Monthly Archives: May 2015

How Rude The French Are!

Just watching play at the French Open and the next match on court is Gilles Simon against Stan Wawrinka. 

Gilles walked onto court to cheers and applause and when Stan was announced the crowd were booing him!

The French call the British rude but that behaviour is appalling.

Grow up and be Civilised you French, not like Peasants!

Susie !

A Book Challenge For The Summer!

Came across this challenge, which has run for a few year’s now, on Pinterest.  Read 12 books in four months in various categories.  It is the brainchild of Megan at Semi-Charmed Kind of Life Blog (link above).  Here are the Rules from Megan’s Blog :

General rules:

  • The challenge will run from May 1, 2015, to August 31, 2015. No books that are started before 12 a.m. on May 1 or finished after 11:59 p.m. on August 31 will count.
  • Each book must be at least 200 pages long. Audiobooks and large-print books are fine, as long as the regular print versions meets this length requirement.
  • A book can only be used for one category, and each category can only be completed once. If you want to switch the category of a book during a later check-in, that’s fine, just be sure to account for that in your point total.
  • Rereads can be used for a maximum of three books in the challenge. This rule is meant to encourage you to try new books while still allowing you to revisit books from your childhood or young adulthood that you might get more out of now. Please reread the entire book within the timeframe of the challenge in order to count it; no simply finishing old books or partial rereads.
  • The highest possible total is 200 points, and the first five people who finish the challenge will be invited to contribute a category for the next challenge.

And now for the exciting part: the challenge categories!

5 points: Freebie! Read any book that fits the general rules.

10 points: Read a book you have never heard of before. (Just go to a shelf and pick a book based on the cover, the title, whatever you want!)
10 points: Read a book that has been on your TBR list for at least two years. (If you’ve had a Goodreads account for 2+ years, this will be easy to figure out. If you don’t, do your best to pick a book you’re pretty sure you’ve been wanting to read for years.)
10 points: Read a book that won a Goodreads “Best Book” award in 2014.
15 points: Read a book by an author who is completely new to you.
15 points: 
Read a book by an author you have read before. (No re-reads for this one.)

15 points: Read a book with “light” or “dark” in the title. (Or “lightness” or “darkness.”)
20 points: Read a book with the name of a city, state or country in the title. Edited to add: The place must be real, either current or historical, but not fictional.
20 points: Read a book with an animal on the cover.
25 points: Read a book that is part of a series with at least four books.
25 points: Read a book that is longer than 500 pages long. — Submitted by winter finisher Kristen from See You in a Porridge.
30 points: Read a book with an alliterative title. (All words in the title must begin with the same letter; no exceptions for articles or prepositions. Examples: Gone Girl or Nicholas Nickleby. Yes, this is tough, which is why it’s worth the most points!)

How to keep track: Megan will publish a check-in post on the first day of each month, beginning June 1, on which you can comment with your progress. I will also include the scoreboard from the previous month on each check-in post.

You know how much I love to read so I am going to attempt this, although I am almost a month behind!!!!  However the book I am reading at the moment can work for the 5 Points!!  I am sure that some people will complete the challenge in a month or two months but I will probably end up taking the whole four months but at the end of the day I win because I will have read twelve books!!!!  Not a loss for me!!!  However I will have to do this along with my quilting, I won’t be giving that up!!!!  If you would like to have a go, go to Megan’s blog and let her know you are having a go.

I will do another post on the books I have chosen to read!

Hugs, Susie x

Thursday Things!

The new Baby Quilt.  Dreadful picture but it was taken at 2.30am when I had just ironed it out of the dryer!

A closer look at the quilting.

I managed to get it finished as yesterday was the Mom-To-Be’s last day at work, so I wanted to make sure she had the quilt for her to take home.  I am really pleased with how it turned out.

Here is Mom-To-Be, Donna, with a better picture of the quilt.

The back of the quilt with the quilting.

Donna loved the quilt.

I still have two super secret quilts to do and I now need to get Youngest’s quilt quilted and Eldest’s quilt quilted!!!!  First I have to sandwich them both and I will have to crawl around on the floor to pin them!!!!!!  Perhaps one evening at the weekend!

Today is house job day and then get some business work finished.  Tomorrow Eldest and Girlfriend are coming round for family dinner which will be great to see them.  Then the weekend is a long weekend for us in the UK again so DH and I are determined to get the Spring cleaning finished and hopefully get the garden tidied too, if the weather co-operates of course!!!!

I hope you are having a thrilling Thursday.

Hugs, Susie x

The Wednesday Wag!

Mom, I thought it was supposed to be Spring?            It is Treacle, why?

Because it is very cold and raining constantly!             Well that is the thing about living here in England, it can be cold and very wet even in May!

Please can I go out and play now?         Not yet Treacle it is still raining!

Okay I will just have to play inside today!

Right first will be my tennis ball!

Oh look the TV is on, anything good on Mom?

Treacle you are as bad as The Boys for watching TV!!!!!!!

Okay I think I will now have a quick snooze before my Lunchtime biscuit! 

Hope you are having a Woofy Wednesday, Treacle



It has been raining all day today, much to Treacle’s disgust!!!!  Do you remember that old song “rainy days and Mondays always get me down”?  Yes well that’s today!!!!!

We got some of the rest of the Spring cleaning done but have still the two worst jobs to do (!) the kitchen and den, which is our office!!!!  I am determined that I am going to sort things out and streamline things so it isn’t such a big job!!!!

Tonight I am going to be doing this, which will cheer me up.  Over the last few days I have had a vague headache which tablets don’t seem to touch!  I am hoping it will go soon.  I hope your Monday has been better.

Hugs, Susie x

I love this picture of Snoopy quilting!

It’s Friday!

Yep it’s Friday!!  However it will soon be Monday, so make the most of the weekend!!!!!

I have only just got around to reading the Blogs I folow and I found a post from one of the Blogs, Madame Samm, who also hosts the Blog Hops! It is all about how she fits so much into her day and how to use your time better!  Especially her 23 Minute Rule!  Go check it out, I am going to give it a go!

You can find the advice here :

I love to learn from other people’s experiences and things they have found that work for them.  Last year I read about writing down three goods things about the day and I have been doing that and I have found it really helps. 

Today has also been a good day for work and things going well so I am riding the wave and hoping to carry it on through the weekend and get my jobs done!!!!!

Treacle has spent the day running in and out to the garden, as it has been a bit warmer today.  Although she did come in earlier and had obviously been under all the bushes and her coat was full of bits of leaves and blossom!!!!  So later she will be having a brush!!!!

I hope everyone has a lovely sunny Spring weekend.

Hugs, Susie x

A Good Day!

I have had a really good few days!  Work wise, house wise, washing wise!!!! May sound daft but you know when the stars align and suddenly everything seems to go well and you are not doing anything different to last week, but this week is going well.  All I can say is I hope it continues!!!!!!

Still have a lot of things to do but if it stays like it has over the last few days, then I should get everything done well.


A friend sent me this picture she found on the web!!!!  A truck full of Baby Airedales!!!!!!  Now if this was Treacle she would be out of that truck in a flash!!!!  I haven’t shown her the picture, she gets jealous!!!!!

I set off to collect Youngest from school this afternoon and found this on the road we use!!!!!  Good job I had set off early so I could go the main road way and made it in time.

Uncle John Celebrating his 90th Birthday

Sadly DH’s Uncle, John Maltby Parr, passed away this morning aged 92.  He had been in hospital for a little while but had been back at his Retirement Home and passed away in his sleep.  We shall all miss him.

I hope you are having a Thrilling Thursday.

Hugs, Susie x

The Wednesday Wag!

I celebrated by Seventh Birthday on Saturday!  My actual Birthday is May 5th but it was a work day, so Mom said we should celebrate at the weekend.

Youngest was swimming and as he does not eat before he swims and it had been a good day, Mom took him to McDonalds as a treat and they bought me some chicken nuggets and chips for my Birthday.  They were wonderful!!!!!!

Youngest and I spent the rest of the day playing. 

My most favourite pastime at the moment is snuggling with Mom when she is in bed reading!!!!  I love snuggles!!!!

Today is sunny here and a bit warmer so I have been out playing in the garden!!!  I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday

Woof, Treacle

Wonderful Time!

Girlfriend’s Mom and I had a wonderful day at the Spa last Friday and I can honestly say I could get use to that Lifestyle!!!!!  I would quite happily go every Friday to the Spa for the day!!!!!!!!

At the weekend DH and I were busy with Youngest with swimming commitments.  Saturday evening was a gala for the Club and all day Sunday was a swimming open and Youngest finished at lunchtime.  DH had taken him and was timekeeping in the morning but they were so short of officials they asked him to stay until the end, so I had to fetch Youngest.  I was hoping to get some more rooms finished spring cleaned but I wasn’t able to, so this coming weekend is going to be reallllllllly busy!!!!!

Treacle is now all better after banging her leg and is not limping anymore but is missing all the extra attention she was getting!

The V E Day Commemoration celebrations were amazing and it was lovely to remember all those who made our country safe.

This week has been really busy with work and I feel is if I am running to just stand still at the moment!!!!!  I hope your Tuesday is going well.

Hugs, Susie x