Monthly Archives: July 2019

What to Watch Whilst Ironing!

I always have to watch something on TV whilst I am ironing.  A friend actually does her ironing listening to the radio and I am afraid I cannot do that.  So I thought I would show you what I have been watching recently. 


Sometimes the childrens’ films and programmes are much better than the adults!!!  I love “Madagascar” and it whiles away a couple of hours!

Scorpion is really good and I suppose falls into the nerd category but the characters are good and the actors portraying them excellent.  Sadly it was cancelled, as all the shows I seem to like are being!

Yes I know it’s a reality show but I just cannot believe these womens’ lives, I know a lot of it is scripted but really?!!!  It is the only one of the whole series I watch and again it passes the time whilst ironing!!!

I am a big fan of the Star Trek family of shows and “Discovery” has lived up to the reputation of them all.  I am waiting to see what “Picard” is going to be like as “Star Trek: The Next Generation” is probably my favourite of them all.

I think “Lucifer” has been a really great show and again after the next series it will be finishing!!!  As I say all the shows I like finishing, however it will mean that I will have more time for quilting and other things.  We do, however, record anything we want to watch and then we are able to wiz on the adverts!!!!!

I have a huge basket of ironing to do tonight so will be watching whilst ironing!!!

I hope your Tuesday is going well.

Hugs, Susie xx

Oh Goodness It’s Monday!

You know when you have lots to do and yet the days seem to whiz by, well the weekend whizzed by!!!  Saturday and Sunday it rained all day so we didn’t get any gardening done!  We did get some odd jobs done round the home and then Saturday evening we went out to dinner with our friends, Tricia & Kevin, who are now home after their sojourn living in Jersey!

We went to The Cock Inn at Muggington for dinner and then back to their home in Ashbourne for coffee. If was a great evening to catch up on all the news since we last saw them at Christmas.

Sunday was family day with The Boys and Fiancé and we had a lovely day, although it rained the whole day which put paid to us BBQ and eating on the patio!!!!  Youngest left at 4.30pm to go down to the Head Office for his training week and Eldest and Fiancé left around 7.00pm. 

Today has been really busy with work which is typical when I am trying to do ten other jobs before we go away at the end of the week!!!!  I will get there!!

I hope your Monday is going well!

Hugs, Susie xx

Saturday Musings!

Now I know we Quilters have to be organised with quilted projects for Christmas so we start planning and sewing things from now, but some people just take it too far! 

Christmas in July was first mentioned in a French Opera “Werther” in 1892 in which a group of children are rehearsing a Christmas song in July.  One of the characters says “when you sing Christmas in July, you rush the season” and I cannot agree more!  Especially as Movies 24 here in the UK have been showing for the whole of July Christmas movies!!!!  Now I love Christmas, don’t get me wrong, but even I could not bring myself to watch Christmas movies at this time of year!!!!  #

I love each and every Season, as they all have something to offer and you get to do different things depending upon the weather.  So when people decide to interupt that as with Christmas in July it just doesn’t go!!!!


Girlfriend loved her gifts, especially her bags I made her and she is now on holiday using them!!!  Her Mom has asked if I can make something for her to give to a good friend of hers, as that friend always gives her homemade gifts and Mom wants to give the same!


We have had rain overnight and the temperature has dropped back down to 63°F, much more comfortable.  we are due for rain all day today and tomorrow.  Monday is back to normal summer temperatures and then thunder storms on Tuesday!!!  But not the intensity of Thursday which is such a relief.


The final business week before we go away next weekend, so I am going to do all I can to keep on top of work and home jobs this week, so I don’t get to the weekend feeling frazzled!


Thursday!!!!  Can’t wait!  I can also spend my MoneyBox Savings from the year too.  Also I am going to see:

Yes Jenny Doan is doing a two hour Trunk Show and I got a ticket!!!!  She is also doing a meet and greet afterwards so I am hoping to get some pictures!!!!


Friday will be packing day!  Hopefully I will be all organised and everything will go smoothly!!!  Youngest is away all week at the Head Office for training so at least it will just be DH, Treacle and I.  Although I will still have the shopping to do for him for the following week as he and Treacle are here on their own!!!! 

Must dash now as I have lots of little jobs to do, as well as breakfast to get.

Happy Weekend Everyone.

Hugs, Susie xx

Susie’s Friday Book Club.

As you know from last month’s Book Club I am currently reading the new George R.R. Martin Book “Fire and Blood” which is the prequal to Game of Thrones.  If you have actually seen the book in person it is the size of a brick and I have not got very far with it at the moment and will be taking it away with me on vacation.

So this month’s Book Club is a little different and I thought I would show you a very favourite cook book of mine, Nigella Lawson’s “At My Table”.  I have all of Nigella’s books and use lots of recipes from them day to day and for dinner parties. 

I think because she is not a chef but a good home cook as she calls herself, her recipes work and they also work if you change an ingredient, which I have found in the past with other chef’s books this doesn’t happen.

I think I have also said about Nigella’s books before that you can actually read her books as she has a very easy way of writing and puts little anecdotes in when telling you about the recipe.

This is one of my favourite recipes from the book Chicken Fricassée.  You can use left over chicken or turkey or cook it from scratch, so very versatile, DH and The Boys love it.  It is also a good recipe for cooking ahead and re-heating.

Here is my copy!

You can get it from Amazon as a hard back or Kindle edition.  It was first published in 2017 so is one of her relatively new books.  I hope you try this or one of her other books as she really does have some different but delicious recipes.


Yesterday was the worst day, weather wise, I have lived through!  The heat was unbearable and despite all our curtains and blinds being closed tight and windows open, the heat just got in.  I stopped Treacle going outside as she was just lying in the sun panting even with her short hair so I closed the back door as well.  I actually hung my washing out and it was dry in an hour!!!  Our bedroom is at the back of our property which gets the sun from 10.00am until 7.00pm so last night our room was like an oven.  We really didn’t sleep much.  We kept all the doors open trying to catch any breeze but nothing.  I was awake at 4.00am and it was a little cooler but not much!

Today it is 76°F but still very warm and muggy!  We are supposed to get heavy rain over night and all day tomorrow and Sunday which will hopefully cool it down a bit.  However Sunday I was going to do a BBQ for us all but I think I will be cooking in doors now, hey ho!

Whatever you are all up to this weekend I hope you lovely lot have a good time, whatever the weather is doing!

Hugs, Susie xx

Thursday Things!

If only we were at the beach but not, and it’s HOT!!!!  93°F today (I use Farenheit as Centigrade just doesn’t convey the temperature at 34°C!)

DH is out and about visiting customers and that’s okay as he has air conditioning in the truck but answering Susan’s question earlier in the week, we in the UK don’t tend to have air conditioning in our homes and the humidity is currently 40% but increasing as the day goes on! So we just end up closing our curtains and blinds, switching everything off we can electrical that produces heat in any way, live on salads so we don’t have to cook and don’t sleep until the weather breaks!!!!

Tomorrow it will still be hot but only 70°F!! so we will all be wearing jumpers!!!!!

I am busy trying to keep up to date with EVERYTHING as we go away in a weeks time so don’t want to have to rush to get things done!  It’s a plan and at the moment I am sticking to it!!!!

#TBT today is our wonderful Boys.  The one below is from 2005 OMG fourteen years ago!  They were, and still secretly are (tee hee), great fans of Thomas The Tank Engine and our local steam railway always had several days during the year where Thomas came to the track.  Youngest was five and Eldest nine.

As we are away to Scotland I thought I would include this picture of the Boys at the Loch the cottage overlooks.  This is from 2009 so ten years ago and they were nine and thirteen. 

Also thought I would show you a throwback of a bit of our garden and what we did last weekend.

This is the bed on the right hand side of the garden and things had gotten a little overgrown and the blue spruce was only alive on the ends, so DH decided to “trim” everything back.  This means take things out and chop everying back hard!!!!!

Here it is now and we bought some plants last weekend that were on sale and have put them in.  We need to buy a few larger plants to fill the big gap or some four footed person will be up there if we are not careful!!!!!  It does look better!

I have already done the house jobs today before the sun was up and it got too warm and I have finished my work, work as well so am just now pottering around doing odd jobs, Treacle and I are just trying to stay as cool as possible.

Happy HOT Thursday everyone!

Hugs, Susie xx

The Wednesday Wag!

The heat is getting to all of us!!!  I, at least have no fur coat now as I had a Spa Day and Mom had the ladies cut me very, very short!  Not a true Airecut but who cares when it is sooooooo hot!

I am also very thankful for the tiles in our home which stay cool.

Mom it is too hot for posing for pictures!

It is even too warm to play ball!

Mom bought me a bone a while ago and Molly’s Mom gave her a tip about re-filling it.  Wash the empty bone in the dishwasher and then mix peanut butter and banana together and put it in the bone and freeze it.  So Mom had a go.

Here is it filled and waiting to be wrapped for the freezer.

And now frozen.

Mom gave me the bone on the hottest day so far and it was lovely and cool and yummy.


I took it outside in the sunshine and spent an hour getting the tasty centre out.

Mom says she will wash the bone again and re-fill it!

Woof, Treacle x

Flying Weeks!


Despite being up early every day and working for lots of those hours I am still trying to catch up.  I don’t know where the weeks are flying to!  We are away on vacation from August 3rd so am trying to catch up on work and home jobs before then.

It doesn’t help that today and the rest of this week we have high temperatures, not like some I know, but hot for us!!!!  Tonight they have forecast thunder storms but it won’t make it any cooler!!!  I have a basket of ironing to do so may get up really early when it is a little cooler to do that!!!!

The children finished for the summer last Friday and although our Boys are not now at school it still feels like it is not summer until the children finish school!  DH and I had some errands to run in Nottingham on Friday last and it was quiet so we got round quickly, I suspect it won’t be now!!!  We also got to see his two Cousins for lunch which was great, catching up on everyone’s news.  We also have a new edition in the family at the end of the year as Elaine’s daughter is expecting again, a little girl.  She is actually due on Youngest’s Birthday but of course that probably won’t happen.

As it is so warm and Youngest is going to be looking after Treacle whilst we are away, she is going for a spa day tomorrow!  I have actually managed to time it right for once as it is so warm at the moment!  She will be with you tomorrow for her Wednesday Wag.

I have had a few new Followers over the last few weeks, so I wanted to say Welcome and thanks for Following.  Also to Sue and Susan, all their lovely comments make me smile and make my day so thank you.  Welcome to Susie’s World.

I will try and get the Friday Book Club up for this week, sorry it is late but as I say it has been manic here!!!! 

I am off now to get dinner ready and I think, because of the heat, it will be salad and cold meats or possibly spaghetti bolognese!!  I hope your Tuesday is going well.

Hugs, Susie xx

A Little Bit of Quilting.

I got a bit of quilting done last night.  Really quick and easy bag for Youngest’s Girlfriend, whose Birthday is next week.  She is actually going away at the weekend on holiday with her family, so I thought the bag might be useful!

It is an MSQC bag from one of Jenny Doan’s tutorials on You Tube.  I have made a few of these, including for myself, and I found it the right size for most jobs!

The inside of the bag, below.

I had a few squares left over and made her a bag to go in the bag!!!

I have one of these in my bag with bits and pieces in and it manages to keep my bag tidy.

I used navy blue as that is her favourite colour.

I can show you these as she does not read my blog.

I love these quick little projects as you get to quilt but they are quick finishes.  I do hope she likes them.

House jobs day today as well as work and tomorrow DH and I have a few errands to run and we are also going to see two of DH’s cousins for lunch and then in the evening we are out for dinner at some friends of ours, so am looking forward to a fun day.

Saturday the weather is set for heavy rain so DH and I can get some jobs done in our home and then Sunday the weather is supposed to be sunny and warm so we can get the garden in tip top shape before we go away on vacation.

Happy Thursday everyone.

Hugs, Susie xx

The Wednesday Wag!

It has been a busy few weeks and it has also been very warm so, being outside in the fresh air all day, I do need my beauty sleep at night!!!!

Here I am enjoying the sunshine and Mom was busy with her plants.  I get a tummy tickle every time she walks past!!!!

Mom’s plants in her pots are doing well this year and she has managed to stop the slugs eating them all.

Evening now so I am in my basket by Mom’s desk for a quick snooze before bed!  It’s a hard life being an Airedale you know!

Hope you are having a very Woofy Happy Wednesday!

Treacle x

Busy as Bees!

I think I have actually met myself coming back these last few weeks.  It is always the same at this time of year.  We have been busy work wise which is great, but then it was Carnival, then busy with the Swimming Club as well as all the normal things that we do in the week with home etc!!!!!!  So sorry it has been a while since I posted anything, as it is I have a few things to show you.

Last Tuesday I went with Tangent to a very good friend of ours home, Chris & Anne, who keep honey Bees and Chris gave us a talk about them.  We saw the hives and then he showed us how they extract the honey from the combs.  The Bees are fascinating creatures and the honey was lovely.  You might not think that is a strange comment but for me it is because I hate honey, however this honey tasted really nice!!!!!

One of the hives under their apple tree.

The trays in the box where the bees make the combs and store the honey.

The perfectly made combs.

The comb ready for the wax to be taken off to get to the honey inside.

The comb in the centrifuge,  Two go in at a time to be spun.

Hand spinning to get the honey out, a two person job!!!!

The wax off the combs, which can then be used to polish your furniture!

The wax melted into a tub ready for use.

The combs are now empty and ready to go back for the bees to fill them again.

The honey from the centrifuge being strained.

Here is the honey ready to be poured into warm jars and sealed.

The honey is only collected for a short period of time in the summer and then the rest is left for the bees over the winter and suplimented by sugar water to ensure that the hive is healthy and happy.

We had a great evening, everyone had brought a dish to share and it was good to catch up with everyone. 

I know I missed Book Club last Friday so it will be on this Friday.  Sorry I have not been posting but it has been really hectic here!!!

Hugs, Susie xx