Monthly Archives: October 2016


Bugbear Number 1.  As the nights are drawing in and driving around a lot more with car lights on you come across cyclists who are dressed all in black with no reflective wear and no lights on their bikes!!!!!  Really?

Bugbear Number 2.  When out and about the last few weeks, I have had to run some errands and the car park I park in has six floors and despite arriving at 8.00am I have been on the fifth floor every time, with ten flights of stairs to get down to the bottom!!!!! Really?  What time does everyone else get there?

Bugbear Number 3.  That all my favourite TV shows are finishing and several new shows which have started recently are either boring (Westworld), weird (Hunters), or stressful (Exorcist)!  Really?  I watch TV with one eye whilst getting through the mountains of ironing so I am now going to have to find other things but it is slim pickins!!!!!!

Bugbear Number 4.  Hormonal teenagers!!!!!!!!

We have had another hectic week but it is going to be like this from now until Christmas!!! But I am trying to remember to stop and smell the roses too otherwise I seem to end up rushing from one thing to next and missing things!!!!!  Well its a plan!!

I hope your Thursday is going well!!!  Its Friday tomorrow!!!!!  But of course before we look it will be Monday again!!!!!

Autumn Hugs, Susie xx

Who doesn’t love a Disney Halloween!!

The Wednesday Wag!

I don’t know if I am coming or going this week!  Everyone has been in and out at different times of the day and night!!!  I get breakfast at 5.00am on one day and then at 7.00am on another!  Dinner can be at 6.00pm but this week it has been as late as 7.30pm! 

You would think that as the nights are getting darker earlier then my hoomans would be at home and catering to my every need, but oh no they are all out and about!  Youngest was supposed to be around this week as it is half term (whatever that is) but he has been in and out.  Mom is busy with work and house jobs and trying to get things organised and Dad is off to work at all times of the day and night and returns at odd hours too!  They are very strange my family.

Eldest came round at the weekend to see us all but again Dad was out (!) but Mom had a great time catching up on all his news and he played ball with me for a while and gave me an extra biscuit!  I don’t think Mom saw!!!!!!

The weather is weird as well.  Yesterday was really cold but today was really nice again and I have been in the garden!  Although Mom says that they are forecasting really cold weather from next week and even snow by the middle of next month!!!!!  Can’t wait, I love snow!

Anyway hopefully the weekend will be a little quieter as it is Dad’s Birthday on Saturday and Mom is doing a special dinner for him and the rest of our gang and I can’t wait to have everyone here. 

I hope you are having a Happy Woofy Wednesday.


The best place for me to keep an eye on all the comings and goings!


For Throw Back Thursday and as I was sorting out pictures on the computer and we are getting near Halloween. here are my two monsters ready for Trick or Treating!  Now I think it could be said that this was their own handy work at sorting out the costumes, so we have a devil in a spooky cape (!) and Darth Vader with mittens! 

Also Bonfire Night is coming up soon as well and here they are with sparklers in the garden when we were letting fireworks off!  Both the pictures are eleven years ago now and although that doesn’t sound like a long time ago they both look so different now, amazing what happens in eleven years.

I hope you are having a thrilling Thursday, Friday tomorrow!

Hugs, Susie xx

The Wednesday Wag!

Mom was sorting out the pictures the other day on the computer and found this one in my folder and it is her most favourite one of when I was a baby!!!!  Mom loves it!

The weather is cold and windy so I am indoors more now and loving my basket at the moment, Mom says I am being a lazy girl but I think you have to take it easy and be laid back when the weather is like this!

I hope you are having a wonderful Woofy Wednesday.


Tuesday Thunking!

I found myself today trying to sort out the many, many jobs, activities, and necessary things which need doing in the next few months, especially in the run up to Christmas and I got to be like Winnie The Pooh so raveled up, I just didn’t accomplish anything!  Do you get days like that?

Anyhoo I am going to have to get out my notepad and start making lists again, it seems, to me, to be the only way I can keep things straight at the moment.  The action of writing the jobs down seems to clear the buffer in my brain so that I can then move forward.

More and more Christmas things are appearing (!) including an advert for Christmas 24 on the Movie channel on TV.  I was only half listening when it came on and they said only two weeks to go to Christmas!  What!  Have I been asleep for ten weeks and suddenly it’s Christmas?  No it is two weeks until they start showing Christmas movies twenty four hours a day for eight weeks!!!!!  Good grief Charlie Brown!!!! You just can’t avoid being swept up in the whole merchandising of it!!!!!

The more I see and hear about it, the more I want to stick my head in the sand to pretend it’s not happening.  There was a great quote on the TV show “The Middle” where Frankie was doing Christmas and she said “Christmas is like giving birth, you don’t remember the pain, so you can do it all again next time”!!!!! and she is so right! 

Treacle is in hibernation mode today as it is cold and very windy!  Alright for some!!!!!

She does occasionally move, mainly for food or when I insist that she needs a turn around the garden.

How is your Tuesday?

Hugs, Susie x

TV Stars! Well Almost!

DH and Youngest left at ridiculous o’clock yesterday morning to be on set for 7.30am in Liverpool for the filming of the new BBC drama Broken.  Their description is

BBC’s “Broken”

Father Michael, a Catholic priest presiding over a Northern urban parish who is Modern, maverick, and reassuringly flawed; must be confidante, counselor and confessor to a congregation struggling to reconcile its beliefs with the challenges of daily life

They were installed in the crew bus when they first arrived

Not too shabby!  This was next door though

This is Sean Bean’s motor-home!!! 

When they went off to do their scenes they were transported in a minibus, Mr Bean (!) in a Range Rover!!!!  So even in the great world of make believe there are the “Haves” and “Have Nots”!!!!!!!!!

DH’s call was not until after lunch (they had fish & chips, sticky toffee pudding and cheese and biscuits!!!!) and this was his costume

His character was a mortuary attendant and he looks suitably subdued!!!!!

So you may wonder what exciting things they did on set?  Nothing! They hung around for the whole day and went to set and they did nothing!!!!!!!  However they do get paid for being there all day!!!! No wonder these programmes and films cost so much to make, paying people to be there and not use them and feeding them!!!!! 

They got home about 9.00pm but Youngest had enjoyed the experience and it has not put him off wanting to be an actor!  Let’s hope he will be the one with the Motor-home and Range Rover!!!!!

I ended up doing jobs all day and getting the ironing up to date as well, so was tired by the end of it!  Hopefully next week I will get to do some fun things.  However we did get quite a few jobs done in the garden on Saturday as it was lovely, so another job ticked off the list.

I hope you are having a marvelous Monday.

Hugs, Susie x

It’s Friday Folks! Really?

Yes, end of the week again and these weeks are flying by and I can’t keep pretending that Christmas is months ahead!  Every day you see another little reminder that that time of the year is fast approaching!  Youngest and I were driving home last night and he spotted some Christmas lights in a house!!!!????  Really this early?  Then the local farm shop sent out an email about getting ready for Christmas!  All the restaurants and pubs are promoting Christmas meals and the magazines are running articles about how to be fit and fab for the big day!  Really?


I remember when I was small and Christmas was done by my Mom and Grandma and they didn’t start even thinking about it until end of November, although my Grandmother had made the Christmas cakes and puddings before then, but that was all.  Now Christmas seems to last from the 1st of September until the beginning of December and then it is into the Sales.  Really?

Youngest has his first “Extra” acting part on Sunday (!) and this guy is in it!  I don’t know whether he will be there on Sunday but Youngest is really excited.  DH is playing taxi driver for the day, so the jobs which I have been trying to get finished for the past oh five weeks are going to be needed to be done on Saturday and of course Saturday night is a swimming competition (!) Really?

I am hoping to get lots done on the sewing front, well that’s the plan, especially as they are out on Sunday. Really?

Treacle is hoping that all the jobs don’t take too long and we won’t forget her lunchtime biscuit! Really?

Definition :

“Really” – “in actual fact, as opposed to what is said or imagined to be true or possible”

Hmm don’t think Really is the right word, now Maybe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you have a Fantastic Friday and a great Autumn Weekend.  Here the weather is supposed to be a little warmer again so Maybe we will get the last of the gardening jobs done too!!!!  Yeah right!!!!

Hugs, Susie x

Throwback Thursday!

These two pictures were taken in Hatchards, London eleven years ago!  The Boys were very good about what they asked for, for Birthdays and Christmas but whenever we were in a bookshop we always bought them books, whatever they wanted.  Doing this made them both great readers and like me they are never without a book now. 

Hatchards have been Booksellers since 1797 and it is the most wonderful store. 

As you can see the Boys were looking at books and Youngest even found a chair so he could sit down and look at all the books!  No one disturbed you and in fact you could have stayed and read the whole day. 

It brings back wonderful memories.

I hope you are having a Thrilling Thursday.

Hugs, Susie x


Well I didn’t get an hour of quilting in but I did spend an hour looking for inspiration for the two baby quilts I need to make.  I love the one above as it is simple but looks clean and of course this is for a boy but you could do brighter colours for a girl.  However you need to know what the baby is for a particular colour.

These colours to be scream baby and nursery and again a simple pattern but so cute.

I love this but my applique is not good enough yet but I keep practicing.

My eye is always drawn to the Boy quilts and I think this is because I have two Boys.  I find it hard shopping for girls clothes for friends who have girls, I always end up drifting towards the Boy’s section!!!!!!

I love this

SO much inspiration not enough time!!!!!  All the above have come from Pinterest and thanks to all the talented ladies who have made them and shared them with us.

Yesterday was really busy and this week is going to be the same!!!  Is there a shop anywhere that we can buy more time?  I have even been getting up earlier and going to bed later but I am still not getting everything done!!!!  I hope your Tuesday is going well.  It is cold here at the moment and definitely now Autumn!

Hugs, Susie x