My Favourite Films & TV Shows.

This page is going to be a work in progress!  I can put up my most favourite of films and TV shows now, these are ones that I can watch again and again as they are old friends and give me the feel good factor!!!  I hope some of you will like them and agree and if you have never seen them perhaps you would like to give them a go.


TV Shows

No surprise to anyone who reads my blog that this is my all time favourite show ever!  It can be a little scary but I think it is one of the best written/directed/acted shows ever to be on TV.

A very close second to The X Files is Bones.  I have read all of Kathy Reichs books and loved them all and always get her new books as soon as they are out, so when this show started it was a must and it did not disappoint.

You can probably tell by now that I like things that are slightly off the wall and that is definitely Grimm but again it is well written and good entertainment. 

You may have also realised that I am a SyFy nut so loved A Town Called Eureka which is not strictly SyFy but there again not completey normal either!

Dad’s Army!

This began on our TV Screens in 1968 until 1977 and was about the Home Guard in Britain during WWII and was a thirty minute situation comedy.  It began in black and white and then moved to colour and was also on the radio.  It ran for nine series and 80 episodes.  It is still shown once a week now on BBC2 and has definitely stood the test of time and I love it.  In fact it is also one of our Boys favourites too and they have all episodes on DVD.

It is a very gentle comedy and gives modern viewers a glimpse into a gentler time albeit during a hard time in history.  If you ever get chance to watch an episode have a look and see what you think.

I was late to the party with “Suits”, however that means that I can watch all the series and not have to wait for the next one to be released, thank you Netflix!!!!  It has been great to watch when I have been ironing the mountains of washing I seem to be getting!!  I didn’t know I was running a huge laundry operation!!!!  Anyway if you have not had chance to see this show do, it is funny and moves well during the episodes and if you like fashion the clothes are great!!!!

I watched Game of Thrones as each season came on but as there was sometimes a year between the seasons I did get a bit lost but now that you can watch it continuously it does flow better, although I still think the ending was not good.  I am not going to say what just in case you haven’t seen it but it is really good if you like fantasy shows. 


Star Trek the TV series had to feature here as I just love them, not all of them, but the ones here.  The original Star Trek which I watched with my Dad and then The Next Generation, Voyager, Discovery and Picard.





This section is definitely going to take some time to build but When Harry Met Sally is definitely in there as one of my most favourite films ever I just loved the writing and the whole 1980’s feel.  In fact it screams 1980’s.

So with that being said You’ve Got Mail had to be in there too.  I mean it is about bookshops and romance and yes I know it is another Meg Ryan film but I just loved it and is equal to When Harry Met Sally. 

A huge favourite of mine as a child, I loved the story and especially the travelling brass bed.  I bought a brass bed but it was dreadfully uncomfortable, especially when reading leaning against the brass bars so got rid of it!!!!  I still love this film today. 

The original film is always the best and I love the first Pirates of the Caribbean. 

All the Harry Potter Films.  I can watch these again and again and not get bored!!!  I think the one I like besides the first one, is The Prisoner of Azkaban but I really like them all!!!

As the Star Trek TV shows are here, so are the films.  I even like the new versions of Star Trek although I know they have been criticised, I liked them!!!!

Star Wars is another matter.  I loved the original films, which I watched with my Dad again, but was not very keen on the new first three and I am not a fan of the new ones!!! 

The Marvel Movies!  Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, Ant Man, Dr Strange, Captain Marvel, Captain America, Black Widow.  Love them.  Definitely a Sci Fi Nut!!!!!



I will be thinking of some of my other favourites so it you want to check back soon you may find some more have been added.

Hugs, Susie xx