on track.   DH had gone to a meeting in the evening and the Boys had gone swimming with Eldest taking Youngest for me.  It was 9.00pm and I had just got out the shower when my mobile rang to say Youngest had had an accident in the pool and they had called the ambulance!!!

After about eight calls to DH I managed to get hold of him and we raced off to the swimming pool to find Youngest on the poolside.  He had been swimming and coming in for a turn, and at his age and size they are swimming fast, when another swimmer had pushed off after their turn and kicked Youngest in the head!  His head snapped back and he experienced dizziness/sickness and pain in the shoulders and head.

We got to the hospital at 9.45pm and then spent the next four and half hours in observation and tests.  Fortunately he was fine and was released at 2.30am.  All four of us got straight into bed when we got home very tired but DH and I were relieved he was fine.  He has had a couple of headaches over the weekend and a bit of dizziness but the hospital said this would probably be the case.  He wasn’t in school today but is going back tomorrow. 

Friday was a busy day trying to sort out some issues with Eldest which I think I got sorted but it took me the whole day!  By the end of it I was shattered and in need of a “drink”, which I did.  The weekend was busy too as I hadn’t got my Spring cleaning done before we went away, so the top floor has been done and completed yeah!!!! I just now need to get the main rooms done, our den and the kitchen which is the worst room I always think.  We also need to get into the garden and do some tidying there, although we managed to get quite a bit of that done before we went away.

I am determined not to pick my quilting up until these jobs are done otherwise I won’t want to do them!!!!!  My motto is always get the worst jobs done first then get the nice jobs done!

Anyway I hope you all had a lovely Easter and be sure to pop back tomorrow for Wednesday Wag as Treacle has something exciting to show you.

Hugs, Susie x